Hardboiled Android
Vault Fossil

Is the nuke plant for Diamond City actually accessible?
Well, it wasn't.the point of this thread is hey Boston was only targeted with one device.
There is not only the glowing sea, but atomic craters in Cambridge, and near the Salem area.
Go re-read the Fallout 1 manual.So how could there be an "Atomic crater" with so many intact buildings around? That's even dumber than only one nuke hitting it. Specially since they have the Glowing sea on the same game...
The Fallout universe had stopped using nukes with high explosive yields in favor of ones that generated far more radiation.The megaton class weapons have been largely retired, being replaced with much smaller yield warheads. The yield of a modern strategic warhead is, with few exceptions, now typically in the range of 200-750 kT. Recent work with sophisticated climate models has shown that this reduction in yield results in a much larger proportion of the fallout being deposited in the lower atmosphere, and a much faster and more intense deposition of fallout than had been assumed in studies made during the sixties and seventies. The reduction in aggregate strategic arsenal yield that occurred when high yield weapons were retired in favor of more numerous lower yield weapons has actually increased the fallout risk.
Uhh, yes it would.If Cambridge is scaled down, destruction would be scaled proportionally- IE it shouldn't matter.
AgainBut if the bomb looks like it would destroy all of Cambridge, it would destroy all of Cambridge regardless of Cambridge's size...
This has been a fundamental core of the series since the beginning. Fallout nukes do not destroy buildings, they cause lots of radiation.
it cant be a detonation site there are army soldier skeletons there, id imagine theyd be vaporizedBut if the bomb looks like it would destroy all of Cambridge, it would destroy all of Cambridge regardless of Cambridge's size...
Is it really recognizable, though? Never been to Boston, so I don't really know
Personally, I liked how Fallout 1 and 2 showed cities completely in ruins. Made the War all the more... Awesome.
The city in fallout 1's intro and bakersfield (they maybe the same place) are just as intact as Bethesda's cities.I think there is absolutely no rational way, neither with real world or ingame logic - even the ones in F3 and F4, to explain why the nuclear detonations are so weak and why most of Boston (and also CD in F3) was left untouched, considering the effects of real nuclear bombs.
We all know the real reason. Because the guy responsible for it at Bethesda thought it was cool. Cool to have the player walk trough their version of Boston. That simple. Anything else has to take a back seat to it, like verisimilitude, consistency or logic.
Except there are intact buildings everywhere in LA and San Fran, nor did the Shi rebuild the entire city. We even see Bakersfield in the into looking exactly like Boston. Hell, the Golden Gate bridge survived as well, and that's the first thing that would have logically fallen apart.Except neiter the Boneyard or San Francisco had such large intact buildings everywhere despite supposedly being hit directly. San Francisco only exists becausethe Shit rebuilt it, and it's not the whole city just the bay area. They even have the Glowing sea with a single crater on it and just complete destruction all around but then they put a crater in the middle of an intact city like whatvever. It's not only inconsistent with the previous games but also with it's own world, and they don't even give an explanation for it. You keep using the BONEYARD and San Francisco to justify the state of Boston but those two places where clearly mostly destroyed and the only sturctures there being post war, built by the new inhabitants. I suspect you aren't actually that familiar with the original games.