Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

Will Fallout 3 be remembered in 10 years' time?

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Spoilers Ahead

Fallout-3 will be remembered for what it might have been and wasn't.

Sadly it could have been a lot better with very little effort on the part of the developers. For me the worst part was the beginning a tiresome exercise in concentrated tripe to be sure. I found myself hating all the characters that I encountered all through the game because they were so one dimensional. And most of the missions/quests were tiresome and little better than ultra linear fallout tactics variety.

Body Types
Would it have been that hard for the developers to create a world with a variety of characters with different body types?

Such as:
Male Characters: thin, Average, Athletic, Heavily Muscled,
Fem Characters: Thin, Average, Athletic, Amazonian,
No it would have just been a matter of a few different 3D models. And the engine was completely capable of handling characters that ranged in height from .85 (5ft )---1.0(6ft)---1.2(7ft) in size (I've tested that). And to have those body types dictate the physical components of S. P. E. C. I. A. L. for both PCs an s NPCs to some degree; particularly S. E. A. would have been very easy. And where in the hell were human NPCs like Gizmo and Vic?

Health & Injury

Getting injured should carry with it 'crippling effect' if the wound is serious enough. Having stimpacks be a magic cure all was lame. You should carry a cripple until you can get to a wasteland surgeon and pay big bucks to get cured. An there should have been a possibility to end up with a game leg (-A) reduced vision (-P) or some other mild but permanent bogie. A bogie that might be correctable with prosthesis such as a powered leg brace or pair of glasses.

The Weapons

The base line weapon in the game is the 10mm pistol imagine a weapon that takes a whole magazine to dispatch a mole-rat...lame. In my mind a pistol firing 10mm slugs (.40cal) should do more than a souped up BB gun. There were a lot of problems with the damage the weapons did or didn't do. A death Claw is pretty nasty in all the games but I dare say that a few bursts with a mini-gun should have a devastating effect on a death claw or on the PC. But I did like how nasty the Death claws were in F-3.

Carry Weight

The carry weights were absurdly high. A character shouldn't be able to pack that much not even half that much. It would have been very possible for players to have the option to purchase a pack animal to pack around their excess gear and trade goods such as a jack ass or Brahmin that can be killed or could run off if frightened or injured.

Food & Water
Food & water should be required to maintain your characters strength and endurance. You don't eat or drink you get weaker and slower. That would have required a single test within the game algorithm.

NPC (side kicks)

In a word F-3's side kicks were boring, lame, not fun at all and that you could only have one sucked. Seriously the dynamics between Myron and Cassidy were pretty cool in F-2 and the F-3 NPC's would blow any sneak you intended. Not worth having. With the exception of the rabid Mister Gutsy who was amusing.

This post is getting to the TLDR length so I'll stop there.Yes, it could have been much more than it was with a mild amount of effort.
I've just been reading the forum for a few days and I'm not understanding why FO3 gets so much hate here. I agree that the story sucks, but FO3 is a great game. That's why it sold 5 million copies in a month and won awards from IGN and GDC. Of course it's going to be remembered. While it might not carry on what you guys loved about FO and FO2, I really can't see an argument that FO3 isn't a great game.
uhmmm yes you can, the game is fun to play (that is subjective too) but a Great Game? the game fails at every aspect of being a Fallout Game, fails at creating a good setting, the gameplay is extermely flawed, it is mediocre. It sells millions of copies because financial succes is not the same as quality, and IGN giving awards is like Uwe Boll making a top ten movies of 2012.
It doesn't take carrying on a legacy to be a great game. There were problems with ME, so Bioware made somewhat drastic changes for the better that made ME2 into an incredible game. FO3 isn't about carrying on the legacy of the first two. It's about taking an established universe and making a good game that can stand on its own.

