Would you sacrifice yourself?

I think a lot of people out there sacrifice a lot every day.

Whether to be a good parent, a good student, a good street hooker.

Maybe they arent giving up their entire life but at least part of it.

T'would be a pretty fucked up world to live in if people only ever served their own self-interests.
Crni, which is why I find it an intriguing prospect :D

mobucks, I am refering to "the ultimate sacrifice". But you bring up an interesting point. I remember agonizing arguments with... let's just be blunt and call them "fascists", for a lack of a better term - who were convinced self-interest was the only natural way of humans, and that compassion was "unnatural". I had a hard time explaining to them that... nothing is "unnatural", lest it be from outter space or something, and even then it would be "natural". The preservation of others is a strong impulse all humans have, and have honed through careful selection. We empathize with those in pain, and admire those who give of themselves. Concious compassion for others can be traced far back in our ancestry, and is observed frequently even in chimpanzees.
.Pixote. said:
DammitBoy said:
Only for my daughter

What about your boy?

Boys can take care of themselves!
Reminds me of once me, my dad and my brother were out taking a walk with my sister in a baby stroller.
As we approached the forest, paved roads mind you, civilized forest, my dad went - quite out of the blue - if a bear attacks us now, I want you two to fight it off, while I run to safety with your sister.
We laughed so heartily at what we thought was an amusing joke. He isn't Norwegian.
As he turned out to be dead serious, we had a few things to discuss with him.
1. What fucking bears!?
2. Fight off the bear... riiight...
3. No, here's a better idea, YOU fight the bear dad. And we, your offspring, the future, WE run off with our sister... :roll:
Not actually certain. On one hand I'd like to do the ultimate sacrifice to save someone from an horrible end, since I don't always feel that my life is worth very much anyway and thus can be sacrificed. Then on the other hand, I only have one life, and there is so many things to experience yet before I perish, that I'd hate to miss it all if I sacrifice myself early.
zegh8578 said:
Would you take a bullet to the head for that same stranger, if it was you or him?
So me & a complete stranger get captured by evil gnatzies and they are going to execute one & let the other go? Would I volunteer to be the one to be shot so the other person can go?

Mkay then. Then the answer is no.
Nope, but I do hope to be in a position one day that requires me to undertake certain action that could possible result in my death but which is required to save all of mankind.

When that moment ever comes I can't wait to turn around and look at everyone whose hopes and chances on survival depends on me, and then say to them "Boy, are you people screwed!" and then run off laughing.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Nope, but I do hope to be in a position one day that requires me to undertake certain action that could possible result in my death but which is required to save all of mankind.

When that moment ever comes I can't wait to turn around and look at everyone whose hopes and chances on survival depends on me, and then say to them "Boy, are you people screwed!" and then run off laughing.

Hah, I imagined like this:
When I took OSHA we watched a video about some plant worker who went into an emptied hazmat tank. He forgot to wear an alarm that tells the atmosphere in there was deadly. As soon as he got down there he passed out and eventually died. Another worker comes along and sees him asleep at the bottom of the ladder. He goes in trying to rescue his comrade and immediately falls asleep and also dies. Then a third man comes and does the same thing. Dead.
mobucks said:
When I took OSHA we watched a video about some plant worker who went into an emptied hazmat tank. He forgot to wear an alarm that tells the atmosphere in there was deadly. As soon as he got down there he passed out and eventually died. Another worker comes along and sees him asleep at the bottom of the ladder. He goes in trying to rescue his comrade and immediately falls asleep and also dies. Then a third man comes and does the same thing. Dead.

That's awful :I
Well the fourth guy was like "fuck that shit" and called for help. Self preservation won the day for number four.
mobucks said:
When I took OSHA we watched a video about some plant worker who went into an emptied hazmat tank. He forgot to wear an alarm that tells the atmosphere in there was deadly. As soon as he got down there he passed out and eventually died. Another worker comes along and sees him asleep at the bottom of the ladder. He goes in trying to rescue his comrade and immediately falls asleep and also dies. Then a third man comes and does the same thing. Dead.

Best Two and a Half men episode ever.
Risk it? Sure, why not. I think most people would.

Sacrifice as in 100% certainty you're dead? Only for a REALLY, REALLY good cause. Some "Only You can Save the World!" action movie hero type shit. Otherwise, no.
In my experience you often dont think about it when the situation arises, not to go into details but in my line of work you often end up putting yourself in harms way for others - I ended up on the roof of a railway station trying to talk down a suicidal fifteen year old girl - she walked towards the overhead power lines which had 25,000volts running through them and put her hands out to touch them.

My colleague was closer to her then me and ended up running towards her and rugby tackling her on the roof, both of us ended up in a struggle on top of the station roof next to the train lines and overhead power cables.

Neither of us realised what sort of risks we were in at the time, we just did what we had to do - supervision gave us a pat on the back and I have a nice certificate in my hallway because of the incident - my immediate line manager was annoyed at us and more or less told us it was a stupid thing to do but what else could we have done?

End of the day you just find yourself doing something WITHOUT realising just what COULD happen - the day it all goes wrong and doesnt pan out you wont be worrying about it anyway.