Worst Possible things for FO3?

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
What are, IYHO, the worst possible things that could happen to FO3?

Hope this is'nt restricted somehow, I just found it mildly amusing in the face of all the aweful suggestions.
You trying to tap this vast resource of cynicism so that you can present the results to Herve in a bid to be hired as a writer for FOOL? That's your insane plan, isn't it!

Fallout FPS, the game where you kill warehouse after warehouse full of giant rats in order to impress prostitutes. After you have garnered the favor of one of them, you are treated to a video of that particular prostitute servicing you. Unlock special prostitutes like the ghoul prostitute and the super mutant prostitute. Defeat the Mistress (a female version of the Master) and gain the attention of her entire harem!

Actually, this is Darky's little storyline, don't tell him I revealed it to you.
holy hell. that game would be hot! i would buy it just for its irrevernce toward the fallout universe and video gaming in general!
one thing that would be horrible for fo3 is a lack of dogmeat

i never saw him in tactics, which was alright since the char wasnt mad max related, but in fo3 i definately want to see dog meat

or dog meats great great great great great grandson
Lack of dialogue choices. Probably my favorite thing about the original Fallouts were the choices you had talking to people and how organic the dialogue was between the character and NPC's. I want more questions, more answers, and more bad things to say that gets the NPC pissed off and makes them attack you!

Lack of character models. As much as I loved Fallout 1 and 2, that same skinny yellow guy and the guy in the red vest with a green hat and the same girl with pink scraps of clothes got a little old. I want to see more people that are unique, and with today's high-powered graphics and all that we'll actually be able to see people up close.
worst thing to happen? kinda hard to top off what Kotario said. I would have to say that they turn it into a topdown morrowind wannabe peice of smelly 5 week old **** and then give it a a**load of pointless useless features that are like spam popups you cant close!!

But thats just me im sure some people can do better.
Mad Max beyond Junk City said:
one thing that would be horrible for fo3 is a lack of dogmeat

i never saw him in tactics, which was alright since the char wasnt mad max related, but in fo3 i definately want to see dog meat

or dog meats great great great great great grandson

You had to remind me! :evil:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
What are, IYHO, the worst possible things that could happen to FO3?

going 3D (bwah!)
messing up dialogue
introducing modern perks like 'dual wielding' or 'bullet time'
changing isometric perspective and/or the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system
modern weaponry and other anachronisms
lots of cars
Leisure suit Dweller
Now that could have potential. It wouldn't be Fallout, but I bet it would be fun.

Anyway, my choices ...

No SPECIAL system.
1st person only.
Lack of dialog choices, and/or unimaginative dialog choices.
Being able to beat the game in <10 hours real time.

Those are about the only things that would, without a doubt, ruin it.
Macaco said:
Morrowind with guns<snip>

A large open-ended but very bland world, with many uninteresting NPCs that practically all say the same thing, featuring a ruleset where every character can do everything. And First Person view .... :shock:

I fear a game named Fallout - instead of a Fallout game.
Lets see...

1. Greater use of the supernatural then the Annah Winslow thing which was still shit.

2. Goin down the road of FO2 and mass producing everything, such as uber weaponry.

3. Giving you direct control of your whole party.


5. Anything to do with the Enclave.

6. Vertibirds

7. Hundreds of adicts.

8. A universal skill for ranged combat, like "Marksman" or something.

9. Talking animals/plants.

8. First Person view.

9. Thousands of useless NPCs that all have the same diolouge.

10. realtime combat.

11. Remenants of the masters army.

Thats all i can think of right now.
Lack of dialogue choices (the best thing on FO1 and FO2)

No special items and Special Encounters :shock:

Too many weapons

realtime combat
I think the worst thing

The worst thing would have to be someone in marketing saying...

Hmmm lets make "FO:POS 2" But to make it more role-playing like.. we'll put in a a pause button. That will win over the hearts and minds of fallout fans.... Now where did I put the super glue and whiipets?
A "sims" like game.

Design a shack, vault or whatever and put furniture in it.

Invite ghoul neighbors over and beat their asses up.

That would blow. Funny, maybe for 5 seconds, but... ew, no it wouldn't.
I would surely miss the dialog option in which you inform the victi... eerm.. NPC that you are his executor.
Also a possibility to chew gum and kick ass must stay.
In my nightmares I see a Harold behind that morrowind dialog mode screen which contains a list of key words which you can choose and then get him to speak his monologue. Ooooh, Harold, please, talk to me. Harold? Haaarold!!!
*hugs Harold and weeps*
Oh it was just a dream, pheew.
I'm now guessing if Bethesda has the guts to make a character similar to that nice Dr. Wo in children of the cathedral area. Frankly, I don't believe it. To imagine someone like that in Beth's game after all the white and fluffy characters and decent boring politcorrect envirovement of elderscrolls series. No way.
[offtopic]I think Roshambo would be excelent for the role of Dr.Wo, if there would be a fallout movie :lol:[/offtopic]
Oki what else?
It would surely be lame to train your dexterety or such by pointlessly jumping around. Imagine chosen one bunny hopping around New Reno shouting friendly ''hi'' to everyone. Now how do you imagine to get resspect of Mordino's behaving so gay.
Daedric bozar isn't my cup of tea either.
And yes, as someone mentioned, you shouldn't be able to controll your squad members apart from yourself. Naaah, ok Ian was a bit unconsequent in combat tactics and Marcus isn't exactly a commandos sniper type, but hey, it makes a game a more live and witty. And, Myron:''Marcuss is staring at me again''.
No doubt about Dogmeat. No Dogmeat, no Fallout.
Having it become like morrwind, don't get me wrong morrowind was a great game, and if they did make it like that it would/could still be a great game.

But it WOULD not be fallout. :(

(fps for rpgs can work, but not all the time, I love the tired and true isometric, and that is a must for fo3 for me)