Torn apart by everyone? You must be high (or need to take comprehension lessons again) if that's the impression you got out of that video. In fact, most comments there actually praised the video's points and hoped that Bethesda picked up on it.
The fact that 4 actually has farms implemented (in droves in fact) does indicate that Bethesda got the point that the video was bringing up or coincidentally got the point he was bringing up to improve their settlements (just not entirely).
Nice side remarks.
But no, I recall most major sites tearing the video apart after it came out for how wrong it is
-There are brahmin in most major settlements(I actually recall someone on 4chan counting that between Fo3 and NV, Fo3 actually had more brahmin being raised for food then in NV), and there are even several packs of wild brahmin.
-There is a massive mirelurk farm under the Achorage memorial.
-Rivet City had a hydroponics lab that was proving fresh food to the settlements of the wasteland.
-There was an established system of animal hunters collecting meat from almost every animal in the wastes.
-They had trade with places like Point Lookout, which provided Punga to every major food seller in the region, and the C.W. trade all the way to The Commonwealth to the North, and the Broken Banks to the south.
-Not to mention things like iguanas and squirrels, the oh so mentioned but never seen classic animals of the Fallout series.
The fact Fallout 4 had farms is because
-Morrowind had farms
-Oblivion had farms
-Skyrim had farms
-Fallout 3 didn't have farms because it was a major plot point that the water was too irradiated, and couldn't be purified in the quantities due to local pervasive radiation. Thus making farming impossible in The Capital Wasteland.
-Fallout 4, which takes place in The Commonwealth, doesn't have the same problem of pervasive radiation as The Capital Wasteland did, and thus, has no reason to not have farms.
Even if that video was never made, and no one complained about the lack of farms in Fallout 3, Fallout 4 would have still had farms, because the lack of farms was always a regional plot device exclusive to Fallout 3.
(also, the people who follow the guy and watch his videos posted positively about his videos? its almost like they are fans!)
Where do you get these bizarre as hell ideas from?