brother bozar
First time out of the vault

I imagine they'll go for an isometric 3d thing. Maybe zoomable, maybe not? My concern is that it'll be a system hog, bethseda have suggested they'll be using a new engine and plan on offering the best graphics available today(or tomorrow), i just hope a 2 gig PC with 512 mb of ram and either a 64mb or 128mb graphics card can display it at adequate speeds.
Somebody mentioned the 'simultanious turn based' system that UFO Aftermath uses could be a suitable system. I've been playing UFO Aftermath recently and had been thinking it was a pretty good system, being able to set waypoints and string commands so easily that you can pretty mutch do stuff on the fly. It's a great system for moving and giving orders but it doesn't use action points - just time, and i think action points probably deserve a place in fallout 3.
I thought the pseudo realtime in fallout tactics was pretty good for controlling a whole squad but generally i found the turn based style in all the fallout games rather fiddly and i think i'd prefer something more 'pauseable realtime with action points' - as to how to incoorporate action points i don't know.
I also agree that you should only have full contol of your main character, - it's kinda nice being ripped to shreds by sulik standing behind you with a SMG, -it shows his eagerness to kill and it was your own fault for getting between him and his target anyway.
However you should have full control of leveling up and kitting out your squad , setting aggression and so forth.
I think i trust bethseda to get it right, i'm sure they're more than capable of doing as good a job as anyone and they've been wanting to make such a game for a long time.
Somebody mentioned the 'simultanious turn based' system that UFO Aftermath uses could be a suitable system. I've been playing UFO Aftermath recently and had been thinking it was a pretty good system, being able to set waypoints and string commands so easily that you can pretty mutch do stuff on the fly. It's a great system for moving and giving orders but it doesn't use action points - just time, and i think action points probably deserve a place in fallout 3.
I thought the pseudo realtime in fallout tactics was pretty good for controlling a whole squad but generally i found the turn based style in all the fallout games rather fiddly and i think i'd prefer something more 'pauseable realtime with action points' - as to how to incoorporate action points i don't know.
I also agree that you should only have full contol of your main character, - it's kinda nice being ripped to shreds by sulik standing behind you with a SMG, -it shows his eagerness to kill and it was your own fault for getting between him and his target anyway.
However you should have full control of leveling up and kitting out your squad , setting aggression and so forth.
I think i trust bethseda to get it right, i'm sure they're more than capable of doing as good a job as anyone and they've been wanting to make such a game for a long time.