You know, I might actually benefit if I point out my theory rather then cringe at your interpretation and amalgamation of my old one and new one. Basically I believe that Mr House came to New Vegas and used his robots to get the lay of the land, working out the big shots of the area. He then approached them with his robots, offering them the contract as it were. He ignored all the random gangs living in the sewers (why would he ask them? You've never explained that). They were simply kicked out, unless they resisted, in which case they were killed. The Great Khans refused, leaving the Omertas to fight them and then exile them, the Kings weren't really influential (as in they didn't warrant being beaten but they were powerful enough to be asked) so they were then shoved to Freeside and then became a power there. The kings became powerful out of their own accord, and Mr House ignored them as long as they didn't mess with him and the Strip. It explains why he let them grow. It also explains why Mr House attacked the Khans but not anyone else, or what did he look to fight the bigger groups rather then hobos hunkering down in a run down apartment? I know, but they weren't small in comparison to the Freeside locals. They were sidelined, does that make sense to you? Or did House run after every small group of survivors?
Correction, Mr. House didn't 'came to New Vegas'. In fact, he was already there, hidden in the Lucky 38 among the ruins of Las Vegas (which was mostly preserved in its' physical form thanks to his effort of taking down 68 out of 77 nuclear warheads targeted upon Vegas and the rest of the Mojave). He waited for many years before finally emerge from the Lucky 38, represented by his Securitrons. Your theory that Mr. House only go for the biggest tribe, I can understand that. But, he didn't just ignore the smaller gangs, like I've explained with the Boot Riders not really a big tribe when they were the Boot Riders, and the Kings weren't also ignored, but the Kings refused. I can't speak much of the gangs living in the sewers, since I'm yet to get there in my second playthrough to pay more attention but, all I remembered about the gangs in the sewers beneath New Vegas (especially that of North Vegas Square) are that they are actually bunch of troublemakers, so....
Anyway, it's not fair to say Mr. House only attacked the Khans. Remember, he offered the tribes dwelling the Las Vegas ruins (no matter they were big or small) three specific choices: Join, Leave, or Die. From what we see in the game, not only the Great Khans refused to join, they also refused to leave. But, if there's any other smaller tribes/gangs that also do the same like Great Khans, they were probably actually wiped out since they weren't as big as the Great Khans to survive the onslaught. Remember, none of the tribes who dwelt in the Las Vegas Ruins were just ignored and/or sidelined like you think there is. As for those who dwelt beneath, in the sewers..... eh, I guess Mr. House did ignored those in the sewers, since there was no underground system beneath the Strip, so I'll give you that. But there is a possibility that those we find in the sewers are probably those shoved away from the Strip area and didn't find any place in Freeside and Westside (or chose not to).
Oh god... actually the Kings have lots of problems. There's drugs, there's crime, there's inequality (they're discriminating against NCR citizens) and more. Stop fucking ignoring basic shit the game tells you. Yet he freely spends millions on a long lost chip... I don't know about limits there. Without the NCR the strip would have been lost long ago. They're the only wall that protects Vegas from the Legion. So they have a very good reason in being spread thin. Not really, especially as the Kings don't generally care about the Freeside. Have you seen them help anyone? Well? They ruin things with the squatters and don't solve problems. So let me get this straight? You require a quest just to be serious? How can you deal with independent and random criminals? They're not part of some big gang. Actually thugs are a big problem. The Kings fail to stamp them out, which is why they attack you all the time.
NCR. Citizens. Or, should I say,
Squatters. There is a reason why they were called Squatters, mate. They weren't locals by birth, and there was no formal/legal proofs that they can just occupy Freeside and live there, hence why we see the Kings (and actually the rest of the locals) were being hostile to the Squatters by default. Like I said, his contract with the Three Families were specific and exclusive to the Strip proper. And yes, without the NCR, the Strip would have been lost; but that's not the reality, isn't it? The NCR came in, anyway. Instead of finding ruins of Las Vegas infested by raiders and tribal, they found it as an ordered, civilized society under the rule of this mysterious Mr. House, backed by the Three Families. However, if the NCR really wanted to annex the Strip there and then, without even listening to Mr. House offer to make the New Vegas Treaty, they can do it. But there's another threat, more terrifying, looming from the East, hence why the NCR signed that Treaty.
The NCR has no reason to thinly spread their forces, tho. Cass (and maybe Boone) speaks of how it was a grave mistake, and you can see why. Nipton was burnt, Ranger Station south of Novac was lost, Nelson was captured by the Legion, and Powder Gangers easily ambush NCR's caravans traversing the Mojave. The NCR's part in the New Vegas Treaty was that they were supposed to police and guard the Mojave landscape, but their tactics of thinly stretching their forces is what also gave the Caesar's Legion a chance to regrow. This is a mistake made by the NCR, and Mr. House learned from that, hence why you don't see him just spreading his Securitrons around New Vegas, and instead, focused them in the Strip proper.
