Worst Possible things for FO3?

Counter-Strike Moron #105 said:
You really need to lighten up, I've played both Fallout and Fallout 2 in great depth trying different gameplay dynamics and I currently own both, I play them regularly. Why can't I just post an idea? As I clearly pointed out I'm thinking out loud and I've come here for you "experienced RPG fans" to comment on them. I'm just trying new ideas to give Fallout 3 a little more depth, I'm sorry if I upset you but I'm not sorry that I like to think for myself. You're right about the fact that there are similar elements already in Fallout but they're lackluster at best. Anyway I'm sure Bethesda will do a fine job(if they make sure not to be too ambitious, stupid, or make the mistake of not listening to the true Fallout fans). Anyway I'm not into those first person shooter real-time action games you mentioned. I love real-time action and it gives more realistic control in combat situations. That is obvious but yeah I'm getting bored of trying to make up new ways of using more realistic fast paced combat play tactics for Fallout all I get is "stop talking you moron" or "you've obviously never played Fallout leave now!" so fine. I'm convinced that a real-time combat system wouldn't work for the PC version but with a next generation console hell yes. An RT system if properly balanced into the functional game engine with all the proper context sensitive actions, and a few stream lined design changes could be fabulous but it would take time and you'll obviously disagree with me so I'm done. I respect your opinions most of the time you're right just try not to be so harsh with your comments please.

Why must we flog a dead horse? Fallout on a console has been done and the word on the street is IT SUCKS. A game with the complexity of Fallout does not transfer well to consoles. Consoles are all about fast-paced action, even the "RPGs" throw at you a tedious onslaught of Things You Must Kill For No Reason, (Secret of Mana: "What ho, a cute little bunny! Oh, it's attacking me! WTF, over?!?) While in Fallout or Fallout 2, I could go for hours or even days (Both real and in-game) without firing a shot. Applying this (console) paradigm to Fallout creates a different game. I'm not even so much saying that that game will suck or not to make it, I'm just saying don't call it Fallout or insist that Fallout should be it, because it's *not* Fallout. I'm convinced a good RPG could be made in First-person Real-time, but I don't think Fallout should be done that way. I own and play several consoles, and enjoy the games for what they are, but trying to put Fallout on a console would be like trying to pack the contents of a cargo truck into a sports car; an exercise in stupidity, even though there is nothing inherently wrong with the cargo, the cargo truck or the sports car.
Counter-Strike Moron #105 said:
(Snip a steaming, whining load.)

First off, nothing you have said has been remotely new nor intelligent. In fact, people far more experienced than you and versed with the subject have made a decent effort and yet have been drawn to certain inevitable facts dealing with the context of the discussion. All you are doing is cluttering the subject at that point, because you add nothing new and decide to tack on some tangent as subtext for some reason unbeknownst to most sentient life.

So yes, you are a moron for having posted The Same Old Stupid Shit™, though bereft of any cognitive thought. In fact, given that you've completely taken the discussion to a tangent and haven't bothered to elucidate upon your previous...uh..."point" (although I hesitate to refer to the aforementioned dreck in any context of proper discussion), I would have to suspect that you are doing little more than trolling for attention.

I respect your opinions most of the time you're right just try not to be so harsh with your comments please.

One, don't tell me what to do on my own forum. Second, you're the one who came here with some dumbass newbie assumption that we'd entertain the same shit we have heard for almost eight years, although in a slightly more mentally-inept form.
Lord 342 said:
(Secret of Mana: "What ho, a cute little bunny! Oh, it's attacking me! WTF, over?!?)

Careful with that bunny reference, Lord... Harry the Bunnymaster , anyone? ;)

Anyone else: Don't mouth off to Rosh, it's not healthy.
Um when I said "try not to be so harsh with your comments please" I said please(maybe I should have put a question mark)You don't have to be so hostile all the time. I agree with what you said though about real-time combat not working well in Fallout. Ok moving on.
Counter-Strike Moron #105 said:
Um when I said "try not to be so harsh with your comments please" I said please(maybe I should have put a question mark)You don't have to be so hostile all the time.

Again with the presumptions to tell me what to do on my own forum? It really isn't helping your position much. I am this way because apparently you feel the need to clutter up topics with random acts of stupidity.

I agree with what you said though about real-time combat not working well in Fallout. Ok moving on.

We can only hope that you don't pull the same crap in other threads.
The worst thing for Fallout 3 in my mind would have to be it being First Person keep it simpll like the other version and have it 3rd person.
2-D, 3-D who gives a shit?

Make it text based. :P

On a serious note, Bethesda has hopefully learned their lesson when it comes to changing an established franchise, since Battlespire and Redguard never did too well.

Text based games are great! Don't make fun of 'em!

... well, some of them totally suck, but that's true for the majority of games in ANY genre anyway.
Most probably the worst thing will be an incomplete game with a lot of bugs.

I don't think FO2 was complete enough to be released (Too many bugs and incomplete things :x ). Even the patch couldn't help that much (Only thing I found useful in the patched version was the reactor key on Klamath (Rest of the bugs mentioned in the readme haven't occured to me)). There was even the Most Famous "Holy Grenade Quest" encounter. Which was in the game yet impossible to be found...

Also anything other than iso tb are unwelcome. And of course there is depth of dialogues.

What the hell... Make it whatever that is supposed to be...
The worst possible thing ever: A sucky storyline.
Al other components may be important, I wouldn't like a RT FO as well as a Morrowind-style Fallout, but storyline is the most important thing of ALL games in my book. FO2 had a bad storyline compared to FO 1, I hope they don't make it even worse.
Member of Khans said:
The worst possible thing ever: A sucky storyline.

I think the positive aspect of the FO universe storyline is that it's not repeating itself. The story builds on and on. References to FO1 in FO2 was a sign for that (Vault Dweller's statue in NCR, etc.).

In FO1 there was not a sign of Enclave. But in FO2 we were given the reasons why they operate underground. And as we all can notice world is not the same as it was on FO1. Because even if our hero had died, the life in the wastelands still goes on... And this gives the FO universe a realistic feeling...

I think Bethesda must not forget this one; they are not going to build a new world altogether. When I buy FO3 I expect to see how that world has changed since we last left it.
If there is a bloody mess perk...

I think the worst possible thing for FO3 would be if the SPECIAL system gets screwed around with. The stats and perks are really the heart and soul of the game.
Good way to ruin the game (setting) is to put a lot of guns and a lot of ammo in the game. I don't like the way the game is heading. It should go back to the roots (or even further)... less guns, even less ammo. Make us feel like we are in the damn apocalypse, not modern society trapt in the desert.