The atmosphere and setting are touching. The karma system, while definitely not perfect, is better than most games that stick it in there. The writing is fine. The quests that *aren't* in the main storyline kept me coming back until I finished them all. The leveling and stats system is one of the best in an RPG. The way VATS was implemented was a great choice overall, despite the bugs (which seem to have gotten worse in NV). Exploration is rewarding and fun. Problems abound in the way of bugs and animations, just as in many RPGs as huge as FO3. Overall, however, this game deserves all the awards and all the sales it's gotten.

EDIT: FO3 also got the GDC award from people who make their livings designing games. They agreed it was the best game of the year and had the best writing of the year...
To be honest, when I first saw the gameplay for Fallout 3, I had literally been amazed. To me, the game was crazily amazing, and it wont be forgotten IMO.

The thing that ruined Fallout 3 was that the game did not end with a free roam.. and the same thing with FNV. Then, I bought the DLC and realised the game just got a whole lot better when it allowed me to actually free roam!
TheNewVegasGunslinger said:
The thing that ruined Fallout 3 was that the game did not end with a free roam.. and the same thing with FNV. Then, I bought the DLC and realised the game just got a whole lot better when it allowed me to actually free roam!

The whole game is made up of free roaming. :|

That's definitely not the thing that ruined Fallout 3.
gbpacker said:
The leveling and stats system is one of the best in an RPG. The way VATS was implemented was a great choice overall

Are you serious? The SPECIAL system on the whole in FO3 is shallow, unbalanced and broken. And VATS is so overpowered it's not even funny. 90% damage reduction? +15% crit chanche? Whaaa...?
Yes absolutely and I'm one of the nay-sayers.

It'll be remembered for the same reason Oblivion will be... it's modded potential.

I'm happy to say Oblivion & Fallout 3 are two of the greatest games ever made but only once they've been modded to hell, otherwise they'd be getting the medium poll vote from me.

Perhaps it'd be fairer to say that the TES construction set and GECK construction kits are the true great things about the games.

As a side note I think Morrowind is remembered in much the same way Fallout 1 & 2 are.
Of course Fallout 3 will be remembered, but mostly as a footnote in the Fallout franchise and gaming history. Technical achievements, probably, for a transition for a franchise from isometric, turn-based combat to 3D, first-person-ish action that's fully voiced.

Graphics? No, as years advance, so will graphics. Combat? Probably not much more than using VATS during realtime combat. The Story? No. Setting? No.

Music? Maybe the choice of music. It did much to help the atmosphere of the game.
since its an awesome game i believe it will, not many games are RPGs set in a world devestated by nuclear war, complete with hyper-mutated humans, mutated moles + rats, techno-religous groups, 9/10-foot tall beasts which kill practically all before them, a church which worships an A-bomb etc etc (other than other Fallout games)

Hi all BTW
I think that regarding the content of his/hers post, many here would say that 'Ma'a Salama' would be more appropriate...that is, if I got it right.
If it is remembered it will simply be because it was given the fallout name and was intended to revitalize the old name, however I believe it did a poor job at staying true to the feeling of the old games and wish that developers had stayed true to the old design even though its outdated compared to the newer tech. Now if they had released it and another game that kept the old design and used fallout 3 to try and bring new gamers to the series by using 3 to appeal to the FPS crowd I would be more supportive of the game.
BoSOutcast101 said:
since its an awesome game i believe it will, not many games are RPGs set in a world devestated by nuclear war, complete with hyper-mutated humans, mutated moles + rats, techno-religous groups, 9/10-foot tall beasts which kill practically all before them, a church which worships an A-bomb etc etc (other than other Fallout games)

Hi all BTW
Hello there,let me start out by saying I like your avatar. Then let me end it by saying deathclaws are 12 feet tall , the game Rage says hello,and go play New Vegas. It's even better than Fallout 3. PS:I thought Fallout 3 was ....okay. Nothing to write home about.So I don't think it will be remebered.
Fallout 3 WILL be remembered.

But not in a way where some people come together on on the internet to open a page and forum where they discuss the game(s) even after 10 or 15 years and show their love and passion for the game. - and you damn know thats a freaking long time for a game.