First time out of the vault

So I just got done playing Fallout 3 and I have to say, I don't get why people think it's so great. First of all, there's no capacity for roleplaying. All of your choices either don't matter or get wiped away. Prime example is that quest everyone mentions, Power of the Atom. Disarm the nuke and live in the corrugated metal death shack that Lucas Simms dares to call a "house". Nuke the shithole and get a place with running water. Hard choice, I know. And if you do nuke it, your father mentions it; too bad he just slaps you on the wrist. ROOOOOOOOLEPLAAAAYYYYY.
Can we talk about the aesthetic? Trash everywhere does not = Fallout. This game supposedly takes place years after Fallout 2, a game in which people were starting to build adobe houses; and you can't be fucking bothered to sweep up the rubble everywhere? Part of this is admittedly due to the setting, which is urban Washington DC...
Let's get something straight.
*exhales slowly*
Fallout has always been a Western. Let's just admit that. It's a series about people resettling a harsh frontier, and beginning again. It is not "HAHA bombed out buildings, am I right fellow gamurz?! NUKES YOU CAN LAUNCH FROM A GLORIFIED SLINGSHOT!! FEV! MUTANTS! LOLOLOLOLOLL" and I'm starting to think that anyone who believes that it is, and enjoys this game, is a lobotomite.
And let's talk about the shit gameplay. No real iron sights, for one thing.
It's a fucking shooter, for another. Next.
And what about character background? Leaving the vault? AGAIN? Jesus fuck good grief, try something new!! New Vegas did this with the ambiguous Courier; why the Hell am I forced to be a goody two shoes Christian vault dweller? Which leads me to my last point, roleplaying. All you can be is good. If you're bad, the game seems to punish you, with ending slides calling you a monster even if you sacrifice yourself for humanity. No unique endings or chance for a "Red Dead Redemption" here, folks, just a fuckin' middle finger to the player with one of three generic endings, the neutral one of which NOT EVEN COMMENTING ON YOUR ACTIONS. And factions? PFFFT. BoS and Enclave. Roleplay as a BoS paladin and install Broken Steel, fucko, because Fallout is all about those wacky metallic monks. What will they do next, amirite? Oh, and the VA isn't very conducive to roleplay, because every fucking character hams it up, and sounds like they jumped out of an episode of Leave It to Beaver.
In conclusion, 3 is terrible, and I can't see why so many people like it.
the main problem about your choice being wiped away was because of broken steel DLC allowing you to play infinitely longer then anticipated. A lot of your choices do matter but only to the player really they don't really matter in the game world besides maybe disarming the Atom bomb in megaton or blowing it up or enslaving people for money which seem to effect the game world in a few ways. but not enough.
i didn't really have a problem with the mutants in fallout 3, sure they aren't as developed as the west coast mutants but that's kind of the point. their dumb-dumbs gen 2 super mutants or whatever made/bred in a vault. Though somehow they have the concept to "make more" rather then being a dying breed which i thought would of been better but oh well.
the Fatman? It's just a weapon in the game to fight behemoths with. i don't see a problem here.
You can still enjoy the game, exploration, weapons, etc.
I feel like the whole no iron sights debate is silly, your a kid who just left the vault so you wouldn't know how to properly use a weapons that are heavier then a bb gun. so shooting will of course be far more difficult.
"it's a fucking shooter"
well yeah so is new vegas. their all shooters in one way or another. doesn't mean their not RPGs though.