Worst mechanics in gaming?

Its a postwar vehicle, so its not very slow, mostly fast IIRC.

But don't expect to take any hits and survive! XD
Using Damage Resistance as the main source of defense instead of being a subtype of defense. It is, without a doubt, the worst fucking mechanic to use in a game as a sole use of defense. It ruins immersion, and ruins challenge.

oh, and Damage Bleedthrough. That can also burn in a pit of hellfire.
Using Damage Resistance as the main source of defense instead of being a subtype of defense. It is, without a doubt, the worst fucking mechanic to use in a game as a sole use of defense. It ruins immersion, and ruins challenge.

Its not even a defense IMO.

Its just a bigger healthbar... ;(
Its just a bigger healthbar... If you can't overcome it with armor piercing ammo, that is.
Its just a bigger healthbar... If you can't overcome it with armor piercing ammo, that is.

The issue, DR isn't 'armour' per say.

AP (ignores DR) weapons simply do more damage, mathmatically speaking.

With DT, the numbers are FAR more dynamic.