Worst Possible things for FO3?

It's almost impossible for America to run out of ammo. I know a guy who works at a ammo plant , and he said we have enough ammunition to fight 2 wars, at once , and still have a shitload leftover. The apocalypse isn't gonna change the fact that we have a lot of bullets.

The game should have plenty of character models, lots of dialog choices, and a good story of course. The series needs to add a little more info about the rest of the world. Dialog should not be reversible; plenty of times in Fallout I said something stupid, the NPC didn't like it , so I changed what I said to get the appropriate response. We shouldn't be able to do that.

More locales .I liked the amount of towns and stuff in fallout 2, but I think the rest of the continent should be explored , and more locations should be visited. Gecko was hardly even a town. More creatures would be nice.
TorontRayne said:
The game should have lots of ammo.It's almost impossible for America to run out of ammo.I know a guy who works at a ammo plant ,and he said we have enough ammunition to fight 2 wars, at once ,and still have a shitload leftover.A apocalypse isn't gonna change the fact that we have a lot of bullets.
See now you're talking realistically, which doesn't have to be true for the Fallout universe as it is an alternative "universe" if you will. I still say that resources should be scarce in the wasteland, that's kinda the whole point of a post apocalyptic game (running around trying to find resources).
TorontRayne said:
The game should have lots of ammo.It's almost impossible for America to run out of ammo.I know a guy who works at a ammo plant ,and he said we have enough ammunition to fight 2 wars, at once ,and still have a shitload leftover.A apocalypse isn't gonna change the fact that we have a lot of bullets.
It's one of the few things I didn't like about the Fallout games, just too much darn stuff. Okay you might have plenty of bullet's now, but as Odin say's it's an alternate universe. One that split off in the 50's and might not of developed the gun culture that our universe spawned. But if you want to base it on reality and ignore the setting, the majority of the bullet stockpiles would of been destroyed when the bombs dropped.

The industrial & military complex and major cities would of been prime targets, and just happen to be where the majority of weapons and ammo are found. Putting that aside for one moment, the fighting two wars at once quote, are we talking wars as in WW2 and Vietnam or Gulf war? Let's be generous and say there's enough stockpiled for 20 years of conflict, well the survivors probably have been fighting or hunting and just generally using ammo for 84 years by the start of Fallout, and 164 years by the start of Fallout 2. Even with some groups making new weapons and ammo or reloading old shell casings the amount of ammo around should be scarce. There's no way they could match the manufacturing capabilities of the pre-war era and even though there's a lot less people around the need for ammo is probably far greater than modern day America.

Besides, taking away 2/3rds of the ammo in the Fallout games would of made the melee and unarmed skills so much more valuable.
I guess when you think of it that way.......There should be lots of melee weapons instead of the dozen or so like in fallout 2; swords, pitchforks, vibrators.... I loved the sledgehammer, so that would be a must.
holy hell. that game would be hot! i would buy it just for its irrevernce toward the fallout universe and video gaming in general!

:sad: Oh, great! My sarcasm detector blew up again, just after I fixed it. Thanks! :sad:
I realize, but by and large the complaints were that the quests were shitty, the music was shitty, the writing was lame, and Harold died.

Whoa! This is off-topic, I know, but I bought that POS Fakeout game and played it for an hour before driving back to the store that day to try to get a refund. You mean to say Harold is in it and he DIES? He was supposed to be in Van Buren (as 'an interesting botanical specimen') but he got killed in that craptacular console game? I haven't seen continuity errors this bad since the last time I watched an ep of ST: Enterprise.

