Why do Super Mutants, Ghouls, and Humans look better in Fallout 1 than Fallout 4?

Are there fat NPCs though? I'm not interested in the protagonist.
The chick in V111 in the intro, like I said. There also should be another one fat vault... dweller... But I never looked specifically for it.
The chick in V111 in the intro, like I said. There also should be another one fat vault... dweller... But I never looked specifically for it.

I'll just have to take your word for it . Apparently a milestone for Bethesda.
I'll just have to take your word for it . Apparently a milestone for Bethesda.
There was a fat dwemer in Morrowind. Not a milestone. See Bethesda doesn't improve the only milestones for Bethesda are massive declines in quality from title to title.
Alright, alright, the real reason is that's the game is working with so-called leveled lists of inventory items. You'll get armor pieces adjusted to your level. High level? Enjoy your X-01 in a grandpa's closet.
Yeah ... this is such a shitty design ... the first moment I read about it, I thought, what? Havn't they learned anything from Oblivion and this random loot that was tied to your level?
One of the great motivations for me, in Morrowind, was to get out there and actually look for awesome and unique items. Finding random crap is alright, but you also want that thrill and excitement when you find actually something powerfull. Neither Oblivion nor Skyrim ever gave me the same feeling. Everyhting is neatly tied to your level. Which also means, that rewards you get for something you've accomplished become meaningless. Oh, hey! You saved our town and you're the ultimate hero for slaying this Dragon ... here ... take this shield-helmet thingy of awesomness that was lieing around in our back yard for the last bazillion years, it's probably powerfull or something.

And that's something I hate so much about recent Bethesda games. Seriously, they should have taken some lessons from Diablo 2. Diablo 2 throws thousands of random crap at you, yet the quests are actually fun! The rewards actually matter and actually motivate you to do the quests. Or at least some. Because the designers knew, if they just give you some random crap item that you won't use anyway, it will become meanginless. Because you DO already get all the time a lot of crap items which are for the most part meaningless! So they gave you instead something unique. Something that you can't get from killing monsters. Like a permanent boost to your stats, a level up, or something that was very important to the plot and somewhat usefull to you as player, like the Horadric Cube that gave you the ability to craft items.

It seems like the X-01 in Fallout 4 is just like your Daedric armor of Oblivion.
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While I like the maquette for the FO1 Deathclaws (Something about that vaguely simian face is creepy), they're too humanoid for my tastes. That's a similar issue I had with Fallout 3's Mirelurk and Mirelurk kings. Fallout 4's dinosaur-like Deathclaws look the best imo, minus the exaggerated horns and raptor talons. Some of the variants remedy the issue with the horns.

As for the topic at hand, Supermutants in Fallout 4 do look pretty lame. I liked them better in 12,3 and New Vegas where they had the badass scrap-metal armor and those goofy straps on their faces that gave them a perpetual snarl. Feral ghouls look legitimately creepy to me, with the glowing eyes and the gurgling noise they make. The normal ghouls however....just look like bald people missing noses. They looked better in in the classics, 3 and NV imo. I know it's a rather unpopular opinion, but I actually like most of Bethesda's redesigns. It's all subject to personal taste in the end, I suppose.
While I like the maquette for the FO1 Deathclaws (Something about that vaguely simian face is creepy), they're too humanoid for my tastes.
As I recall... Deathclaws are a genetic blending of Jackson Chameleon, Ape, and other animal DNA. They are a designer bio-infantry animal; meant to be let loose on the battle field to tenderize the opposition.
I'm aware that they're pre-war creatures mostly bred from reptile DNA as well as some other animals, but I never remember apes being one of the components. Source?
Good question. I've looked for it [again] over the years, but haven't found it again. I checked the FO:bibles with no luck.
I assume that it was either in an interview, or possibly somewhere in a FO1 dialog.

Without a concrete source, one has to take it as opinion; but I would not have mentioned it ~here of all places, if I didn't recall once reading about it somewhere.
I always thought Deathclaw genetics was Jackson Chameleon, snake(or some other reptile for that forked tongue of theirs), and their ridiculously high intelligence for a reptile. They seem to understand threats, Ambush points, mimicry of victim voices to lure in others, it tells me that they're somewhat...simian, or even worse, HUMAN genetics (the five digits on their hands is a good possible sign).