Worst Possible things for FO3?

I imagine they'll go for an isometric 3d thing. Maybe zoomable, maybe not? My concern is that it'll be a system hog, bethseda have suggested they'll be using a new engine and plan on offering the best graphics available today(or tomorrow), i just hope a 2 gig PC with 512 mb of ram and either a 64mb or 128mb graphics card can display it at adequate speeds.
Somebody mentioned the 'simultanious turn based' system that UFO Aftermath uses could be a suitable system. I've been playing UFO Aftermath recently and had been thinking it was a pretty good system, being able to set waypoints and string commands so easily that you can pretty mutch do stuff on the fly. It's a great system for moving and giving orders but it doesn't use action points - just time, and i think action points probably deserve a place in fallout 3.
I thought the pseudo realtime in fallout tactics was pretty good for controlling a whole squad but generally i found the turn based style in all the fallout games rather fiddly and i think i'd prefer something more 'pauseable realtime with action points' - as to how to incoorporate action points i don't know.
I also agree that you should only have full contol of your main character, - it's kinda nice being ripped to shreds by sulik standing behind you with a SMG, -it shows his eagerness to kill and it was your own fault for getting between him and his target anyway.
However you should have full control of leveling up and kitting out your squad , setting aggression and so forth.
I think i trust bethseda to get it right, i'm sure they're more than capable of doing as good a job as anyone and they've been wanting to make such a game for a long time.
Have you been using that bow in combat conditions for 20 years?
As you pointed out, they trained from a very early age.
Also, archers didn't get any special treatment, knights did.

Longbows were difficult to master because the draw-weights often exceeded 45 kgf (440 N, 100 lbf). Considerable practice was required to produce the swift and effective fire combat required. Skeletons of longbow archers are recognizably deformed, with enlarged left arms, and often bone spurs on left wrists, left shoulders and right fingers.

No, I haven't used it in combat for 20 years(As I said, I'm not a pro), but I know people who's trained archery regularely for more than twenty years, and I'm talking fanatism, a lot of archers(at least here in Norway)are fanatic about the sport and train at least three-five days a week. And how come none of the participants in olympics archery suffer from these things?
Also, the training from early age gave them strength, they weren't exeptionally anatomic specialists in medieval times(on the contrary really)but they weren't dumb either, they must have been smart enough to train their muscles other than just pulling the string and letting it go all day.
And another thing, when a right handed person(most people are right handed) pulls the string, he doesn't put any presure on the right shoulder, it would have had to be the left shoulder. Also, you don't hold the bow for a very long time, the place that gets "worned" is mainly the right arm bicep(plus some more that I don't know the name of).
I'm not sure wether archers did or did not get special treatment, it's clear that they didn't in the manner as knights, but the fact that they started from very young age, hints that they probably had better diiets than the peasants, as I said earlier, they were the ground-stone of any army.
What you're saying is impossible for me to believe unless you can document it with a reliable source..

EDIT: err, made my post just after your edit :)
Now how reliable is this source? 100lbs isn't that much, I can pull a 60lbs bow, and I'm not exeptionally strong, pulling a bow also require more than strenght, I can hold a bow stringed up longer than other people who are stronger than me...I still don't believe it.
I created a different thread so we wouldn't keep derailing this one: Post-Apocalyptic Archery.

To get back on track:

brother bozar said:
However you should have full control of leveling up and kitting out your squad , setting aggression and so forth.
I think i trust bethseda to get it right, i'm sure they're more than capable of doing as good a job as anyone and they've been wanting to make such a game for a long time.

I wouldn't mind being able to tell my squad what equipment to use and what kind of tactics but I don't want to spend 20 minutes micromanaging their goohuloog heads. In reality, you don't jump into each squad member's head and tell them how to arrange their underwear and what kind of toothpaste to use. You give them instructions to carry out on the mission. - Colt
Colt said:
I wouldn't mind being able to tell my squad what equipment to use and what kind of tactics
I wouldn't want even that, just some hot key commands to hold your fire, attack here, retreat and cover me. Well maybe one or two more, perhaps follow me or stay here. Or the option to talk to them in combat, but I'd prefer npcs to be characters in their own right with as little interference from me as possible. And I'd certainly wouldn't want to be able to strip an npc of it's equipment without him or her making some (violent) objection.
I meant if it were more squad-based again, as in Fallout 1-2. Not like in Tactics where it makes it feel as though you're pruning roses. If you're the officer, you can usually tell your squad what they need to equip with for a mission. - Colt
Items that has no use... it was a pain in the ass on FO2...

And most of the skills were preety useless... I think something must be done to make the Science and Repair skills more useful... And let's not forget Outdoorsman...
Endless Void said:
Items that has no use... it was a pain in the ass on FO2...

And most of the skills were preety useless... I think something must be done to make the Science and Repair skills more useful... And let's not forget Outdoorsman...

Items were great, showing tat it was not a "EVERY ITEM IS TEH THING" kinda game...... Besides, every item had a barter value.... Helpfull in the begining of the game....
Useless items aren't useless, they add flavour to the game, and even if they have no barter value they've still some inherent value as red herrings. Even if you only waste a couple of seconds trying to read the Power Armour manual or use the make up to improve your charisma. :)
I really appreciated all the random items. They help you get lost in the gameworld. The fewer random items, the more things are the same, the more you realize it's a game. I'd love to see several varieties of each weapon, even if the functional difference is slim to none (Say, a snub nose revolver versus a long barrel; or a chrome version along with black and blued steel). I tended towards true role-playing in my games, keeping some random items or things that I knew only had one use or no use at all, just because it was setting-appropriate. I'd also like to see the player rewarded for doing that, in some cases.
I like the useless tat.
Something i and others did in 'divine divinity' was basically to make a den using all the tat lying around...I would secure a few chests to keep my belongings in, add a bed, furniture, lamps and candlesticks ,rugs, lots of potted plants and anything else that would make my little corner of the world a home from home.
Junk surely adds to the atmosphere.
I think I've been misunderstood...as I said it was a pain in the ass in FO2, I was trying to refer to radscorpion limbs, shiv and other incomplete items... Sorry if I couldn't make it clear on my first post...
Yes, having completely unrelated random items = good.
Having useless unfinished quest items = bad.

God, I hope they finish the game properly before releasing.
Well there's not a lot of difference between useless items and unfinished items, I mean you wouldn't of known that the radscorpions limbs were an unfinished item if someone hadn't told you. But simple weapons should be finished, it's one thing to find a broken gun (it should be more common in a PA setting) but a simple blade should always work.
Colt said:
I thought the use of the radscropion tails was to make antidote and that was it...?

They are talking about the RadScorpion LIMBS that you find in the Dunton brothers house, wicj would tie into the Torr quest if they were implanted....
What was even worse was how many of these unfinished quests were corroborated by the information in the official strategy guide. Oh boy is *That* document a literary clusterfuck! What I'd like to see is in fact the actual version of FO2 that that guide was written with...