Your favourite politicians

With a body like that who can blame you.

Sure, David Duke is "fucked because of something he did like 30 years ago". Because apart from a tax fraud conviction he's a perfectly fine person, not a racist antisemitic conspiracy nut at all.

I actually did now know about the tax fraud so i had to look it up.

But you are not an antisemite because you disslike Zionism and Israael, even quite a big number of jewis people are agains it.

And what is this Trump, do you even know?

Trump.. The weird hair guy vs Hillary the criminai lizard alien! I'd vote for the boot on the head guy.
And what is this Trump, do you even know?

Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING. Number 1: We've got this guy Trump. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING.
Losing a debate? What kind of debate. That some people here repeatedly denied the hollocaust, defending the Nazis and racists like Trump and others?
Seriously ...
Didn't Trump retweet White supremacists' messages, stated that a Judge being "Mexican" made his judgement unjust, wants to ban all people from muslim countries from entering the US and was also part of the Birther movement?
Didn't Trump retweet White supremacists' messages, stated that a Judge being "Mexican" made his judgement unjust
A Mexican/Hispanic who has shown open support for other candidates and being anti many policies that Trump would enact thus making it a conflict of itnerest. Of course you're just going to make it out like it's solely a race issue cause that fits your narrative.
wants to ban all people from muslim countries from entering the US
You mean the TEMPORARY ban on muslims until the US figures out how to deal with the problem? You mean like Jimmy Carter ALREADY DID back during the Iran hostage crisis? Also islam is not a race lol
also part of the Birther movement?
Your point?
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I thought Mexican is a nationality and Muslim is someone who practices the Islamic faith?

Regardless, the whole "ban Muslims from entering the country" is just another ridiculous Trump issue that he's made up, but to be fair, it sounds like the migrant problem is bothering plenty of Europeans as well. In my opinion the issues some people have with Muslims stem from xenophobia, not racism.
"In my opinion the issues most people have with muslims stem from them entering countries and killing lots of people, not xenophobia."

Don't americans do the same on a regular basis? I mean, all those wars they start, fund and participate in....

Funny how you also failed to address his retweeting of white supremacist messages.

Didn't he also call a woman "Pocahontas" dissmisively?

Just the fact that you see nothing wrong with banning all entry to a country to people of a specific culture, temporal or not that is just insane that people wouldn't think there is nothing racist about it....

Guys, the fact that you can't even see how saying that someone's nationality/ethnicity makes them unfit for a job just tells me enough about you, you are either trolls, or just dumb.
Also many terrorist attacks are made by people that do not come from the outside but get radicalised inside of the country... Some of them were not even muslin to begin with, extremists just manage to convert them using the internet...
By that logic no one in America should have internet (temporarily, until the government comes up with a solution).

Also (as of February 2016)
Muslims number 1.6 billion people worldwide, representing 23% of global population. The overwhelming majority (87-90%) of Muslims are Sunnis; about 10-13% are Shia Muslims.
I don't think almost 1/4 of the entire world population is walking around killing people for their faith (which is actually an extremist view of their faith, most muslin are as peaceful as anyone else)...