Your favourite politicians

It's like you have selective reading where you only read the parts of a post that are convenient for you. *sigh* Let me break this down once again.
Don't americans do the same on a regular basis? I mean, all those wars they start, fund and participate in....
Yes, and never have I ever shown support for that stuff. I'm not a Clinton or Obama supporter. I don't really see what your point is here either? So all those people who die in terrorist attacks deserve it? Two wrongs make a right? Great logic bud.
Funny how you also failed to address his retweeting of white supremacist messages.
Would you mind pointing me to who this supposed "white supremacist" is? Because based on your definition of "racist" I don't trust your judgement on what constitutes a "white supremacist".
Didn't he also call a woman "Pocahontas" dissmisively?
Ahahaha, your complete and utter lack of the situation is actually pretty comical this time.
This is the woman he was referring to:

Meet Elizabeth Warren. The woman who fudged her race on forms to advance her career. Does she look Native American to you? He was mocking her lies, not her race. Please bother the 30 second google search it takes to figure this out before commenting on it, thanks.
Guys, the fact that you can't even see how saying that someone's nationality/ethnicity makes them unfit for a job
No one said this. That COMBINED with the fact that AGAIN they have a clear bias against Trump just makes her nationality another straw on the camel's back NOT the main focus. The judge is a Mexican/Hispanic who has shown open support for other candidates and being anti many policies that Trump would enact thus making it a conflict of interest. Let me repeat that just so hopefully you actually absorb this information this time. A Mexican/Hispanic who has shown open support for other candidates and being anti many policies that Trump would enact thus making it a conflict of interest.
ust tells me enough about you, you are either trolls, or just dumb.
Not an argument.
Also many terrorist attacks are made by people that do not come from the outside but get radicalised inside of the country...
They get radicalized by other muslim extremists. The San Bernandino shooter was radicalized by his muslim wife who was an immigrant sooooo....
I don't think almost 1/4 of the entire world population is walking around killing people for their faith (which is actually an extremist view of their faith, most muslin are as peaceful as anyone else)...
Oh boy, it's this "peaceful majority" meme again. Crack open a koran someday and tell me what's in there. I guarantee it's not passages about peace, love and forgiveness.


35% of Palestinians have a favorable opinion of Al Qeada.
40% of British Muslims want Shariah law.
1 in eight Muslims worldwide has a favorable view of al Quaeda.
1 in 3 Muslims favorably views Hamas, a known terrorist organization.
25% of Egyptian Muslims support terrorist attacks to enforce Shariah law.
1/5 British Muslims sympathize with the 7/7 terrorist attack.
65% of European Muslims believe that Shariah law is more important than the law of the country they reside in.
European Muslims are 7.5x more likely to be fundamentalists than Christians.
45% of European Muslims believe that Jews cannot be trusted.
60% of European Muslims are explicitly homphobic. This is not due to poverty or education.
40% of Palestinians support attacks on US civilians in America.
87% of Egyptians agree with Al Qaeda's goals.
78% of Egyptians support attacks on US soldiers in the Middle East.
62% of Palestinians support the use of suicide bombings.
28% of British Muslims would like for Britain to become a fundamentalist Islamic state.
68% of British Muslims support criminalizing criticism of Islam.
3 out of 4 British Muslims support criminalizing drawings of Mohammed.
9% of British Muslims define themselves as "hardcore Islamists".
Only 3% of British Muslims support free speech.
0/500 British Muslims believe that homosexuality is morally acceptable.
38% of Muslims believe 9/11 was partially or wholly justified.
62% of Canadian Muslims want Shariah law.
More than 1 in 3 Canadian Muslims refuses to repudiate Al Qaeda.
Britain will become a Muslim country by 2050 if demographic trends continue.
At least 85 legally binding Sharia courts operate in Britain.
85% of rapists in Sweden were non-Swedish immigrants.
North African migrants to Sweden are 23 times more likely to rape than native Swedes.
African migrants to Sweden are 16 times more likely to rape than ethnic Swedes.
Iraqi migrants to Sweden are 2000% more likely to rape than real Swedes.
More than 1/2 of rapists in Denmark are immigrants.
In 2012 there were 7 known countries in the world where the state could execute you for being atheist. Every single one was officially Islamic.
There are 5 places in the world that still have amputation as a form of legal punishment. Every single one is officially Islamic.
There are 4 places in the world that still have beheading as a method of execution. Every single one is officially Islamic.
The use of the death penalty (hangings, decapitations, etc.) to implement the Shari'ah continues to increase year by year.
Didn't he also call a woman "Pocahontas" dissmisively?