Not having makeshift weapons (spears made out of aluminum pipe, bayonets, etc.) and crossbows in the games irked me. You can have a lot of variation of design with just crossbows. Heavy crossbows, pistols, repeating crossbows. Of course there would be normal hunting bows as well. - Colt
I think the wrist crossbows we saw in "The Road Warrior" would be really popular. You could fire it while holding something else, you could hide it under your sleeve, all sorts of things. I doubt many people would want to carry a huge-ass crossbow, but the type of light crossbow (which is really very powerful) that's sold today would be around, both in its factory-made and homebrew varieties. Repeating crossbows are stretching it a bit, but I suppose if you've got lots of material and little else to do, someone would build anything just to keep from being bored.
I liked the part in RoadWarrior where the guy with the snake is holding him up, and Max has the knife under the car ,along with dynamite.That would be cool in Fallout.For axample if your car got stolen and it exploded,killing everyone inside.It would also be cool to have your own little hideaway or base to keep things in.I know in Fallout 2 I had plates,books,cards ,and all kinds of other crap.Well if you had a base you could keep your crap there.
Lord 342 said:
I think the wrist crossbows we saw in "The Road Warrior" would be really popular. You could fire it while holding something else, you could hide it under your sleeve, all sorts of things. I doubt many people would want to carry a huge-ass crossbow, but the type of light crossbow (which is really very powerful) that's sold today would be around, both in its factory-made and homebrew varieties. Repeating crossbows are stretching it a bit, but I suppose if you've got lots of material and little else to do, someone would build anything just to keep from being bored.

Been spying on me have you? :P

Repeating crossbows aren't pushing it really. The Chinese and Koreans have been making them for a thousand years or so.


I think I also know how to make a small and light crossbow that works something like a Winchester (as in it has a lever you move back and forth) but that would take some primitive metal working skills. Everything from composite bows to normal wooden ones would be around... The latter manufactured post-war which would be more common but you could find the others and upgrade. A crossbow bolt could also penetrate armor that bullets would simply ricochet off of. Keep that in mind. - Colt
This is true. The missiles from bows of all kinds carry tremendous force- in fact they kill through hydrostatic shock in lots of cases. Anyway, one issue with bows/crossbows (which I definitely think should be in the game; they're very common and cheap) is that using one is very different from using a gun. Would there be a seperate skill "Archery"? The weapon progression would be easy, though, from a simple homebuilt bow or crossbow right up to a pre-war composite compound bow... the kind with the pulleys (I forget the name for that kind of bow) they can puncture thick armor with ease, and a skilled archer can shoot an arrow a mile; so in game terms range with certain bows would be technically unlimited (then again it should be with many rifles). This should be a balancing factor since they need to be loaded between each shot, and have other disadvantages compared to conventional guns.
- Cheap
- Reliable
- Easily made from natural materials
- Little skill to manufacture
- Recoverable missiles

- Bulky
- Can be heavy
- Need strength to cock
- Slow to reload (some)
- Single shot (most)
- Longer ranges take progressively more skill

I think even with the percieved cons, there is definitely a place for such things in the game. Regarding bulk: There always should have been a bulk amount for the game. Sure, your guy in powered armor can carry a car... But where the hell is going to put it? - Colt
Also, historically, pro archers (archer mercenaries) all died young and deformed, often with heavy malformations of the bones around the right (mostly) shoulder. Repeating "winchester" crossbows? Maybe, but still you'd probably get three shots at most before a lenghty reload. Still, could be plausible, I guess.
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Also, historically, pro archers (archer mercenaries) all died young and deformed, often with heavy malformations of the bones around the right (mostly) shoulder.

Might I ask why?
The continous pulling of the heavy string on the more powerfull bows caused the bones to bend, also a form of bone cancer would appear and the muscles would sometime be damaged by repetitive motions too. Combine that with poor (middle ages battlefield) diet and there you have it.
That's bull, atleast it's not by any chance caused by archery. The diet *may* have caused it, but unlikely, since I believ that profesional archers at that time were special treated, due to beeing the ground stone in any army.
Trust me, I use a traditional english longbow when I train archery, I''m not a pro, but if the bow is so strong that it would cause your bones to bend by shooting with it regularly, you would definatly not be able to pull it up. Besides, archers on that time was trained from they were very young, and only strong and healthy people used bows.