

Still Mildly Glowing
looks pretty cool. I was worried it would be geared more towards teenagers and kids but i could really use this.

gonna be like having my own star trek computer
It looks like the biggest gimmick of all time. I rather have an ipad in my lap with a browser of my choice than do Picture in Picture with Internet explorer and Bing.
Don't care for the gimmick crap but the whole cloud system is cool it'll allow the XBO to evolve unlike PS4 and blu ray is nice too. Just sucks you need kinect with it and makes me wonder how much $$$$ this is going to cost me.
will it be able to draw a native 720p/i picture?

the PS4 will be able to draw a 1080 picture native when playing blu-rays and at 50% when playing games.

will the xbox 1 be able to at least match that?

i mean, the current setup is horrible.

ps3 = 1/4 1080 or 480x270 native resolution
xbox360elite = 1/4 720 or 360x180 native resolution

PS4 games = 1/2 1080 or 960x540
xboxone = ????

oh, and the PS4 will be using a 32 bit OS with extended memory addressing like they did in XP to see 4 gigs of ram, but they are increasing it to see 8 gigs.

we need to see some specs for the new xbox.
pretty much sums up my thoughts

Fuck you Angry Joe is king of game reviews. Doesn't slurp on publishers dicks and is an actual gamer gives honest opinions or rants whatever you want to call it.
I have no clue if Joe is correct or not, I just like his rage.

*But you have to give him that. He was totally and absolutely spot on with Colonial Marines.
Well, you can't blame them much, they have to try it out, maybe there will be enough suckers and the idea gets cemented in the industry. Market research, same as 60 dollar games, DLC's etc.
It seems pretty cool as an all-in-one (hence, Xbox One) entertainment system, but a lot of it is really gimmicky. Like swiping your hands to browse the Xbox live menu instead of pushing a control stick. The picture-in-picture function again seems "cool". As does using a smart phone as a remote control. But again, I can just use my smart phone to buy tickets, or the laptops or desktops I have.

I own a 360, and a PS3, and If I ever go back to consoles I doubt I'll go the xbox route.
Serifan said:
Fuck you Angry Joe is king of game reviews. Doesn't slurp on publishers dicks and is an actual gamer gives honest opinions or rants whatever you want to call it.



Guy is a cretin

And lol at this new xbox. I'm fine with gimmicky stuff like motion sensors and what not when I am playing party games on the Wii with my friends, if I want to just sit back and enjoy some action adventure or so I don't need all that kinect crap etc.
So because he likes a game you don't like he's a cretin?

I think he often brings up good points, and like Serifan said he isn't your ordinary kiss-ass game reviewer. He calls bullshit when there's bullshit and he is always honest. Fair game if he enjoys some stuff I don't.

And on topic, what he said about the Xbox One reveal pretty much sums up the reason I couldn't care less about the next generation consoles. What ever happened to the gaming aspect of consoles? I mean, that's what they were once for, right?
Actually all the angry reviews like Zero functuation, AVGN, ETC's reviews are just sucks because they criticise game for entertain not for analyzing the game. but funny thing is that their praising review is worse than criticising. Zero functuation's Skyrim review is just sucks.

Meanwhile, in japan, Sony.

Serifan said:
Fuck you Angry Joe is king of game reviews. Doesn't slurp on publishers dicks and is an actual gamer gives honest opinions or rants whatever you want to call it.

I have seen how he changes opinion just to accomodate to the popular bandwagon. During the Xcom FPS debacle he was all "I was never a fan of the originals so I think this FPS si a good idea" after the shitstorm resulted the game getting delayed, the new Firaxis game being revealed and popular opinion shifting into liking that one he inmediately changed his whole history aparently because he suddenly was a great fan of the original Xcom in his review. Also he has an ego the size of a planet, e-lebrities tend to have giant egos but this guy takes the cake, almost to the point of self obssesion. Also his review of DmC was just fanboy whinning about Dante and when he commented about the lowered dificulty (somethign I agree with) his footage showed him sucking ass at the game, so yeah he is just parroting the louder voice.

On the XboxOne, do people really consider remote controls that much of a hassle that they are calling for clunky voice recognition technology to beign able to go from Source to TV?


CALL OF DUTY: DAWGS! they are gonna expand the gameplay experience by creating characters you can connect with by rendering more arm hair and nail dirt, bruh. And a Dog. The dog id gonna die at some point in the campaign and internet top ten lists will call that one of the top emotional moments of the year.