Actually to be fair on that one there's a reason. He was calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" because she's an asshole who said she was a Cherokee Native American despite being white as Christmas snow in order to try and get more Liberal votes.

Basically while at the elective polls she checked that she was of Native American race, rather than Caucasian, and literally the only proof she has that she's apparently Native American is her parents told her that her ancestors were Cherokee. It's a lot of bullshit, and personally I think the nickname is justified since Warren is the one insulting Native Americans here by claiming she is one, not Trump.
Just gonna point out that the guy Illuminati and Makta were defending dressed up in white sheets and burnt crosses for a while, so uh, definitely a racist.
Ah David Duke. Fun fact that's conveniently left out, Duke hasn't been in the KKK for over 30 years and openly stated that he regrets and denounces his time in the KKK. Is 30 years and open condemnation not enough?
Not that Duke's beliefs have any bearing on Trump anyway since not only not in any way affiliated with Trump personally or his campaign.
He still makes quite a few videos about jews on youtube, though.
But he doesn't dress up in white sheets and assault them does he? Is free speech no longer allowed when it hurts certain people's feelings? Also his views on the jews must not be that important if he supports a candidate like Trump who has many jewish and Israeli supporters. And is openly pro-Israel so don't try to imply that Trump is an anti-semite.

Is stormfront currently down or what the fuck is happening here? Sheesh.
Not an argument.
But he doesn't dress up in white sheets and assault them does he? Is free speech no longer allowed when it hurts certain people's feelings? Also his views on the jews must not be that important if he supports a candidate like Trump who has many jewish and Israeli supporters. And is openly pro-Israel so don't try to imply that Trump is an anti-semite.
Nothing you wrote has anything to do with David Duke being a racist. I'm confused are you defending him or not?
Nothing you wrote has anything to do with David Duke being a racist. I'm confused are you defending him or not?
I'm defending against the notion that
A: Trump was endorsed by a KKK member
B: The man's beliefs have anything to do with Trump or his own beliefs
Nobody said anything about Trump, Makta said she thought Duke was a solid politician, Illuminati said Duke's theories on zionism were more or less worthless but everything else was a-okay.
People were posting Trump/Idiocracy memes when I quoted your post but nobody said he was a racist. Guess that came later...
Crack open a koran someday and tell me what's in there. I guarantee it's not passages about peace, love and forgiveness.

Which means exactly...what? Bible as a whole isn't exactly a peace-loving book either.

But nevermind that, here's a question for Trump supporters.

How exactly does he plan to ban immigrants, Muslim or otherwise?
How exactly does he plan to ban immigrants, Muslim or otherwise?
yeah whats the plan? He never talks about how he will fulfill his promises. A 3 year old can probably spell out policy better than him. @Vergil,@Illuminati Confirmed! This all begs the question: how do you know he is not just lying through his teeth and will do nothing he promised when he gets in power?

Crack open a koran someday and tell me what's in there. I guarantee it's not passages about peace, love and forgiveness.
Yeah and the bible is so full of nice advice. Here is a good example of how to love your neighbor:
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the [holy man] who represents God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged.
or an even nicer example:
I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword. I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am God.
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yeah whats the plan? He never talks about how he will fulfill his promises. A 3 year old can probably spell out policy better than him. @Vergil,@Illuminati Confirmed! This all begs the question: how do you know he is not just lying through his teeth and will do nothing he promised when he gets in power?
I don't think he's lying, at least not actively or with intent. He just talks in a stream of consciousness sort of way, without any regard for truth, lie, or reality. His presidency would of course be much different than his campaign.
I don't really know how Trump plans to implement his policy but it's not as though keeping immigrants out is complicated. He already said he wants to build a wall around Mexico and, presumably, he wants to keep Muslims out by simply not allowing them to get onto planes and boats bound for America.
How different do you think? Do you think he would rule as your average establishment Republican?
Trump's presidency would be the republican equivalent to an Obama one, None of his legislature will pass because the other side (and a fair chunk of his own side) hates him.
Trump's presidency would be the republican equivalent to an Obama one, None of his legislature will pass because the other side (and a fair chunk of his own side) hates him.
Isn't that just great.
So Obama tried and failed to implement Obama care, and Republicans blocked a load of his other shit, so what kind of leigislature think Trump will try to pass and get blocked by democrats? Do you think he will have some kind of flagship legislature like Obama did?