Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

Well depends. Some are worse than others. Just asking because I want to play a lot of these mods and do reviews on them some day soon. This one is on my list for sure. Thanks. Sounds good.
Well from me this mod have A+++++.
I made some screen shots. I put some notes in the picture.

Screen one.png

Screen two.png
One thing to suggest, Have the text display on instead of minimap, then you can read when the charge detonates and see if it is from friendly fire or otherwise.

Not sure why the charge is always blasting in your game... In my recent tests I just didn't have this problem. I will keep looking. (I tested in CTB).

Question: Are you playing in turnbased mode when you try to rescue Felicia?

You were right about when the bomb blast and when felicia is far away from the blast area and then she survives. The triggers didn't recognize her as being saved and it breaks the story, just like you said. So I added a few triggers to fix that.

I will release a new version probably this weekend, with this recent fix to quartz.

Is it possible to post a screenshot of where the Problem BR-Occupation is. It helps me to understand exactly where the problem is.

I did more testing today and again it seems fine. I rescued her again. I don't seem to have any problems.

Maybe sometimes it is just fate that you can't save Felicia. Did you try to finish out the story if she dies? It's a blemish on your reputation but the story goes on.

How stable and bug free is the latest build?

The Mod is very Stable and is very playable. Most content is bugfree.

Right now it is meant for CTB. However after Endocore suggested a fix for the 'invisible undead' bug in Turnbased mode, I will implement a fix to as many maps as I can in each successive version, to make the TB experience better for you oldschool TB guys. until then Try out the random crazyness of CTB combat, (you're bound to lose your favorite characters hehe)

Here's some screens from recent testing


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No I don't play in TB mod.
I don't know what triggers the remote charge, but surely is not from some "friendly fire"

Screen four.jpg

This is the raider which sometimes remains blocked. But I find how to avoid this. I let Diego and Ricardo battle with him, I don't interfere.

Screen five.jpg

Hey guys, got some bad news... Last Tuesday night when I was working my job (Nightshift) there was a fire at my apartment building and as a result, my apartment suite was trashed, and I was forced to evacuate the building and now I have no home. Needless to say, I am devastated.

I am staying with some family until I can find a new place. Luckily my computer (and the newest version of the mod (v0.893)) are safe.:D Unfortunately I can't upload the new patch this weekend, like I promised I would. I am very sorry, but something's are just out of my control. It's too bad too, because I fixed a number of bugs (mostly in Quartz)

However, as soon as I can find a way to upload it I will. It will just take a while until I can find a new place and then work will resume as normal. So until then you are stuck with version 0.892.

Sorry guys.:cry:

Because I might be out of action for a while, I've decided to share with you guys the last bugs (that I know of) that need to fixed. None of them are gamebreakers

Here are a few bugs that still need to be fixed as of V0.892. They are mostly minor and you can play around them to keep your game going.

-The Quartz bugs that IAR80 and myself were discussing still need to be fixed in V0.892.

-In Jackson City, there is a bug if you try to give Boris all three copies of the 'Necrodomigon' all at the same time. Boris won't recognize if you give him all three at once and won't pay you (for all three). To avoid this bug, simply give him one book at a time and get paid one at a time, and you should be fine.

-The next bug pertains to the 'HEAT' storyline. If you go to Fortress City and rob the Casino before you join Niel and his crew and then join his crew (after the fact) and run out the story, I'm not sure what will happen ?!? Also, the samething applies to the Fortress City Bank job. If you take down the bank on your own (before you join Niel's crew) and then join his crew after , I'm not sure what will happen. To avoid any of these bugs, just make sure you are already a member of Niel's crew and take down the scores with him. The problems won't even be noticeable as long as you play the scores in the proper sequence (with Niel). Also, if you completely ignore the whole 'HEAT' subplot with Niel, then you can take any of the scores at any time and they will work fine. The problems arise when you already robbed (the place(s)) and then join Niels Crew and run out the 'HEAT' story.

None of these will be complete gamebreakers, but they are sloppy bugs. Most are already fixd in V0.893 (which is ready for upload)

I will fix all of these bugs and upload the latest version, when I am back up and running...

