Why is Boston unhurt by the atomic bombs?

Someguy37 is in his own world, one where his incoherent rambling makes sense and makes him right. Let's leave him live it, it seems really important for him.
What if the chinese droped only those nuclear cars on boston? They don't seem to do much damage and have the right yield to explain his points


I think no one here is expecting hyper realism. Neither with F1, F2, or Bethesdas Fallout games. It is a game after all. And a realistic representation of nuclear weapons, could be interesting - if done well I guess! But I understand that you want the player to explore something. If every place looked like Hiroshima, it would get boring fast. However, It is painfully obvious that both F3 and F4 are very inconsitent when it comes to the damage done by the nuclear bombs. And that is the problem. In my opinion at least. It seems just to convenient that some areas are completely devastated lacking any structure while other places have almost completely intact buildings next to a crater. And to say the one was high yield the other one was low yield etc. That's just lazy design. So that you can justify the ruins and downtown area for the player to explore. Arguing that a handfull of intro images of Fallout 1 and 2 showed the one or other fucked up skyscraper ... doesn't change the inconsitency of Fallout 3 and 4 as far as the ruins goes.
Have you guys played the game? An area called the glowing sea in the southwest of the map is where the bomb fell.
Alright so the "wasteland" of Fallout 4 is not post-nuclear since no bombs hit it. Why wouldn't people just continue to live as normal in Boston after the war if it was so unhurt?
Nuclear bombs affect a large area. The city just wasn't totally levelled like D.C or the west because no bombs fell directly on it. It's still pretty bad though.

How? Radiation is the only problem, because the military and police force could have taken a forceful stand there.
With a 750kt nuke (megaton nukes were retired in the fallout universe and most nukes used were 200-750kt as stated in the original Fallouts manual) everything and everyone in a 12.3km[SUP]2[/SUP] radius around the bomb is pretty much destroyed, past that up to a 54.4km[SUP]2 [/SUP]radius small residential buildings are destroyed, beyond that the flash of the bomb would cause third degree burns to people people and buildings, that alongside the increased radioactive fallout in place of thermal shock in the Fallout universe nukes (also from Fallouts manual) would kill everyone in a 279km[SUP]2[/SUP] radius around the bomb while leaving buildings intact if a bit burned up. This is assuming the nuke that hit Boston was exactly 750kt.

So... Boston still get's destroyed. I thought you were arguing against that?
I'm just explaining why buildings are broken down and in disrepair rather than demolished like DC or the west. Still doesn't explain why only 1 bomb landed near Boston, Idk if there's an ingame reason for that, you'd think hundreds of nukes would land on the city rather than just 1 outside the city.

You can find a Chinese submarine in the game that has the rest of the bombs that were supposed to hit.
Well New Vegas handwaved it away. Okay all these nukes dropped it but House had a laser turret and some satellite jamming thing.
I'm glad they did, since it left a mostly intact desert ecology to play around in. Okay, not much more compelling, but hey, at least I can eat my prickly cacti pears.
If Bethesda had some similar explanation I could say they at least tried.

The other alternative would be to have greenery just have taken over everything and people have since built new communities. You can have prized relics from MIT or whatever the hell, but not sitting out in intact buildings or anything.
The only surviving buildings should be reinforced complexes (i.e. Vaults, bunkers and military bases) or entirely new constructions (e.g. descendents of Vaults).
But that'd get in the way of "It's Boston!"

Really, I want a Fallout game before the events of Fallout 1, where it's actually reasonable to run into problems like a nuclear winter, radiation and people squatting and squabbling over the last remnants of the old world.
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the nukes in the sub are basically mininukes in cruise missile form, he even says they aren't enough to do any damage

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So we can assume that the tactical nukes in the Fallout world have aproximately the strength of a Fatman nuke luncher ...