Xbox World 360 article

Per said:
"We've had a focus test to see how well our tutorials were working, and in the initial run-through we forgot to tutorial VATS. People were playing without even knowing it existed and they just played it as a first-person shooter. That's reassuring."

Wait, what? :o That's not reassuring... thats the complete opposite... :(
Aye, although nowhere as reassuring for those of us who enjoyed or even prefered the turn based combat of the orignials.
Those are only ten people who may or may not visit no mutants allowed (or something along those lines).
I used to think all the Bethesda bashing was over the top and the game would turn out ok...but every recent article has F3 sounding worse and worse. This latest one is the rotten icing on the maggot-infested cake. It truly has been dumbed down. Kind of funny to realize the people who said "Oblivion with guns" so long ago turned out to be 100% correct.
When you cut through the PR bullshit, what we have here is a Fallout Total Conversion for Oblivion. From character creation right down to combat, mini-games, and dialogue, this is nothing more than a re-skin of Oblivion.

Bethesda can't think of any original ideas, so they had to take the shortcut and buy an already established game world. Unlucky for us, it just happened to be the greatest RPG franchise in the history of computer role playing games.

They can't even manage to make a 30 second trailer that doesn't come off as a cheap knock-off of what Black Isle made.

I always thought the game would be bad, but I didn't really think they'd actually just go for a re-skin job. When I saw the first screenshot that was missing the Fallout style UI, I knew the game was doomed. The more I learn about it the more amazed I am.

Bethesda are the biggest hacks in the industry.
Beelzebud said:
Bethesda are the biggest hacks in the industry.
True that. I always find it funny when some inbred piece of shit talks about how innovative Bethesda is and then you gasp, you've only played Oblivion?
randir14 said:
I used to think all the Bethesda bashing was over the top and the game would turn out ok...but every recent article has F3 sounding worse and worse. This latest one is the rotten icing on the maggot-infested cake. It truly has been dumbed down. Kind of funny to realize the people who said "Oblivion with guns" so long ago turned out to be 100% correct.
Oh, and here was I thinking no one would agree with us after a while... :)
Per said:
* Raiders are observed "clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat". Enemies will make good use of cover, according to Todd, except if they're too badass to take cover like the super mutants.

Also, reading this bit in the original transcript:
We're immediately thrown into combat against a small army, with every enemy clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat against the man firing the death rays. "We have a complete nav-mesh which covers the whole world, and all the edges are marked hish how high the cover is," eplxains Todd. "AI can take cover behind anything. They know how high this desk is and whether they can crouch behind it for cover."

I'm calling this right now. They're lying. Again. They tried this with RAI, they're trying it again, it doesn't take a genius to figure out this is simply not true.
You can definitely play it just as an FPS if that's your thing, though it's certainly going to be a lot harder," says Todd, describing how the VATS systems fits in. "We've had a focus test to see how well our tutorials were working, and in the initial run-through we forgot to tutorial VATS. People were playing without even knowing it existed and they just played it as a first-person shooter. That's reassuring.
The initial design for VATS was the following pitch I made to people: "I don't know how it starts, but the end of it looks like Burnout's Crash Mode, but with body parts," Todd explains, with a gigantic grin. "We wanted them to be able to go into a room and go boom, boom, boom, boom and see views of their character blowing guys away from crazy angles.
My god, I cannot even begin to describe how mentally deficient this man seems to me.
Fallout 3 is a true follow-up to Oblivion...
I hope this will finally shut up those of you who still hoped or thought otherwise.
Another example of bleak humour: in an unopened post box you can find a letter informing the receiver they weren't selected for the vault programme.
There's also a "Super Duper Urgent" marking on the envelope. Ha ha. Ha. Ha...
Ladykiller will make you more effective against female adversaires
There will be Squirrels-on-a-stick. Like all other food, they are radioactive.
Ha ha. Ha. Ha...
Pete on the fact that the compass will point the way to unknown locations: "It's our way of saying 'there's fun over here'."
It's also my way of thinking "there's a retard over there".

What can I say. I'm completely disgusted by all this. Very, very disappointing. You can have my word on that, I'll make sure none of my friends and acquaintances will spend a single cent on this piece of crap.
Purgatorium mod for NWN2 that's supposed to be the spiritual sequel of PS:T

They've never said that. In fact, they have made a point of the mod being very different than Torment, and that people shouldn't expect something Torment-ish.

This is quite possibly the most depressing preview so far. Reassuring my ass. If I play a RPG, I sure as hell don't want it to be perfectly playable as a FPS. I mean wtf. Something is gonna give here ladies and gentlemen, and my bet is that combat will actually suck both as a RPG and a FPS. And the bit about getting 'homes' to live in that you can decorate, yep, another piece of TES jammed into Fallout. And the compass.... Sweet Jesus.

For fucks sake Bethesda. I wanna slap myself for believing (before any details were announced) that you'd actually make some kind of effort to get out of the TES style of gaming considering this is an entirerely different game. Oblivion 2 indeed.
Brother None said:
Per said:
* Raiders are observed "clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat". Enemies will make good use of cover, according to Todd, except if they're too badass to take cover like the super mutants.

Also, reading this bit in the original transcript:
We're immediately thrown into combat against a small army, with every enemy clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat against the man firing the death rays. "We have a complete nav-mesh which covers the whole world, and all the edges are marked hish how high the cover is," eplxains Todd. "AI can take cover behind anything. They know how high this desk is and whether they can crouch behind it for cover."

I'm calling this right now. They're lying. Again. They tried this with RAI, they're trying it again, it doesn't take a genius to figure out this is simply not true.

You think he's lying about them switching to a nav mesh? That they've marked cover that NPCs can use? That the NPCs will actually use that? Please be specific because I'm not sure what you're actually claiming can't/won't be done.
Anani Masu said:
You think he's lying about them switching to a nav mesh? That they've marked cover that NPCs can use? That the NPCs will actually use that? Please be specific because I'm not sure what you're actually claiming can't/won't be done.

i think he ment general feel that that beth is trying to convey about their groundbreaking super duper AI

personally i dont care about npc's AI that much, as long as super orcs dont start raking desert in the middle of combat ...
something on par with FO1/2 i would find acceptable
* There will be Squirrels-on-a-stick. Like all other food, they are radioactive.

Southpaws said:
kyle said:
something on par with FO1/2 i would find acceptable

Enemies standing still in front of you? I don't think that this would work in real-time combat. :?
huh? think about what npc's want to do, not how is it executed (i thought it was kinda obvious)

said that, enemies WILL stand still in front of you when you are near them - that or hth/melee will be broken like in FOT (but than again, hth/melee is screwed already anyways)
i still dont get how the AI can still be the radiant ai with its questionable pathfinding abilities and NOW suddenly is using areal environmental input vs nodal input. that just sounds like a total rebuild of the perception system, or they are in fact creating a marketing AI that sounds just GREAT on paper. i do look forward to testing this.

otoh, if you increase the amount of data an npc can decide on, that might just do the trick. it has to work very fast, though. i guess i still can trick initially hostile (as in attack on sight) npc into talking to me via "fortify speed + x" and running up to them hammering my "use" button.

on another note: bethesda might run out of prospective fallout fan sites to buy with "exclusive hands-on previews". the feedback is quite decisive on the sites i visit, and by golly it is not good. not good at all.
horst said:
i still dont get how the AI can still be the radiant ai with its questionable pathfinding abilities and NOW suddenly is using areal environmental input vs nodal input.

It's indeed the case if one believes the fan interview.