Hey guys. I'm back.

Here is version 0.893 . it is very stable and playable. All things Quartz should be fixed. As well as begin to address the problem of 'Invisible Undead' on some maps.

It was originally supposed to be released in March, but because of the fire, I was away from my PC until just recently, so the release was delayed.

Anyways you can get it here:
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Didn't even know this was a thing i'll try it.

So did I install it wrong I've done 2 missions and nothing seems new other than more raiders (kudos I actually ended up using more than one character which I don't end up doing due to ease of control and how unnecessary it is. )
Is there a world map, did I install something wrong?
There was a green circle on the map that I entered and had nothing but the minimap showed a green dot but no way to interact with it.

Edit: OH and the little area before Brahmin Wood
Edit2: Oh I guess I didn't go far enough, did you replace armors to look like default leather cause I lifted some metal armor from "RoadHouse" and it doesn't change my appearance.

So I did Macomb currently doing Pretoria, but after Macomb I went to fortress city, it wasn't super clear where I was supposed to take those documents so I ended up being lost for awhile and spent about an hour and a half exploring fortress city. Some doors just won't interact with me, but the reason is unclear. I went to the gunshop then checked out the back and noticed despite my stealth they went hostile upstairs which feels wrong. I figured the recruiting thing would unlock more characters I don't think it did though.

Overall Fortress city is massive and I'm not sure how to do much there. And despite its massive size it just ends up feeling empty with 1 or 2 npcs for entire giant complexes/living areas. And considering the size maybe access to the police car would be nice after I'm deputized?
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You may have installed it wrong. make sure you have the new folders (from my MOD) correctly installed. You need my 'campaign', 'entities', 'gui', 'local', 'sound', 'sprites', 'tables', and 'tiles' folders all in place of the original folders of the same name. It works fine when installed properly.

"did you replace armors to look like default leather cause I lifted some metal armor from "RoadHouse" and it doesn't change my appearance."

Yes, I changed the metal armor's appearance to look like the leather armor. I don't like the look of the metal armor. You can change it back easily with the entity editor.

"it wasn't super clear where I was supposed to take those documents so I ended up being lost for awhile and spent about an hour and a half exploring fortress"

In the Beta Bunker, colonel Cain tells you to take the 'Treaty Document' to the Register at Fortress City. The Register can be found in the first building to the Right when you enter Fortress City. The Register is the guy to finalize all business transactions (like signing a contract for a fight career or getting a marriage liscence, or finalizing a real-estate transaction.)

"Some doors just won't interact with me, but the reason is unclear. I went to the gunshop then checked out the back and noticed despite my stealth they went hostile upstairs which feels wrong."

Some Doors aren't meant to open until the right set of circumstances are achieved. When you break in to places you aren't supposed to be, you can expect a hostile reaction. In general, if you are snooping in private property locked doors, don't be surprised if you get attacked.

"I figured the recruiting thing would unlock more characters I don't think it did though."

You only get access to the Brotherhood of Steel recruiting officer only after you re-enter Fortress City after you've deliver the 'Treaty Document' --- Presumably, It takes some time for the Brotherhood to move in... After you've delivered the Treaty Doc. just exit town and re-enter, then you will find the BOS have had time to 'move in'....

To 'unlock' some new recruits in Fortress City, you will have to do some 'questing'...

"Overall Fortress city is massive and I'm not sure how to do much there. And despite its massive size it just ends up feeling empty with 1 or 2 npcs for entire giant complexes/living areas."

Alot of the stories/plotlines are driven from encounters on other maps. Keep in mind, Fortress City is a 'Town' not a 'mission' like the original maps. Sometimes in Fortress City you will have to uncover things, and only then will it become apparent what the point is...

Try poking around the Hospital, Church, or Exqisid studios. Don't go disturbing private poker games in the Casino, unless you are looking for a fight.

If you've been to the roadhouse, try to get on with Niel's crew, and later on (in Fortress City) it will 'open' up more action...

Also, I suggest too, that before you start a fighting Career in FC that you head to 'Jackson City' to get some training from 'Mickey'

Hey guys, The new Verson of my mod is out. Version 0.894 is available now, and it is super stable, and should be virtually bug free. Also I added some new content and made a few changes to improve gameplay.

