Your GOTY 2011 (poll added)

My game of the year 2011 is...

  • Portal 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Batman: Arkham City

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dark Souls

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saints Row 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Witcher 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Catherine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Serious Sam 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Frozen Synapse

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Serge 13

Cranium Cat oTO
What game deserves to be GOTY 2011 so far? Or better said, which one of the 2011 releases have you had the most fun with?

So far, for me it has to be none other than 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution'. Although I must admit that I haven't played some games such as Portal 2, Batman Arkham City and such.
You are a bit early Serge 13, best to start this kind of thread in December.

Anyway regarding your question, despite some short comings and cut material its Deus Ex Human Revolution for me as well.
Its one of the few games this year which I really got a lot of enjoyment from and felt like a polished game rather than a poor port.

I have been playing the Fallout New Vegas DLCs a lot but that game was from last year and I should thus count the DLCs as well.

I do recommend that if Montreal ever makes another Deus Ex game that they do the cutscene stuff as in the original again.
I found it rather infuriating that I was not able to do anything during the upper Heng Sha movie with the Dragon Queen, resulting in a cliché in which Jensen was played.

[spoiler:88ef593b23]Yes, I know killing her there and then would have ruined the end fight but good designers could have come up with another solution for that, I just wanted to take her out in her office[/spoiler:88ef593b23]
So far I think I'll nominate La Noire for best "AAA" game

An amazingly beautiful realised city, great acting, voice acting, soundtrack and atmosphere. Could be even better if it was less railroaded and more challenging, still by far the most impressive game I've played this year and perhaps a peak at the future of video gaming.

Overall I enjoyed Deus Ex HR but I disliked some important parts of that game. (Story that starts out promising but becomes borderline retarded later on, Dumb AI, silly energy mechanic, Useless augmentations,...)

Other games that deserve mentioning: Portal 2, The Witcher 2 and Alice Madness Returns.

I'm also looking forward to trying out Batman Arkham City :)

Best indie game: Tie between Bastion and Frozen Synapse
Re: Your GOTY 2011

Serge 13 said:
So far, for me it has to be none other than 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution'. Although I must admit that I haven't played some games such as Portal 2, Batman Arkham City and such.

It was really neat but suffers from the same problems as other virtual movies.

Skyrim for me.
I literally haven't played any new releases, except for a tad bit of NV. Listing it as my GOTY would probably be unfair then, but I believe that my stance wouldn't change much even if I'd played all those games.
Played a few new ones, like Portal 2, TW2, The River of Time, Old World Blues. All good titles, but I'll have to wait til I have time with DX:Human Revolution, Skyrim and Batman: Arkham City.

So yeah, this thread is way too soon. I hate it when people declare "of the year"s when the year isn't over. What's the rush?
Portal 2, Catherine, Old World Blues, Skyrim, Deus Ex HR and Arkham City are my candidates, I am still waiting to play L.A. Noire in december.
Hmm, should I treat the Fallout NV dlcs as separate releases or part of FNV?
Truth be told, I have been playing those a lot more than DE HR which I honestly grew tired off after finishing it one time.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is my candidate, no doubt Skyrim will win the awards from everywhere though.
I'd say DXHR as well, it's the only game from this year I've played more than once (TW2 doesn't count because it's basically 2 games in one).
Re: Your GOTY 2011

Black Feather said:
It was really neat but suffers from the same problems as other virtual movies.
Like what? You can't just say that like everyone knows what you mean.
Re: Your GOTY 2011

Black Feather said:
Serge 13 said:
So far, for me it has to be none other than 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution'. Although I must admit that I haven't played some games such as Portal 2, Batman Arkham City and such.

It was really neat but suffers from the same problems as other virtual movies.

Skyrim for me.

DXHR certainly didn't offer the freedom of the original DX, but calling it a 'virtual movie' clearly shows that you weren't paying much attention while playing the game. Unless you've got some weird unconventional definition of 'virtual movie'.
Re: Your GOTY 2011

Buxbaum666 said:
Black Feather said:
It was really neat but suffers from the same problems as other virtual movies.
Like what? You can't just say that like everyone knows what you mean.
I agree, I have no clue what he is talking about as I have yet to play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. How is it a virtual movie? And on topic, I guess I vote for Portal 2. But my bet is that MW3 or Battlefield 3 taking home game of the year.
I haven't really played any new games other than Dead Island (which I uninstalled after <30 mins) and Tropico 4, but the game I most enjoyed seemed to be the only other one I bought this year, Shogun 2. Modded of course. Tho my first campaign was awesome unmodded.
.Pixote. said:
Why don't the admins make a poll - with the 8 best candidates. Hint hint.

Maybe when the year is actually over and a "game of the year 2011" thread makes sense.