Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

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:::SILUS::: said:

Woah pal deep breaths, deep breaths it's just a game.
I never had an opinion on a crossbow in Fallout before, but now I definitely don't want one. Silus was very persuasive.
I think the most realistic crossbows I've ever seen in a game was in the Mount & Warband series, and if you've ever played one of those games you'll see why you're better off charging the enemy with a machete than trying to use a crossbow.

Highly inaccurate, takes forever to reload, can't move around while reloading, they don't kill people with one bolt unless you hit them in the head, etc.

Edit: Even people who hunt with crossbows in real life only do it for the extra challenge because it's harder.
Courier said:
I think the most realistic crossbows I've ever seen in a game was in the Mount & Warband series, and if you've ever played one of those games you'll see why you're better off charging the enemy with a machete than trying to use a crossbow.

Highly inaccurate, takes forever to reload, can't move around while reloading, they don't kill people with one bolt unless you hit them in the head, etc.

Edit: Even people who hunt with crossbows in real life only do it for the extra challenge because it's harder.

Read my whole post on the bottom of the page before.
Why would their be modern military crossbows? I thought you were talking about crossbows built in the wastes?

Even modern crossbows aren't really used as weapons, or have a very niche purpose. From wikipedia,

In the Americas, the Peruvian army (Ejército) equips some soldiers with crossbows and rope, to establish a zip-line in difficult terrain.[43] In Brazil the CIGS (Jungle Warfare Training Center) also trains soldiers in the use of crossbows.[44][45] In the United States, SAA International Ltd manufacture a 150 ft/lb crossbow-launched version of the U.S. Army type classified Launched Grappel Hook (LGH), amongst other mine countermeasure solutions designed for the middle-eastern theatre. It has been successfully evaluated in Cambodia and Bosnia.[46] It is used to probe for and detonate tripwire initiated mines and booby traps at up to 50 meters. The concept is similar to the LGH device originally only fired from a rifle, as a plastic retrieval line is attached.[47] Reusable up to 20 times, the line can be reeled back in without exposing oneself. The device is of particular use in tactical situations where noise discipline is important.[48]

In Asia, Chinese armed forces use crossbows at all unit levels from traffic police to the special force Snow Leopard Commando Unit of the People's Armed Police and the People's Liberation Army. One justification for this comes in the crossbow's ability to stop persons carrying explosives without risk of causing detonation.[54] Furthermore, during the Xinjiang riots of July 2009, crossbows were used alongside modern military hardware to quell protestors.[55] The Indian Navy's Marine Commando Force were equipped until the late 1980s with crossbows supplied with cyanide-tipped arrows, as an alternative to suppressed handguns.[56]

Zip-lines, stopping people carrying explosives, and "cyanide-tipped arrows". I'd imagine cyanide-tipped arrows aren't exactly easy to come by in the Mojave desert.

Even if there was a crossbow in the game, how the hell would your character know how to use it? You have to be pretty well trained to be able to know how to use a crossbow. The Courier probably doesn't even know what a crossbow is, let alone how to use one.

Don't believe me? If you've never used a crossbow before then please, by all means, go find one see if you can figure out how to load it without any sort of instructions or training, let alone fire it. :roll:

Edit: Honestly bows and atlatls make a lot more sense as tribal crafted weapons. The Legion already has guns so I don't know why they'd want to use anything else.
Well, if the Courier can't master a crossbow, I don't see how he/she would be able to master something like the Fat Man...without killing themselves.

Bro, you haven't read the whole post have you? About the zip-line thing n' all, and only Indians use cyanide. Green berets, CIGS, Spetsnaz, greeks, turks, chinese,....................assault, sniper, anti sniper crossbows.

And read the comment above this one for your "Courier can't use a crossbow because it's complex" comment.
Other people have access to Wiki too bro. Only a couple of them use them like that.

CIGS uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Chinese armed forces use crossbows at all unit levels from traffic police to the special force Snow Leopard Commando Unit of the People's Armed Police and the People's Liberation Army

Spetsnaz uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Green Berets uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Greece uses assault crossbows.

Turks use assault crossbows.

Barnett is one of the biggest manufacturers of military crossbows wich are often used as great sniper, counter sniper and ambushing weaponry.

Cyanide tipped crossbows were big with Indian marines as great silent killers.

And none of those people are located anywhere near Las Vegas. Also like I said, I'm sure cyanide-tipped crossbow bolts are real common in the Mojave desert. :roll:

Actually for that matter, where would you find ammunition for this unique crossbow? Crossbows are a very uncommon niche weapon, there aren't exactly crossbow bolts lying around all over the desert.
Courier said:
Other people have access to Wiki too bro. Only a couple of them use them like that.

CIGS uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Chinese armed forces use crossbows at all unit levels from traffic police to the special force Snow Leopard Commando Unit of the People's Armed Police and the People's Liberation Army

Spetsnaz uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Green Berets uses assault and sniper crossbows.

Greece uses assault crossbows.

Turks use assault crossbows.

Barnett is one of the biggest manufacturers of military crossbows wich are often used as great sniper, counter sniper and ambushing weaponry.

Cyanide tipped crossbows were big with Indian marines as great silent killers.

