Still Mildly Glowing

I will make some diferent tatoos to see wich one is better, it could be a good idea the S only. I will try with diferent fonts.
There are some finished heads that can be very usefull, just have to add some hair, almost everyone is bald
There are some that don't have texture but can be painted, and pretty useful. And there is a zombie with a cool expresion, Maybe I can make him look dumber and it can be used for lenny... Yes all this is interesting and useful. Good work.
There are some finished heads that can be very usefull, just have to add some hair, almost everyone is bald

There are some that don't have texture but can be painted, and pretty useful. And there is a zombie with a cool expresion, Maybe I can make him look dumber and it can be used for lenny... Yes all this is interesting and useful. Good work.