If the Kings actually doesn't care about Freeside, you wouldn't see them giving you gifts for helping people around, or actually genuinely care about the locals (specifically Roy and Wayne, who you can find in the Old Mormon Fort) and ask you to see to what happened to them. Heck, they were in pretty good relationship with the Followers also. The problems that we see when you arrive in Freeside, however, stemmed from the Squatters starting to flood the Freeside and taking up spaces meant for the locals. They were called 'Squatters' for a good reason, mate. Heck, you even get to see that people living in North Vegas Square also disliked the Squatters coming into their territory. The Kings were already made an effort to solve the problems with the Squatters, which is by charging for water. Not very bright, yes, but they are still a force to be reckoned in the Freeside. Seriously, if you think the Kings failed to stamp out the thugs, I see otherwise because a single Kings member were more than enough to fend off, like 3 thugs charging at any of them. And like I said, if the thugs were really a problem in Freeside, there should be a quest to deal with them, or at least you should hear it from the locals as if it was really such a big problem that they constantly talk about it or whatever.
That's the best you can do? That's a fall back argument that allows me to counter with the same thing. But remember, by size I meant they were big in VEGAS not the Mojave. All you had to be was someone in New Vegas to be asked, that was the criteria. So? Most people you speak weren't even there when the event happened. The only reason people know of New Vegas is because it was renovated and found by the NCR. Not at all, the Legion is made up of massive tribes and yet no one but they know about it. Does that mean they were small? Wait what? Nomadic doesn't mean they don't stay in a certain vicinity. The Mongols stayed in Mongolia, only spreading when totally necessary. The Boot riders could have travelled near New Vegas to pick up resources, using the city as a sort of meeting ground. And Mr House saw how big they were and asked them. So?
Considering Las Vegas was physically preserved, and so does Goodsprings, and also (to a lesser extent) Primm, Novac, and Nipton, all survived the Great War, I'm sure they the people across the Mojave would actually explored what remains of the Las Vegas ruins. Because of that, they should've heard about the tribes and gangs infesting the ruins. It's not like for 200 years the inhabitants of the Mojave were just oblivious to a 'ruin' not really ruined. They must be really dumb to not notice the Las Vegas 'ruin' still there, standing. And then, they investigated the ruins. They found out there were raiders, tribal, and gangs dwelling in the ruins. And then the word started to spread. See where I'm going? The Great Khans were well known because, while they came to the Mojave as weaklings, they were still pretty strong and badass for traversing the land from the NCR's territory to the east towards Mojave. And then they
thrived there. Hence you hear about them as the Great Khans. If the Boot Riders were really big, and since they were also nomadic, shouldn't you hear about them somewhere in the Mojave? And yes, nomadic doesn't mean they stay in a certain vicinity, hence why I said it was a
coincidence they were staying around the ruins of Las Vegas when Mr. House approached them.
Ugghhhh, let m say it nice and slow here. Those weapon shops wouldn't be able to sell guns to the NCR and if they go undercover then it doesn't change anything. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN TAKE WEAPONS ONTO THE STRIP ANYWAY! Let me say that again.
So all the problems you said can happen anyway. Hence the problem isn't the stores, but House's own security system. If he did ban guns then you would have a point, but as he didn't then it means that what you say is valid but it's also no really a good point against the shops. I was saying examples for the Vault 21 divide.
Good God, did you even actually read what I wrote regarding the allowance of arms-trade in the Strip proper? Let me tell you why
you, the Courier, can take weapons onto the Strip.
Mr. House didn't ban guns. He specifically banned the possession of weapons by NCR's military personnel who wanted to enter the Strip. And since he do that, allowing an open-wide arms-trade in the Strip proper will make a problem. And hence, also why all the problems I said can happen anyway, because Mr. House realized his limits on keeping peace in the Strip. Now that I think about it, there was actually a small time arms-trade in the Strip: Mr. Holdout. The shady guy is selling holdout weapons right outside Gomorrah, but the guy won't sell you anything if your reputation is positive in the Strip. Hell, now that I mentioned Gomorrah, I forgot to mention to you about the Omertas! Those people are hoarding weapons in their casino, right under Mr. House's nose! Now, imagine what will happen if Mr. House actually allowed an open arms-trade right in the Strip? Like I said, bad business, mate.
You want example of Vault 21 divide? Play the game, go to Vault 21, see the guest terminal, read about the history of Vault 21. Besides, due to the nature of Vault 21, where everything were settled by gambling, I see nothing wrong with Mr. House winning the gamble if he's actually the one who challenged the Vault 21 dwellers to settle the dispute between him and them.
Not really. Okay sure let me see...
