First time out of the vault

Risewild said:The main villain had no real motivation or reason to do what they do (you can even ask the Institute director why are they doing bad things and the answer is "you wouldn't understand")...
If we're not talking about the quality of the game, but the damage it did to the franchise, I think there's actually a cohesive argument to be made that the real answer is Tactics. I loved it, but taking a step back, look at it-- it's where the stewards of the franchise decided turn based combat and a strong social aspect simply weren't integral parts of a Fallout game, and a lot of the more regrettable deviations from the originals-- the action focus, the M.O. of the Brotherhood, the minimalization of choice and consequence, the turning up of the dial on the vault experiments from "subtle" to "comic book mad scientist," even the aesthetics-- describe a trajectory that runs straight through the Bethsoft era.
They've never said so outright, but I've long been convinced that Tactics was a big part of what made Todd and co. decide that the Fallout license would be a good fit for their style. Take one look at the muties and the power armor and tell me Bethsoft weren't taking heavy cues from the game when they were establishing their notions of the series.
I think Tactics is what got it cemented in Bethesda's mind that the Brotherhood was the coolest thing ever. Not that the Brotherhood is lame or something, but 3 onward with the exception of NV almost seem like they assume the player loves the Brotherhood and wants to help them, or has to help them in 3's case.
None of them had a worse impact on Fallout than Oblivion. Yeah, every design choice in the Bethesda Fallouts were birthed in Oblivion. The shallow RPG elements, the meaningless exploration, the terrible location placement, essential npcs that can't die, awful writing, the worst level scaling known to man, copy and pasted dungeons and caves and so many other tropes in the Bethesda Fallouts come from Oblivion. It's patient zero for the state of current Bethesda.
People like to say Oblivion and Fallout 3 still try to be RPGs but i see it as the start of both series starting to lose their RPG roots. Because they removed a lot from the previous games in their respective series but left enough to give the impressio'n that Bethesda was trying to still make RPGs. But it was actually Bethesda removing stuff and seeing how much they could get away with. That's why each following installment just removed more and more.