Why do you like NMA?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
I'm sure we all have our reasons and some are a little more than obvious. Because most of us love the Fallout series (especially the first two and New Vegas) but I wanna know why or what are the other reasons why you like NMA. I like it here because the community is neither too liberal or too conservative at least in political issues, I like it here because most of you guys are alright in my book and things are generally laissez faire and it generally has a much more cooler atmosphere to which I think it's a good way to run the site, and lastly I like the threads because most of em give me a lot to think about and a lot of things to do. Even in the way of modding to which I'm still figuring out how to mod Fallout 2 without issues. But tell me, why do you like NMA?
I got Fallout I believe in 2000 and after playing it I was intrigued with theories on some of the parts of the world and things I may have missed. I first read the guide (by Per Jorner) to and found out there were lots of Easter eggs I wasn't aware of and even a few small quests. I then asked a few questions in "Fallout General Discussion" and took part in others threads.

Years went by and I continued visiting NMA for the resources and discussion of consecutive released titles. I slowly started reading and posting in the non-game related sections.

Years went by and I felt (and feel) that I'm friends with everyone here. Even better the quality of people here (in width and depth of knowledge) is MUCH greater than your average forum and there's lots of interesting things to discuss. I suspect that the original game was so well-crafted it attracted and kept the fans who knew how to appreciate it the most whom are special themselves.
I got Fallout I believe in 2000 and after playing it I was intrigued with theories on some of the parts of the world and things I may have missed. I first read the guide (by Per Jorner) to and found out there were lots of Easter eggs I wasn't aware of and even a few small quests. I then asked a few questions in "Fallout General Discussion" and took part in others threads.

Years went by and I continued visiting NMA for the resources and discussion of consecutive released titles. I slowly started reading and posting in the non-game related sections.

Years went by and I felt (and feel) that I'm friends with everyone here. Even better the quality of people here (in width and depth of knowledge) is MUCH greater than your average forum and there's lots of interesting things to discuss. I suspect that the original game was so well-crafted it attracted and kept the fans who knew how to appreciate it the most whom are special themselves.
I actually played Fallout 2 at a friend's house in 2001 when I was at least 3 years old. The memory is faint but it's there to say that I did play it before. And I liked it, took me a while to find Fallout on the internet when I took some interest into the series around 2011 but I found a copy of Fallout 1 and 2 and I got them. Loved em, and here I've been since.
I came here initially to see what the community was like after I seen the Beth forums talking about how NMA was such a "cesspool" so I decided to check it out to see if I could fit in.
Turns out I do(I think?) and I enjoy having conversations with the grumpy cynical fellow forum members like me. :D
Well I feel like I'm "at home" here, well I don't know a better way to word that. Here I don't have to worry about criticism being a "crime" and people kissing Bethesda's ass seeing them as a company that could do no wrong.
Our toxic reputation does seem to keep idiots away for the most part. This is one of the few forums I've found online that isn't overly infantile or bubblingly obnoxious.
Our toxic reputation does seem to keep idiots away for the most part. This is one of the few forums I've found online that isn't overly infantile or bubblingly obnoxious.
That actually is good. I just came here because of my interest in Interplay's Fallout. But I didn't start hearing about the negative reputation till after I joined. Now if I'm on any social media and people say NMA is a cesspool I'll be there to tell them there's a reason why we don't like bethesda and it'll be pretty obvious.
NMA is only a "cesspool" if people want to argue with other people over stupid things and can't handle a difference of opinion. Those people tend to reside wherever their confirmation bias is most reinforced.
Yes, that is very accurate. But still the unconfirmational bias and the truth still tend to beat out the confirmational bias.
I find NMA very agreeable. Over the years I have read posts here and enjoyed most of what has been written. I recently joined as there were things I felt that I could share and I am happy I did. What's not to like about a community that savors good games?
Yes, that is very accurate. But still the unconfirmational bias and the truth still tend to beat out the confirmational bias.

Fans of Fallout 3 can find a home here simply by not wanting to argue about it... I was like, the biggest Fallout 3 fan boy when I came here, now I run the site. Still love Fallout 3. I get shit for it occasionally but it's like... who cares, man.
You can have interesting and in-depth discussions about Fallout, without being burned down if you dislike Fo3-Fo4.
I don't care if people enjoy or even love Fallout 3, it's just when I get told how it's the best in the series and how the others are boring when compared to it. In other words don't try to shove your opinion down my throat and respect my decision to consider the first two Fallouts as my favorite just as I would respect your decision for your favorite Fallout game.