Why do you think a crossbow was never added?

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:::SILUS::: said:
Oh please. Are you really trying to state that there are people all around you making their own fully custom unique firearms? Don't make me laugh bro. 8-)

Just to mention, I live in England and my friend is making a rifle, i'm not even sure it's legal here, so yes, there tend to be a lot of people making random customised firearms.
That's a mod though, not in the original game, you were asking why it wasn't in the original game, so.....SIT DOWN!
I have that mod, and it's not it. The crossbow somehow reloads exactly like a rifle, with a clip underneath apparently. In fact, this is pretty much an hunting rifle, with a cosmetic string, different sound, and a variety of craftable bolts. So no arguments won.
Ilosar said:
I have that mod, and it's not it. The crossbow somehow reloads exactly like a rifle, with a clip underneath apparently. In fact, this is pretty much an hunting rifle, with a cosmetic string, different sound, and a variety of craftable bolts. So no arguments won.

If a modder can make it with that kind of quality, imagine what someone who knows what he's doing can.
You're not getting it, if it reloads like a clip instead of like a proper crossbow, it isn't really a proper crossbow, so why would it be easier for a game developer to do the rather long and boring animation for a crossbow?
And it would be like a MILES less powerful Tesla Cannon, having to reload it with every shot, only tha thsi one would do far less damage and have a smaller damage zone. The Single Shotgun aready covers that.
Walpknut said:
It covers the small magazine piece of crap gun slot.

Nice, bro.

:::SILUS::: said:
Why would it have to be long or boring?

Because even, a well trained specialist in crossbows would take about 5-8 seconds to reload the crossbow, that may not seem like long, but considering other weapons take 1-4 seconds to reload in the game, and that is after every 20 or so shots, imagine it every one shot!
The crossbow from Half Life 2 is a perfect post-apocalyptic junkyard crossbow.
It also rapes realism's face, who cares about that crap, anyway?
They could make it ike Vanhelsing's gas powered Crossbow. But then, why make soemthing as complicated as that when they can just make a gun that shots hot boogers at people or lasers? or anit tank bullets, or just a simple rifle round.
The Enclave 86 said:
A group of people with automated machinery and such with access to fully detailed schematics can; an average mainlander cannot create a gun.
Well if afghan people somewhere in the wastes can manage to make copies of rifles by more or less just looking at them without any advanced machines then I think it is not far away to assume that someone could make "weapons" like a crossbow out of junk.

After all there are people which managed to make those in a prison out of toilet paper I think ? don't remember the exact story but it was in mythbusters once and I think they proved that it could be lethal (if fired on a close target out of your cell for example).

We should never ever underestimate the ingenuity of the "common people" if the situation requires it. Of course it does not mean every schmock will suddenly turn in to Einstein just because he has to "survive". But there are enough individuals which proved to have what it takes to do survive and think about new ways.

I think in any scenario similar to Fallout a crossbow would be a weapon which people might think about. The advantage those weapons have are quite high. I mean the crossbow was even preferred to the usual bow because it was so simple to use (compared to it). So much that the church frowned it because suddenly a peasant was able to kill a well trained "knight" from his horseback.

I would assume that guns would still be the weapon with the highest value for obvious reasons. But crossbows would be not as rare as people think.
In that Mythbusters episode, Adam got a tour of the prison museum. It contained numerous weapons made by prisoners out of available parts. There were working firearms made out of plumbing parts. Human ingenuity should never be underestimated. There are professional gunsmiths working in America now, and they don't need large automated factories. Just a small, well equipped machine shop. They would be in the Fallout world as well. The capacity to make nearly any sort of weapons would be there. But, I'll stick to the 12.7mm SMG, anti-material rifle, etc.
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