I liked parts of the story such as the Super Mutants army and Vault Tec having its own Vault (which makes sense)
I can even see some BOS members deciding to follow up on the Super Mutants after the death of the Master and the destruction of Mariposa base, if just monitoring them.
Interesting note is that unlike the manual the game never mentioned that Vault Tec had FEV (though they were genetically modifying creatures which was a bit out of place). Rather Vault Tec's scientists sought to create a cure for mutation induced sterility.
(if I ever would make a mod using elements from FOBOS these would be it)
But for the rest this game was pretty stupid, a lot of the design (though I like the Vault Tec robots and turrets) such as the characters, the stupid weapons (basically the nonsense of Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 weapons started here), the stupid dialogue (example: The Ghoul 'balls' dialogue), the bad art design, and so much other stuff.
It was a lazy cash grab to make money on the Fallout brand.