Why don't supermutants carry heavy weapons?


First time out of the vault
Until F3, supermutants carry big guns and energy weapons. The ones in F3 however use... mostly hunting rifles. :? They are better off rushing with their fists.

With a mod, I've finally fought a supermutant carrying heavy weapons, and it was awesome. I shot him with a rocket, and he shot a rocket right back! That was insanely cool. Then he pulled out a flamer, and
I shat my pants. It was awesome. They are walking tanks and can blast like one.

Goddamn Bethesda ruined something awesome. Goddamn lame supermutants with hunting rifles.
Until F3, supermutants carry big guns and energy weapons. The ones in F3 however use... mostly hunting rifles. :? They are better off rushing with their fists.

With a mod, I've finally fought a supermutant carrying heavy weapons, and it was awesome. I shot him with a rocket, and he shot a rocket right back! That was insanely cool. Then he pulled out a flamer, and
I shat my pants. It was awesome. They are walking tanks and can blast like one.

Goddamn Bethesda ruined something awesome. Goddamn lame supermutants with hunting rifles.

They might have fixed that in the new one. I can't recall.
In FO3 they also use rocket launchers and miniguns and such, but yeah, earlyer games kindov establish that super mutants can't even operate tiny little guns like ordinary rifles and pistols

I loved the Browning M2 wielding super mutants in Tactics, they were so brutal... It would be difficult to translate to non-tactics FO games though, because of the pretty-much insta-kill effect it had.
I vaguely remember fighting a Mutant with a Flamer or a Minigun in Fo3 at on point, maybe they just start wih those dinky hunting rifles at lower levels. Then again, why the fuck would there be a Low Level Super Mutant in the first place?
Because you would have a hard time to recognize the game as a Fallout game if it didnt threw every possible Fallout reference in your face. I am surprised they didn't bother to make lvl1 enclave troopers roaming the wasteland. Albeit they become a common sight at some point in the story. Even if it makes absolutely no sense ... setting up camps all across the wasteland ... for ... reasons I guess? Yes! That must be it! They try to emulate the popular idea about the american lifestyle where you waste as much resources as you can on mundane stuff.
I honestly have no idea. It is just one of the many inconsistent visions of Bethesda's Fallout world.
...they do, they frequently carry miniguns.

1 in 50 supermutants. and miniguns aren't exactly scary. they are very inaccurate and relatively weak.

i'm talking heavy ordinance. rockets, flamers, m249s and m60s... a supermutant with one of these is terrifying and extremely lethal.

yet fallout 3 has made me think of supermutants as weak oafs lamely strafing while panicking to pull the hammer back on a single shot hunting rifle. lmaoooo.
...they do, they frequently carry miniguns.

1 in 50 supermutants. and miniguns aren't exactly scary. they are very inaccurate and relatively weak.

i'm talking heavy ordinance. rockets, flamers, m249s and m60s... a supermutant with one of these is terrifying and extremely lethal.

yet fallout 3 has made me think of supermutants as weak oafs lamely strafing while panicking to pull the hammer back on a single shot hunting rifle. lmaoooo.

They also carry rocket launchers and quite a few carry miniguns along with heavy hammers and such.
The ones that carry rocket launchers and miniguns don't spawn until you're higher level. Since Bethesda apparently doesn't want the player to have heavy weapons at low levels, is in love with the idea of level scaling enabling anybody to go anywhere at any level, and has the player going to downtown DC and fighting mutants in literally the first main quest after leaving the Vault, they kind of had to give something else to the rank and file.
The Super Mutants encountered at lower levels wield hunting rifles and those assault rifles based on the early H&K G3 designs.

Once again, this defies both lore and common sense. As someone pointed out earlier, the original games indeed understood mutants were freaks of nature that had to rely on large weaponry, because they were the only armaments the monsters could wrap their giant meathooks around.

