I would surely miss the dialog option in which you inform the victi... eerm.. NPC that you are his executor.
Also a possibility to chew gum and kick ass must stay.
In my nightmares I see a Harold behind that morrowind dialog mode screen which contains a list of key words which you can choose and then get him to speak his monologue. Ooooh, Harold, please, talk to me. Harold? Haaarold!!!
*hugs Harold and weeps*
Oh it was just a dream, pheew.
I'm now guessing if Bethesda has the guts to make a character similar to that nice Dr. Wo in children of the cathedral area. Frankly, I don't believe it. To imagine someone like that in Beth's game after all the white and fluffy characters and decent boring politcorrect envirovement of elderscrolls series. No way.
[offtopic]I think Roshambo would be excelent for the role of Dr.Wo, if there would be a fallout movie

Oki what else?
It would surely be lame to train your dexterety or such by pointlessly jumping around. Imagine chosen one bunny hopping around New Reno shouting friendly ''hi'' to everyone. Now how do you imagine to get resspect of Mordino's behaving so gay.
Daedric bozar isn't my cup of tea either.
And yes, as someone mentioned, you shouldn't be able to controll your squad members apart from yourself. Naaah, ok Ian was a bit unconsequent in combat tactics and Marcus isn't exactly a commandos sniper type, but hey, it makes a game a more live and witty. And, Myron:''Marcuss is staring at me again''.
No doubt about Dogmeat. No Dogmeat, no Fallout.