Xbox World 360 article

horst said:
deanimate said:
Brother None said:
Per said:

Eeeek, I think these Brits need a dictionary. i missing something here? why do they need a dictionary?

they undeniably irrefutably unquestionably certainly obviously dont need one
Fallout 3 is Fallout Three - a long overdue chapter in a long-ignored series, indisputably made by the right men for the job.
they do actually
ok, now that we know that FOblivion won't live up to the original games in any way, it also looks like the game won't be interesting for any other type of gamer. except for _really_ casual gamers. it doesn't look like a fallout game, and judging by the latest news, it doesn't look like a good game at all.

the engine does look outdated. you can't compensate missing lighting effects, bad character design and so on, just by rising the polygon count.

the fighting system will most likely be unbalanced and unsatisfying, be it for fps or turnbased rpg players.

the whole design seems to be hacked-together, uninspiring, without any feeling for the detail.

so what will be left of the fallout franchise?

what will happen in the future?

on a sidenote: screw that "reason" part in my nickname. i seriously didn't expect beth to fail this hard.
hmm if the sales drop, maybe they will sell the franchise to polish up their records

new hope!

the only rpg-elements in fallout 3 will have to do with rocket-propelled grenades, i fear
Don't count on it. With all the hype that's being generated, and magazines babbling about GOTY, it's going to draw all the Konsole Kiddies in.
shihonage said:
An example of bleak humour: one house contains two skeletons hugging each other on a burnt-out carpet, a couple who died when the bombs fell.

More like an EPIC FAIL at humor

Actually, the skeletons and post box were not held out as examples of humour as such. It was my interpretation of how such things more or less automatically are cast in a different light by the circumstances. The letter for instance calls to mind the "Let us in, motherfuckers" sign in a way that is more ironic than blatant. Not "ha ha" humour, but "hmm, er, heh" giving way to "why is this still here after 200 years" kind of humour.

Voice Of Reason said:
on a sidenote: screw that "reason" part in my nickname.

You want to be renamed "Voice Of"?
An example of bleak humour: one house contains two skeletons hugging each other on a burnt-out carpet, a couple who died when the bombs fell.
Hmm, the old skeleton joke. "First" it was in Bioshock then there was parody in HL2:E2.
A few new perks: "At low levels Ladykiller will make you more effective against female adversaires; Black Widow is the female's equivalent. Little Leaguer will make you a big-hitting slugger with your bat."
Normaly i would be looking forward to funny vault boy ilustrations but this is Bethesda and we saw some of their attempts :|
navmeshes? with markup for cover? Ground breaking?

Sure... yeah right... what ever... :roll: that's old tech, we used it in Call of Cthulhu ffs.

It'll work, as long as it programmed well, but its not new technology, not as Emil describes it...

- Also, please God no, not the Retard Compass, please no, I hated that with a passion in Oblivion... Arrraggghhh... Now I know I wont be buying Fallout3 until they bring out the modding tools, because I WILL want to get rid of the compass.
Kyuu said:
* You can pick up a radio transmission with a "Chinese voice reporting that America has fallen and for civilians to surrender."
Uh oh, the super-secret plot twist revealed! Those damn commie Chinese are behind all of it!

I would really hope not. I'm assuming it's Enclave Propaganda or some such thing to make civilians think it was just them Commies that dun it first. At least, I would hope, but I've just about lost it for this Fallout spin-off.
* An example of bleak humour: one house contains two skeletons hugging each other on a burnt-out carpet, a couple who died when the bombs fell.

I think a better version of "bleak humor" would be stumbling upon a classroom with 30 skeletons hiding beneath the desks.
You can pick up a radio transmission with a "Chinese voice reporting that America has fallen and for civilians to surrender.

Yes, because what is China would definitely do... 200 years after the war. Thanks for the update, Mao, but I have a newsflash for you. The Yellow Turban Rebellion is about to start. Call that Liu Bei A. S. A. P.! :roll:
Anani Masu said:
You think he's lying about them switching to a nav mesh? That they've marked cover that NPCs can use? That the NPCs will actually use that? Please be specific because I'm not sure what you're actually claiming can't/won't be done.

Considering how good they are at working in AIs, I have some serious doubts about both their intention and their capabilities to work in a complex AI system which includes NPCs taking the high ground or utilizing cover.

To be fair, I wouldn't just be sceptical about this coming from Bethesda, but they have a track record of outright lying on this point. But I'd have serious doubts about any company making such claims. Why? Because tactical AI is one of the least developed elements in game development as is.

deanimate said: i missing something here? why do they need a dictionary?

Indisputable = can't be disputed. That's really, really not the case here. That'd be like me saying Bethesda is indisputably the wrong company for the job. Considering how much dispute there is on the point, it's simply a very silly word to use.

VoR said:
so what will be left of the fallout franchise?

what will happen in the future?

Well, assuming Fallout 3 is of the quality it appears to be from these previews, just expect NMA to scrounge together as many mods as we can to save what we can. "Turning Fallout 3 into VtM:Bloodlines" has been uttered before. It's a fairly noble goal, we'll see how far we get.

And supporting indie projects and mods will be high on our list.

Fallout? The Fallout license has been screwed since Bethesda fully purchased it. The most depressing day of my fansistence.
Why? Because tactical AI is one of the least developed elements in game development as is.

I totally agree, on the title I'm working on we have as many AI coders as renderer coders. Why?

Because a good tactical AI is really tough to develop.

Though it is sweet to watch the AI squad mates run into a ruined building and start taking cover around the rubble, popping out to take shots. But I'll be happily surprised if the AI manages this in Fallout:Oblivion.
* Another example of bleak humour: in an unopened post box you can find a letter informing the receiver they weren't selected for the vault programme.

If they wanted that to be ironic, it should have been a letter informing them they WERE chosen for the vault programme.
Nova said:
* Another example of bleak humour: in an unopened post box you can find a letter informing the receiver they weren't selected for the vault programme.

If they wanted that to be ironic, it should have been a letter informing them they WERE chosen for the vault programme.

LOL you're right :lol:

About the article, it seems like bethesda is starting to have a hard time in hiding the fact that fallout 3 really is oblivion with guns..
Myryad said:
About the article, it seems like bethesda is starting to have a hard time in hiding the fact that fallout 3 really is oblivion with guns..


They stopped trying to hide that about half a year ago.

Now they're just trying to convince everyone that it's a good idea.

(though I repeat for the sake of form: Fallout 3 isn't Oblivion with Guns. It's more a mix of about half a dozen games, in style and gameplay, Oblivion probably being the biggest influence)
Brother None said:
Fallout 3 isn't Oblivion with Guns. It's more a mix of about half a dozen games...

The list, of course, is as follows:

Doom III, Postal 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Daikatana, MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch for Playstation 2, and Beavis & Butt-head: Calling All Dorks.
Not really.

I'd say it's more Oblivion, Mass Effect, Fallout, Gears of War, Burnout 2 and some bits from here and there, including ripping off stuff like Half-Life's grav gun.