Atomic Postman
Vault Archives Overseer
After years I've finally decided to carry the flag for House/Vegas.
I think pound for pound House is the best trade-off in terms of the Vegas factions. NCR's victory would be tying it's own noose by emboldening it's terrible political direction and rewarding it's reckless expansion. An independent victory is actually better for NCR than NCR actually winning. Legion is just a non-starter.
Independent is arguably morally the best but practically it's a lame duck. People may headcanon whatever Mary Sue fantasy they like but the actual text of NV presents it as more chaotic and violent than the status quo prior to the game, and as in text the Courier isn't a leader but rather just the agent of change that made it so the Mojave can be "truly free". Sawyer's comment on the Indie ending makes it clear that Indie Vegas is at disadvantage in any kind of trade because they lack a higher organizing body and instead are a conflicting collection of societies.
House by comparison offers stability, security and economic prosperity in exchange for political freedom, however he still allows social freedom. NCR is kicked into a better course and deals with a focused, strong leading body with House. House knows business and is beholden to nobody but himself. Not conflicting interests of a democracy or the absence of organization as in anarchy.
House, as with everyone in NV, isn't perfect of course. He's a steel forge for prosperity and progress, but they're not universal. It's progress and prosperity for those who are valuable or can afford to buy-in. Others are left in the dust to be, at best, ignored and and at worst, actively stepped on. House's uncompromising nature means there is no negotiation.
I don't really buy into House's space sales pitch and as such don't consider it in weighing him as a faction, he's strong enough if you take a more cynical assumption of his aspirations.
I think however something important to consider is the Courier themselves. A Good Karma Courier can act as a strong balance to House himself. Whilst humanitarianism and the "little people" may be of no interest or concern to House, it can be to the Courier. The Courier can, throughout the game whilst backing House, champion the Mojave and those House would otherwise ignore. It's similar to how Ulysses being convinced of a Vegas Courier comments that their actions show conviction for the tribes of Vegas and not just House himself.
Similarly, when it comes to Old World Blues and it's final message of bringing "New World Hope" with the right bright mind, the Courier/House dynamic is very much the same. The power, lights and technology of the Old World supported by the bright young mind of the New.
I think pound for pound House is the best trade-off in terms of the Vegas factions. NCR's victory would be tying it's own noose by emboldening it's terrible political direction and rewarding it's reckless expansion. An independent victory is actually better for NCR than NCR actually winning. Legion is just a non-starter.
Independent is arguably morally the best but practically it's a lame duck. People may headcanon whatever Mary Sue fantasy they like but the actual text of NV presents it as more chaotic and violent than the status quo prior to the game, and as in text the Courier isn't a leader but rather just the agent of change that made it so the Mojave can be "truly free". Sawyer's comment on the Indie ending makes it clear that Indie Vegas is at disadvantage in any kind of trade because they lack a higher organizing body and instead are a conflicting collection of societies.
House by comparison offers stability, security and economic prosperity in exchange for political freedom, however he still allows social freedom. NCR is kicked into a better course and deals with a focused, strong leading body with House. House knows business and is beholden to nobody but himself. Not conflicting interests of a democracy or the absence of organization as in anarchy.
House, as with everyone in NV, isn't perfect of course. He's a steel forge for prosperity and progress, but they're not universal. It's progress and prosperity for those who are valuable or can afford to buy-in. Others are left in the dust to be, at best, ignored and and at worst, actively stepped on. House's uncompromising nature means there is no negotiation.
I don't really buy into House's space sales pitch and as such don't consider it in weighing him as a faction, he's strong enough if you take a more cynical assumption of his aspirations.
I think however something important to consider is the Courier themselves. A Good Karma Courier can act as a strong balance to House himself. Whilst humanitarianism and the "little people" may be of no interest or concern to House, it can be to the Courier. The Courier can, throughout the game whilst backing House, champion the Mojave and those House would otherwise ignore. It's similar to how Ulysses being convinced of a Vegas Courier comments that their actions show conviction for the tribes of Vegas and not just House himself.
Similarly, when it comes to Old World Blues and it's final message of bringing "New World Hope" with the right bright mind, the Courier/House dynamic is very much the same. The power, lights and technology of the Old World supported by the bright young mind of the New.