1. He runs his city no better then the Legion, basically he extorts successful businesses for money with intimidation and fear. There's no intelligence or financial acumen, just some powerful force. Hence he runs his city like a simplistic tyrant, and as of such I fail to see how he could improve it when he already failed to do so in simple ways.
2. His goal is impossible due to the heavy lack of resources in the Mojave. As we can see his army isn't strong enough to beat the Legion head on (remember the NCR? Yeah they were there) without military help. He was able to beat the weakened NCR military, but from this it's seen that he lacks enough robots to fight both head on. So he can't expand and can't commit to his dreams of industry and space travel.
3. Spends millions on what could be on the bottom of the ocean. Then fails to protect it for secrecy, when having an armed caravan is a better idea. The only group that could be able to fight a caravan the size that House would be able to buy is the Legion, and House can use his wealth to buy rare materials as a smokescreen.
4. Limits the trades inside New Vegas for as you put it safety concerns, even when that doesn't make sense because those concerns would be there anyway (how else do I go on a massacre inside the Strip? How else did the Omerta's get the guns?). This makes banning gun merchants pointless and bad for business.
5. Fails in securing Freeside and Westside, hence relying heavily on trade and tourism. Simply put Vegas is not self sufficient and relies on NCR run farms and merchants. Without these the city would fall into depression and starvation very quickly.
6. Ignores the fact that Vegas could easily fall with NCR economic blockade. Without tourists there's no business, without business there's no Vegas.
And that's all for now. I might do some more actually...
1. This is just plain wrong. Anybody working with Mr. House will always be in an employer-employee relationship. If he really rule with intimidation and fear, you would hear it from the Three Families working for him. Heck, YOU who get a chance to see him face-to-face would see it. I didn't see intimidation and fear. If there's no intelligence and financial acumen, how could he manage to reform the Three Families and actually run the Strip so successfully, that he, and essentially anybody working for him, get to drown in caps? People walking down the Strip, heck even the NCR's citizens and military personnel, were all so carefree and happy, how could you think of his rule as that of a tyrant?
2. His army weren't strong enough, because of the absence of the Platinum Chip! Besides, he actually admitted that his army, together with the Three Families, aren't even enough to stop the NCR from forcefully annexing the Strip. But if a fight happen between him + the Three Families and the NCR, the NCR would win but left vulnerable and wide open for the Legion to finish the job. Playing with the NCR's fear for the Legion, he get them to sign the New Vegas Treaty. This, is an intelligence acumen. Cunning, maybe, but intelligent move nonetheless. Give him the Platinum Chip, and he will have an army more than enough to replace NCR's military forces patrolling the Mojave.
3. 'What could be on bottom of the ocean' seriously? Enough with the 'what ifs'. The reality speaks otherwise. Mr. House is right, and he found the Platinum Chip where he want it to be found. I can see why you were pissed off, since it was a LOT of money spent just to look for it. But remember, the Platinum Chip kick ass, and it was necessary for Mr. House if he were to achieve his goals.
Like Mr. House said, guarding the Chip with an armed caravan will only increase the risk of it being attacked. Benny was a miscalculation in Mr. House's part, and he admitted it. Heck, Benny was to be made Mr. House's protege, and with Yes Man, Benny gets to sidetrack Mr. House to the Chip. If anything, Mr. House making this mistake is a proof that he's still a human being after all, since he can't read what's in Benny's heart.
You have to admit, the secrecy with having a single Courier carrying the Chip, with other five Couriers as dummies, worked perfectly to the point of the Courier made it so close to New Vegas, as far as Goodsprings. Benny had the advantage as the former Mr. House's most trusted individual and having Yes Man. If anything, the situation with Benny taking the Chip for himself is the exact same as the situation where Mr. House assigned you to go to the Fort to activate Securitrons factory, only to have you betray him and you destroyed it.
Like I said, employer-employee relationship. Nothing is stopping the employee from betraying the employer when it can happen, and when that happens doesn't necessarily means the employer is an idiot.
4. I've already explained above, again and again, that allowing arms-trade in the Strip will only hurts the business and make him look like a fool for allowing arms-trade in the Strip proper after banning the NCR's military personnel's possession of weaponry in the Strip. The problem with the Omertas hoarding weapons to conspire with the Legion is also another thing that actually happened. He didn't outright banning guns or other kind merchants. The Gun Runners, the Van Graffs, and the Crimson Caravans are doing fine by themselves, right outside the Strip. You know, everything has its' place. It's like saying not placing a huge garbage dump right next to estate of houses is a bad business because you didn't allow the residents to throw their own trash right into the garbage dump, when the truth is it can lead to health and hygiene problems.