Of course that made them all the more tougher and fearsome.
One of the main points of the Super Mutants was that they were inhuman. Their choice of armament was one of the ways it was reflected. As General Dekker very well put it: "From your lessons you should recall that super-mutants are genetically engineered soldiers that are strong, tough to kill and and can easily carry weapons most people would mount on assault vehicles". But they are not this in either Fallout 3 or fallout 4. This is why I don't consider them Super Mutants but orcs with guns.
One of the main points of the Super Mutants was that they were inhuman. Their choice of armament was one of the ways it was reflected. As General Dekker very well put it: "From your lessons you should recall that super-mutants are genetically engineered soldiers that are strong, tough to kill and and can easily carry weapons most people would mount on assault vehicles". But they are not this in either Fallout 3 or fallout 4. This is why I don't consider them Super Mutants but orcs with guns.

I love that, and the design of the super mutants in FOT surpasses their original design (flog me! D: ), those tiny little human faces in those bloated bodies

The first time I tried that mission (St. Louis) I didn't realize I was supposed to stay inside the damn APC the whole time, my entire team was obliterated on first contact with the brutish monsters, a rare and shocking experience!
That mission is still my favorite in FOT, and I will obviously clear the entire map (if you are very careful, you can get away from there with a full magazine of armor piercing M2 ammo - one of two places, afaik, where you get a big bulk of that ammo! The two guards right above the mine-ridden entrance carries it. Carefully snipe them quickly, to prevent them from wasting it. Easyer said than done, obviously)
The ones that carry rocket launchers and miniguns don't spawn until you're higher level. Since Bethesda apparently doesn't want the player to have heavy weapons at low levels, is in love with the idea of level scaling enabling anybody to go anywhere at any level, and has the player going to downtown DC and fighting mutants in literally the first main quest after leaving the Vault, they kind of had to give something else to the rank and file.

One of the things I don't really understand either. Why is DC so full of Super Mutants? Particularly when you get to the capitol. It's like everyone has some strange obsession with the city, for no real reason. The Super Mutants are there, there are some Talon Mercs fighting with them, later in the game you get some Enclave troopers there, sometimes the BoS. I wonder, what makes them all waste so much resources ... they never do anything else but fighting there. I mean if they at least had some reason to be there, and I could even think about like a big vault full of tech or what ever hidden under the capitol or something like that. All while there is a fully operational nuclear warehead in Megaton ... but that doesn't seem to bother anyone. I mean hey! It's not like any random schmock can get there and blow it up ...
The ones that carry rocket launchers and miniguns don't spawn until you're higher level. Since Bethesda apparently doesn't want the player to have heavy weapons at low levels, is in love with the idea of level scaling enabling anybody to go anywhere at any level, and has the player going to downtown DC and fighting mutants in literally the first main quest after leaving the Vault, they kind of had to give something else to the rank and file.

One of the things I don't really understand either. Why is DC so full of Super Mutants? Particularly when you get to the capitol. It's like everyone has some strange obsession with the city, for no real reason. The Super Mutants are there, there are some Talon Mercs fighting with them, later in the game you get some Enclave troopers there, sometimes the BoS. I wonder, what makes them all waste so much resources ... they never do anything else but fighting there. I mean if they at least had some reason to be there, and I could even think about like a big vault full of tech or what ever hidden under the capitol or something like that. All while there is a fully operational nuclear warehead in Megaton ... but that doesn't seem to bother anyone. I mean hey! It's not like any random schmock can get there and blow it up ...

You know what the answer is :I
It begins with... A

Also, what were they supposed to have filled the labyrinth of city ruins with, several communities striving to make a living? Communities having cleared the awesome rubble, to make little patches of soil for growth of food, turning the landscape into a strange but charming hybrid of urban ruin and rural community? Is that what you expect!? Maybe little rivaling communities, where you can choose to help some gain dominance over others, or use diplomatic skills to make them work together? Hm!? Some lame-ass boring PEOPLE-approach, maybe a city-centre vault, or laboratory or something, to spice things up a little?!? Maybe even a connecting hub that would make Rivet City and Megaton make slightly more sense??