Here's a few screens


Get the new Version 0.894 here:


Just noticing from IAR80's screenshots, that he didn't seem to access all of the 'HEAT' storyline, (and recruits). So I made a few changes to make the HEAT plot easier to play. I added a recruit master to the Caravan Camp, so as to make it easier to manage squaddies when taking down scores with Niel's crew


As well as a few other changes to improve gameplay.

Get the mod here:
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Hmmm, you mentioned in the first page to modify a prefab char rather than creating a new one.

Is that for some sort of balancing purposes or do those already prepared chars got some extra content that newly created chars cannot access?
The prefabs all contain in their inventory an unlootable invisible item that acts as a 'tag' to enable certain plot points or events on various maps. Basically the tag enables the engine to track whether or not the main player is acting out in certain situations.

If create a character instead of using the prefabs you will lose out on a few specific plots points of the game.

The prefabs all contain in their inventory an unlootable invisible item that acts as a 'tag' to enable certain plot points or events on various maps. Basically the tag enables the engine to track whether or not the main player is acting out in certain situations.

If create a character instead of using the prefabs you will lose out on a few specific plots points of the game.

View attachment 9519


A few more questions.

1. Are there any differences(reactions from characters or options to do quests differently) for each of those prefabs?

2. Do stats like charisma or int play a role in the game with a specific minimum needed to unlock certain conversations and stuff? Given how prefabs do have stats already predetermined would it mean that they would need to be high enough then to accomplish anything potentially then.

3. Is there any guide or plans for one?

4. Errr, are there any cheats given how the game seems a bit hard in the beginning? *blush*
"1. Are there any differences(reactions from characters or options to do quests differently) for each of those prefabs?"

No not really, You can take any prefab and modify it to how ever you like.
I provide a couple of 'blank templates' to modify. It's the same as creating a new character except you get the features I described above.

"2. Do stats like charisma or int play a role in the game with a specific minimum needed to unlock certain conversations and stuff? Given how prefabs do have stats already predetermined would it mean that they would need to be high enough then to accomplish anything potentially then."

Yes, obviously if you are a CHR 2 male, your career as a porn star won't be as promising as if you were a CHR 9 female. Higher charisma will also get you access to more recruits. The choice is really whether or not to take CHR 8 or not (or CHR 7 + perk mutate to gifted, or CHR 7 + perk Gain CHR). With CHR 8 you get access to Divne Favor Perk, which gives you +1 to your highest attribute as well as increase your rate of perks to every 2 levels.

"3. Is there any guide or plans for one?"

Actually, I was thinking about making a walkthrough guide, but I wasn't sure if there was enough interest in the mod for me to justify time to devote work on one.

"4. Errr, are there any cheats given how the game seems a bit hard in the beginning? *blush*"

Well, I suggest you get Geoffrey IX on your squad. Also to get Nova (From planet of the apes) you have to find and give this mechanic his lost tools.

Presumably he puts in a good word for you with Nova. (Green Squad)

This is a Stronger Team that should be able to get through Brahmin Wood without to much difficulty.

Of course the Original team of Farsight and Stitch with Geoffrey IX is also a good team. (Red Squad)

To Get Stitch and Farsight only without Geoffrey IX (Blue Squad), Don't talk to anyone other than the Target Range master and Col Cain.

To get Black Squad, drink the bottle of Piss. Black squad is weaker but has potential later on when you get more powerful recruits

To get Flower Squad, bring the fruit to Bruce and Calvin. Flower squad is the weakest of all the starting squads.

There are Rumors of the all powerful 'Gold Squad', but you'll have to find that yourself.

Remember to get some Target practice at the Range, If you are fast enough you will be award a customized color Humvee for your squad -- A great benefit for early gameplay.

"2. Do stats like charisma or int play a role in the game with a specific minimum needed to unlock certain conversations and stuff? Given how prefabs do have stats already predetermined would it mean that they would need to be high enough then to accomplish anything potentially then."