5. Again, his Securitrons are only enough to watch the Strip, and he needed to focus his resources into looking for the Platinum Chip, which is essential for his goals, and would actually let him have an army enough to not only police the Freeside and Westside, but also the entirety of the Mojave Wasteland. Even without the NCR, there was still Goodsprings, Primm, Nipton, and Novac. If the NCR don't help them, they would let the Legion easily take over New Vegas-- wait.
6. By doing that, the NCR would be leaving New Vegas wide open for the Legion. Knowing the NCR, they don't want that. See why Mr. House is actually a genius? He took NCR's fear of the Legion into consideration, and confidently signed that Treaty with the NCR.
2. Where? A means of defence does not equal=an army. When I get a dog for a means of defence do I want to breed some large force of a thousand pit bulls?
3. Who knows?
4. I was talking about how Big MT made the 'owner' extremely powerful. You changed the goal posts for the betterment of humanity bullshit.
6. Or farming. Because it means you can farm anywhere, making deserts a good use of territory and allowing factions held in mountains to thrive and be self sufficient.
7. They became defect due to a lack of control and working on, some more engineering can make them really shine.
No one gets Big MT. Okay? No one gets it. Otherwise the Legion could become some futuristic cyber punk mega force.
2. I think I need to play Dead Money again to find the specific terminal or proof that Sinclair wanted to turn the Holograms into a mean of defense. One thing for sure, he did fell into despair and madness to the point of making his vault a trap, instead of a proper vault. Thus, him wanting to make Hologram into a mean of defense is plausible.
But you did say things about 'Hologram Armies'! Now you're taking down your own arguments as to why Big MT is OP. You said 'Hologram Armies', I said making Hologram into a mean of defense, which the Big MT even refused to do. Remind me why 'Invincible Hologram Armies' made the Big MT OP, even when the Big MT themselves refused to do it for Sinclair, and instead have the National Electric fill in their place?
4. That was more of how you and I see the Big MT. You see Big MT making the 'owner' OP, I see the Big MT making humanity's future better, just as stated in the opening and the ending slides to Old World Blues.
6. Yeah, that too.
7. And? That doesn't make the Think Tank any better than Mr. House in robotics.
I'm not saying the Big MT will mean that any faction to get the Courier support will get an immediate access to the Big MT's tech. The ending slides indicates that when they are actually needed, the Courier will bring the tech from Big MT to humanity, and most especially the faction supported by the Courier.
1. I explained on this one.
2. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I agree to all this.
3. They were big in Vegas only, different thing. Where's the evidence he asked everyone?
4. Even Billy, Bobby and Barty in the sewers? Agreed. They were influential in the area, which means something. Agreed.
See how much my new version agrees to you? The only difference is that I believe Mr House didn't ask everyone.
3. Same thing. Vegas was pretty eye-catching in comparison to the Mojave, I've explained that if there's any gang to roam the ruins of Vegas, words should still spread across the Mojave. Well, he did asked the Kings and the Great Khans, maybe not including anyone in the sewers since he didn't have any means to access the underground except his personal bunker.
4. I still need to check on the sewers to see what they feel about Mr. House.
I can see where you're coming from. There wasn't much tribal and gangs to be found in the vicinity of New Vegas. I will be exploring the entirety of New Vegas proper to see and hear more of what the locals has to say about Mr. House.
Hahahahahaha!!! 'even more unstable and violent than before' Yeah that doesn't say it got worse. So Vegas becomes worse without the NCR or Legion. And you were saying?
Like I said, that was an inevitable effect of
increased tourism and visits upon New Vegas. If anything, the Followers are an idiot to not see that. Is it necessarily bad? Heck, the more we talk about this, the more I'm disappointed with the fact that all those help, all those efforts we do for the Followers, helping Jacob Hoff and Bill Ronte, dropping medical supplies, establishing a trade relationship between them and the Garrets, recruiting Jerry (and possibly Veronica), all wasted with no closure on the effect it has on the Freeside. With that much Securitrons, Mr. House should now be ready to annex Freeside into the Strip but there was no closure on that *sighs*
Actually Freeside becomes worse with both no matter what. Even more so with House because he allows the Kings to attack migrants or destroys them.
Migrants. Or should I say,
Squatters. Squatters led by a military official, nonetheless. You give all this talk about Mr. House being unfair toward the locals, and now you're defending NCR's Squatters? Seriously?
What why? What makes you be able to ignore certain endings?
I'm not saying we should ignore them. I'm saying we should stop talking about it, since it gets nowhere. The Followers has no interest in seizing power and thus, they couldn't get to see what potential does New Vegas has as a money dump.
Conflict in the Mojave were resolved -> more people coming into New Vegas -> more people broke themselves in process -> more people getting addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Heck, drugs shouldn't really be a problem anymore
if we helped the Great Khans learn to make useful medicine and persuade them to leave the Mojave. It's confusing