Well I guess I'll jump in here, I'm new to the forum but I'm a console gamer , after all the hype , the he said she said , now we know what Sony is doing as well as Microsoft , just yesterday I heard on twitter that Microsoft is putting the cheap headsets in/w the consoles now ... Ok so now what's the next big speculation ?? I pre-ordered both systems , I like them both and the fact that there are always going to be specific exclusive titles for one or the other , has me getting both .
Honestly I don't swap games, I'm 47. Ill let my son use a game , I don't care if a connect camera sees me drinking a cup of coffee while I'm playing a game! , the Sony online community doesn't stack up to the Microsoft community , but I guess you get what you pay for $50.00 vs. free , or a premium subscription will get you some free digital downloads.
So the pc community likes to mod and tweak everything , great oh and it's cheaper then consoles right ? , I'm not sure here because I know several guys that play on pc,s and they are always chasing newer , faster better, == cha-Ching .
Guess I'm at the point in life I like to go to my local video game dealer , purchase a game I want to play , go home , open it up. , insert the disc and play it , a simple concept in the year 2013 , I'm not into downloads , and crossing my fingers that it will play ok , or if my system can accommodate the size of those game ?? .... Damn this is my second post here hope I'm not putting a gun under my chin lol ..
Honestly though it all comes down to what you're into as well as you're budget , and you're knowledge of building or maintaining a pc game system , most people I know and have been gaming with over the last 6-7 years are on both of the above consoles, so that's where I lean towards , hence this is my online social life , lol
Then the other big factor is what you can afford? Times are tight right now,some people are trying to feed a family or pay for college courses or books , so each purchase has to be planned or thought out , and if trading games amongst peers is helping , or swapping downloads then you gotta do what ya gotta do right , I'm fortunate and I'm a game buying , stockpiling , nut ! Lol I enjoy gaming , I'm retired and this is what I'm into , either way I'm sure everyone will find a way to enjoy this upcoming game season , there's always Santa clause , lol.