Because this post was actually retarded enough that I can't help but go down the list of things wrong with it without having an aneurysm because someone this incorrect is this smug....
.....And threatening the country
Also here, meet his local Imam
Thanks for proving my point easily by failing to do the tiniest amount of research required and instead start talking totally out of your ass.
According DHS status indicators, over 184,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and February 29, 2016. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 485,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 985 homicide charges; 58,413 assault charges; 14,686 burglary charges; 57,942 drug charges; 599 kidnapping charges; 35,863 theft charges; 38,925 obstructing police charges; 3,274 robbery charges; 5,152 sexual assault charges; and 7,386 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 122,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.
According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 220,000 convictions including 407 homicide convictions; 21,713 assault convictions; 7,109 burglary convictions; 28,810 drug convictions; 202 kidnapping convictions; 16,104 theft convictions; 19,205 obstructing police convictions; 1,653 robbery convictions; 2,316 sexual assault convictions; and 3,093 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 147,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.
1) It costs $20,000 USD to incarcerate an inmate for one year in Texas
2) Assuming that each one of the 147,000 illegal convicts each served 1 year in prison (probably higher since those convictions are serious in nature)
3) Not counting court fees and public defender fees and/or all other legal expenses
U.S. taxpayers paid ~3 billion dollars to house and jail the 147,000 illegal criminal convicts in a 5 year period. So it's reasonable to assume that if we built a wall, it would pay for itself in a matter of 10 years.
Note that this doesn't include any social welfare programs as a result of illegal immigrants. This is only a number for criminally convicted illegal aliens. Realistically, the wall would most likely have paid for itself in less than 5 years.
So what was that about there being no danger from Illegal Aliens?
There, big wall of text over. I will not be responding to anyone else who doesn't have any credible sources to back themselves up. I've wasted enough time arguing with people who don't actually have anything but fallacies and their own made up "facts" to argue with. Never will I ever shy away from legitimate criticism or discussion but we're just wasting our own, and everyone elses time by continuing to do this back and forth where you say a whole bunch of incorrect garbage and I refute all of it factually. I look forward to your ground breaking responses that will be factually sound with sources that will totally make a fool out of me and prove me totally wrong, I really do. God Bless you all and God Bless America.
Zero quotes or evidence that Trump has said negative things about all Mexicans. Useless sentence.The stuff he said about Mexicans is already enough in my opinion.
He's never thrown around racist slurs. Evidence. Evidence. EVIDENCE. Give me one quote of Trump saying a racist slur. Useless sentence.You don't need to wear white hoodies and burn crosses to throw around racist slurs.
What is this "new form of racism"? You've failed to post a single quote so this is just an empty sentence AGAIN. Nothing Trump has said has been racist, now like I said before if you would like to post some fucking quotes and evidence instead of writing super long fluff pieces where you virtue signal and waste my time, feel free to finally construct an argument.That's the point. It is a new form of racism. I doubt that Trump even believes in it. He just knows that it gets him votes.
I'M bullshitting? I'm the only one who has posted facts, statistics and quotes to back up everything I've said. The bullshitter here is you. You have not posted one quote, one article, one piece of statistical information AND to top it all off you've admitted multiple times to doing absoulutly NO RESEARCH before beginning to talk about a subject as if you know anything about it.But don't bullshit around it.
Again, the man hasn't said a racist word. Which you'd know if you actually bothered to do some research instead of just listening and beleiving as you're told. Also if racism is his only appeal please explain all the black voters and how he has won the majority of the Latino vote in multiple states? Useless sentence.He is using racism to catch votes.
No one was even talking about it before Trump came in and started talking about it. All of the candidates, Democrat and Republican were either pro-immigration who didn't have anything to say about it. Also as I've already shown (because again, I actually back up my statements with facts) there IS a problem with mass immigration in this country. Especially coming from muslim countries. Not to mention that immigration is not the only appeal that Trump has to people. But of course, you live in the liberal cloud of "Trump is just an evil racist who wants to build a wall and that's it!" and obviously you've never stepped outside that cloud because you refuse to do even the most basic research imaginable.because he dares to say the truth or something like that - yeah, like no yea, no one ever criticised immigration in the US before Trump! What a true novelty!
Now this truly is rich. The man who has posted ZERO facts to back up his claims has the gall to try and take the intellectual high ground. I didn't sleep through my history class, unlike you I was actually paying attention. The muslim world and western world have been at odds from the beginning. From the muslim invading and taking over Christian lands and pillaging the coast of Italy to Thomas Jefferson having to send the Marines to fight the Barbary pirates taking American sailors hostage. Non of these issues with Islam are even fucking new but I guess you were too busy masturbating to pictures of Lenin and Che Guevera to pick up on that.But nothing of it is new or provocative. It's just that most people here sleept during their history class.