Yes, obviously if you are a CHR 2 male, your career as a porn star won't be as promising as if you were a CHR 9 female. Higher charisma will also get you access to more recruits. The choice is really whether or not to take CHR 8 or not (or CHR 7 + perk mutate to gifted, or CHR 7 + perk Gain CHR). With CHR 8 you get access to Divne Favor Perk, which gives you +1 to your highest attribute as well as increase your rate of perks to every 2 levels.

Hmmm, but are there also extra dialogue options or ways to complete quests if stats happen to be high enough? It was a rather fun feature of Fallout 2. It motivated to give it a try with stats even a bit different to try to see if a quest or conversation could go even a bit differently.
A shame the speech stat is not present in Fallout Tactics. That one was rather cool too.

Also are there any romances/sex scenes/marriage or similar stuff since you mentioned the Porn star role being present here? Fallout 2 did go so far as to even create a sex performance level lol.

Finally, are there any super overpowered weapons to find really early via some extensive search/luck(stat?) or the like? Since you mentioned this secret Gold Squad I wondered if there are any hidden powerful weapons that one can find early. Would be fun^^
Grettings ....I´m getting alot of fun with this mod, nice job Xkcon !!!!

I´m just looking for a special item xD.

Buen trabajo, con este mod saludos !!!


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"Hmmm, but are there also extra dialogue options or ways to complete quests if stats happen to be high enough? It was a rather fun feature of Fallout 2. It motivated to give it a try with stats even a bit different to try to see if a quest or conversation could go even a bit differently. A shame the speech stat is not present in Fallout Tactics. That one was rather cool too.

Also are there any romances/sex scenes/marriage or similar stuff since you mentioned the Porn star role being present here? Fallout 2 did go so far as to even create a sex performance level lol."

Originally I had intended to do a plotline for a high CHR female lead character (especially on Prison Island) but because of time constraints, I never completed it. It would've added a considerable delay to the release of the mod. So I chose to forget about it, and just release the mod as it is...
One thing to keep in mind, is that you get a whole squad of characters, so you can use a squad member with high CHR to act instead of your main character.

Yes there are romance/sex scenes that can only be achieved by higher CHR characters, but as I said above you can use one of your squaddies if your main character is low CHR.

"Finally, are there any super overpowered weapons to find really early via some extensive search/luck(stat?) or the like? Since you mentioned this secret Gold Squad I wondered if there are any hidden powerful weapons that one can find early. Would be fun^^"

No, I didn't add any super weapons, but there is no reason why you can't add one yourself, just make the weapon you want with the entity editor, and add it too any mission using the level editor...

Grettings ....I´m getting alot of fun with this mod, nice job Xkcon !!!!

I´m just looking for a special item xD.

Buen trabajo, con este mod saludos !!!

Make sure to get the 'special Item' to this guy in the Alpha Bunker.

And while we are on the subject of 'the cheats'... Remember to pull the switch behind this door, in the squad selection Camp. Then go to 'Ridgeway' where a merchant will now sell you a magic backpack that gives you unlimited carry weight...
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Hey guys. I'm back.

Here is version 0.893 . it is very stable and playable. All things Quartz should be fixed. As well as begin to address the problem of 'Invisible Undead' on some maps.

It was originally supposed to be released in March, but because of the fire, I was away from my PC until just recently, so the release was delayed.

Anyways you can get it here:
The Quartz still very laggy , saludos.
I'm not sure, but I think any lag you experience is more related to the machine you are running than an actual bug...

What mode are you playing in CTB or turnbased ?

post a video if you want... and tell me, what software do you use to make a video of game play? I need to learn this...
Yeah, I agree. Inside mission maps, lags I experienced myself are due to too much transparencies, too big and/or too many animation sprites in the mission map. I can't easily avoid lags in some of my maps with animated water for example, that is why I am saying that. Probably that removing sprites or changing screen resolution or taking off anti-aliasing will stop it from lagging.

There is another lag that can appear in the game, but this one is a bug. If any modder forget to name one of the mission files correctly, the worldmap will start to lag. I experienced that many many times and each time naming the missions correctly solved it.

As for screenplay video, you can try Active Presenter. I found it quite good and free: https://atomisystems.com/activepresenter/