And none of those people are located anywhere near Las Vegas. Also like I said, I'm sure cyanide-tipped crossbow bolts are real common in the Mojave desert. :roll:

Actually for that matter, where would you find ammunition for this unique crossbow? Crossbows are a very uncommon niche weapon, there aren't exactly crossbow bolts lying around all over the desert.

Ok, i see the steam is running real low now, goodbye.
:::SILUS::: said:
And read the comment above this one for your "Courier can't use a crossbow because it's complex" comment.

Crossbows are not accurate weapons. If you aren't trained in their use, it's unlikely you'd be able to hit a target at anything other than point blank range.

:::SILUS::: said:
I see you're getting so thin that any further argument is useless, goodbye.

The fact that crossbow bolts aren't exactly common in the desert is "stretching the straws thin"? What exactly are you expecting to shoot out of this modern military crossbow that was in Las Vegas for some unknown reason and somehow survived 200 years?
Courier said:
And none of those people are located anywhere near Las Vegas. Also like I said, I'm sure cyanide-tipped crossbow bolts are real common in the Mojave desert. :roll:

Actually for that matter, where would you find ammunition for this unique crossbow? Crossbows are a very uncommon niche weapon, there aren't exactly crossbow bolts lying around all over the desert.

You don't need cyanide, there are plenty of poisonous alternatives in the Mojave. As for ammo, you could use metal to make bolts.
TheDidact said:
You don't need cyanide, there are plenty of poisonous alternatives in the Mojave. As for ammo, you could use metal to make bolts.


First of all a crossbow bolt has to be 100% straight for it to have any kind of accuracy, second of all I highly doubt a modern crossbow could shoot a homemade bolt without any problems. The chances of someone who's never even seen a crossbow making a bolt that will fit, won't shatter, and will shoot with any kind of accuracy? Effectively 0%. He'd probably get himself killed or seriously hurt once the bolt shattered.

Also by the way, most crossbows aren't silent, they're just quieter than guns. A crossbow going off in the woods sounds like a limb breaking.

And your average Joe Schmo can't reload a crossbow for shit without training, I don't care who you are.
Well excuse me for actually coming up with an idea. I guess I'll just go on back to the Mojave and have my character operate a Fat Man nuclear catapult or rocket launcher without any training. And be completely safe.
He knows he's lost! The nerve, and you say he is trolling, what he is doing is coming up with an intelligent argument that you can't counter, so you deem him a troll.
Mr Krepe said:
He knows he's lost! The nerve, and you say he is trolling, what he is doing is coming up with an intelligent argument that you can't counter, so you deem him a troll.

His main point is the complexity that goes into it, which is a valid point. But lots of things in New Vegas are complicated and yet nothing. I mean, my Courier can't learn to make a crossbow, make bolts, and use poison on them, but he can operate a rocket launcher with no problem and operate a giant, orbital laser o' death?
His main point is the complexity that goes into it, which is a valid point. But lots of things in New Vegas are complicated and yet nothing

I agree with The Courier that the crossbow is indeed a complex weapon, does take time to reload, and is really (really) hard to make bolts that are straight enough to actually work in a post-apoc crossbow. But, a weapon skill limit doesn't really stop you from using a gun, so the crossbow could just have a (whatever skill it uses) skill limit, but I don't think a skill limit would work like a real life skill limit, you dig?

Mr Krepe said:
His main point is the complexity that goes into it, which is a valid point. But lots of things in New Vegas are complicated and yet nothing

I agree with The Courier that the crossbow is indeed a complex weapon, does take time to reload, and is really (really) hard to make bolts that are straight enough to actually work in a post-apoc crossbow. But, a weapon skill limit doesn't really stop you from using a gun, so the crossbow could just have a (whatever skill it uses) skill limit, but I don't think a skill limit would work like a real life skill limit, you dig?

I suppose. But you know, I would at lease like the option.
Well the giant orbital laser of doom is just point and shoot once you activate. You do have a point that rocket launchers and the like are pretty complex to operate without training. The Fat Man is retarded at it's core anyway. I never said a crossbow would not fit, just that, first, it's not the silent dealer of instant death that some people (not just here) seem to think it is, and second, animating one properly is hell.

Also, that video is lol. That's not how you operate a crossbow. Like, at all. It takes much more time and strength to pull back the string, in some cases you need to crank it back, the PC in the video effortlessly does it one-handed. It takes much more aiming, a bolt is not a bullet, it drops pretty fast and doesn't always follow a straight line. It shows rifle iron sights being used, which are pretty worthless on a crossbow at anything but point blank range (50ish yards) since the bolt drops, you need a special sight or scope. And even the, you see clearly that having to stop and reload after every single shot puts you at a massive disadvantage compared to a gun. There's a reason only elite special forces use it; these guys train non-stop. Most inhabitants of the Mojave have other things to do.

And, scrap metal to make bolts? You guys better have a blast furnace with a perfectly bolt-shape imprint because otherwise your bolt is going everywhere but at it's intended target (then agan, this is a game where armor made of common metal can repair a ceramic-composed Power Armor with a perk). You need wood, which seems very scarce in the Mojave (but not in Zion, so the crossbow could have been a unique weapon in HH, would have fit the tribal theme good). For poison, yeah, there are alternatives to cyanide for sure; Cazador poison or somesuch. But they are all pretty difficult to find; no way you're going to risk hunting fast-moving Cazadores with a crossbow, it's suicide.
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