"Everyone who talks about issues plaguing the country is the next Hitler" wew. You're a real intellectual aren't you? It's not unfounded fear mongering when the group he's talking about have racked up a fucking brutal kill count already and the year isn't even over yet. Look at the list of most deadliest shootings in America. A lot of them are fucking "refugees" within the last couple of years. He's not fear rallying against an invisible group of people. He's talking about a very real and provable issue. I mean holy fuck just a few days ago a muslim man makes a 911 call pledging alliengence to ISIS and shoots 50 people and you still want to shut your eyes and ears and scream "IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM" despite the fact that Islam preaching for the murder of homosexuals.Otherwise they would realize that a lot of regimes of the past, be it in Spain, Greece, Germany, Russia with dictatorships used this fear-of-the-foreigner to rally the masses. It's either the gays, or the jews, or the capitalist, or what ever. Something-something is always destroying and threating our way of life.
I've given multiple. Trump has given multiple. Just because you have some strange allergic reaction to facts and statistics doesn't mean they don't exist. There have been multiple terrorist attacks by muslims who were all devout muslims who believed in strict adherence to the faith. A faith that not only doesn't condemn these actions, but promotes them right there in the holy book. So there you go. Multiple cases right down to not only the individual, but right down to the foundation of the religion. Amazes what you can find when you open your eyes.But no one, can ever give you one defined example. Like when we come down to the individual.
I've already tackled this. Christianity has nothing to do with the problems of South Africa. Also since it's whites that are mainly being murdered, butchered and raped, doesn't that defeat your whole "oh no that evil western civilization that only cares about whitey" narrative?Temporary or not, it would still be xenophobic and a form of racism. I doubt we would have the same conversation if this was about christian fundamentalism, which is also on the loose in South Africa killing thousands of innocent people.
You mean years and years of islamic terrorism has started to breed anger among people? What? How did you come to this earth shattering conclusion?You know what is funny? There has been a build up of muslim-angst for years now, almost a decade.
You mean like the kind Trump is trying to do? It's because OF people like YOU. Who will watch multiple islamic terrorist attacks and then say "what? a problem with islam? that's impossible". No real politics can get done because you people won't fucking let it.Aren't mosques the base for terrorists? Isn't every falavel you buy today geting you closer to adobting the Shariah law? If it is such an dangerous ideology, and actually such a huge and real threat, why don't we see some real ban and some real politics done here?
Yes. And he's already putting out laws forcing women to cover up.For fucks sake, London has a muslim as mayor! So dangerous! They even make them ... politicans!
.....And threatening the country
Also here, meet his local Imam
Thanks for proving my point easily by failing to do the tiniest amount of research required and instead start talking totally out of your ass.
So are you telling when that if the President just said "ayy fuck it ban anyone I don't like ayy lmao" you'd be ok because "real politics" are being done? You constantly complain about the government doing all these terrible things but now you're complaining when they don't just do things randomly? The reason for those actions you were describing actually had reasons for being put in place AND the support of the American people. Again, a little research would have saved you from the embarrassment.It certainly isn't a question about laws, or what you can or can't do. laws have been changed and bended in the past before, including civil rights and constitutional rights, particularly if there was a real danger.
The government isn't "creating fear" mister "I have half a brain". The people FUCKING SHOOTING PEOPLE IN GIANT WAVES AND SCREAMING SUPPORT FOR ISLAM are the ones "creating fear". this isn't a made up issue, there are real bodies in the ground from REAL islamic terrorism.the people with half a brain know what this is about. It's about to create fear. Not to actually do something about it, because they know that it is not a real problem or the real issue here.
Funny that you mention Pearl Harbour as an example of a "real problem". There are now more Americans dead from islamic terrorism than from Pearl Harbour. Still sure that it's not a fucking "real danger or a threat to our way of life? Also don't talk you'd ever support throwing muslims in internment camps. You'd be on the front lines pissing and moaning about it.The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor. That was a real problem. And here the government did something. But this, is not a real danger or a real threat to our way of life.
And neither are the immigrants or the hispanics or what ever.
According DHS status indicators, over 184,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and February 29, 2016. During their criminal careers, these criminal aliens were charged with more than 485,000 criminal offenses. Those arrests include 985 homicide charges; 58,413 assault charges; 14,686 burglary charges; 57,942 drug charges; 599 kidnapping charges; 35,863 theft charges; 38,925 obstructing police charges; 3,274 robbery charges; 5,152 sexual assault charges; and 7,386 weapons charges. Of the total criminal aliens arrested in that timeframe, over 122,000 or 66% were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.
According to DPS criminal history records, those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 220,000 convictions including 407 homicide convictions; 21,713 assault convictions; 7,109 burglary convictions; 28,810 drug convictions; 202 kidnapping convictions; 16,104 theft convictions; 19,205 obstructing police convictions; 1,653 robbery convictions; 2,316 sexual assault convictions; and 3,093 weapons convictions. Of the convictions associated with criminal alien arrests, over 147,000 or 66% are associated with aliens who were identified by DHS status as being in the US illegally at the time of their last arrest.
1) It costs $20,000 USD to incarcerate an inmate for one year in Texas
2) Assuming that each one of the 147,000 illegal convicts each served 1 year in prison (probably higher since those convictions are serious in nature)
3) Not counting court fees and public defender fees and/or all other legal expenses
U.S. taxpayers paid ~3 billion dollars to house and jail the 147,000 illegal criminal convicts in a 5 year period. So it's reasonable to assume that if we built a wall, it would pay for itself in a matter of 10 years.
Note that this doesn't include any social welfare programs as a result of illegal immigrants. This is only a number for criminally convicted illegal aliens. Realistically, the wall would most likely have paid for itself in less than 5 years.
So what was that about there being no danger from Illegal Aliens?
Someone just hating on something with zero facts to back up their statements? You mean that thing you do and I don't?They just love to hate on someone. For what ever reason.
This sentence is hilarious coming from the person who has made it abundantly clear they don't understand any of these issues at all. Let's look at your horrible examples to make this clear.With the politics we see from Trump, and others including europe? You can wage wars, you can get consessions, you can make unpopular laws, you can avoid domestic policy, you can blame a small and powerless group for all of the complex problems, that would otherwise require some serious work and rethinking.
Are you denying that cheap foreign labour is an issue for our economy? Are you denying that companies move over to China and other countries because it's cheaper and they can basically work the locals like slaves? Wouldn't be the first time you've denied facts.....Low vages? Blame the Chinese!
Already made it clear that fear over islamic terrorism isn't some kinda scapegoating. People aren't afraid of the boogeyman. People are afraid of the people walking into nightclubs and gunning people down for "allah".Lots of violence? Blame the muslims!
This is a seperate topic entirely that I don't feel like getting into (give me some credit, I've written a Goddamn lot now) but if you are actually curious in the subject (which you aren't otherwise you'd actually be using well researched arguments this whole time) heres two nice videos that'll explain the basics for you.Global warming?! PROPAGANDA! Yeah man, fuck science.
The only person falling for propaganda is you. The media, the government, the majority of people on social media all agree with your sentiment. Does it not make you curious of your own viewpoint when people like Hillary Clinton are also singing the praises of Islam? Does it not bother you that governments and media outlets are covering up attacks by muslim immigrants from here to Europe? Are you so blind that you think we're the ones falling for propaganda when we're the only ones against the establishment? Just because everyone is patting you on the back and telling you that you're the good guy, doesn't make it true.Funny how everything in history is really repeating it self. And how the same shit was done in Serbia before the civil war. And each side said the same shit about the other one. Does anyone really think that there can be no propaganda in our world? That it can only happen on the other side?
So massive Tax Reform, restructuring of the Republican party, basically ending the Cold war, winning against PATCO, and such are nothing substantial? I'm gonna guess you haven't of half of this shit cause again, you're "Cmi Vuk: Sworn enemy of facts and research".He would be probably just like Reagan in that sense. Doing nothing substantial, while acting all tough.
See:Yes, I have arguments. Here are several links.
A quick google search gave that. There's more, but I'm in a hurry ATM, so I could post detailed later.
Yes, there are Islamic leaders that hate ISIS and radical extremists, but what Vergin is saying is that, unlike in the Catholic Church where no one would dare publicly defend pedophiles, you have people in the Islamic community defending terrorism and extremism openly:
Just saying, they aren't all advocating for an end to terrorism.
There, big wall of text over. I will not be responding to anyone else who doesn't have any credible sources to back themselves up. I've wasted enough time arguing with people who don't actually have anything but fallacies and their own made up "facts" to argue with. Never will I ever shy away from legitimate criticism or discussion but we're just wasting our own, and everyone elses time by continuing to do this back and forth where you say a whole bunch of incorrect garbage and I refute all of it factually. I look forward to your ground breaking responses that will be factually sound with sources that will totally make a fool out of me and prove me totally wrong, I really do. God Bless you all and God Bless America.
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