Your GOTY 2018


Fmr. President of racism.
It doesn't have to be a game that came out this year, just a game that you enjoyed the most during 2018. You can explain why or just name the game. If you disagree with someone's pick, do us all a favor and keep your mouth shut maggot. This is for members to celebrate something they enjoyed, not be berated for having a different opinion than you.

For me,The Long Dark. I absolutely love the survival/ perma-death genre. I love the graphics and the tension. Some plays are easy and some are totally unfair. Games like Death Road to Canada, UnReal World, Dwarf Fortress, Project Zomboid. I feel like I've barely tapped into this genre but I've played some of the best of what is on offer. And for me the king is The Long Dark. Such a great feeling to finally find a Lee Enfield after surviving 20 days with nothing but a hunting knife. Hell, survive 20 days without even a hunting knife and I'll come over to your house and let you *&%$ my sister!

Happy New Years everybody.
Considering it's just games we enjoyed this year, I'm going with Shenmue 1+2 HD. Really enjoyed those games. A lot of fun although I admit the first isn't a good game.

Others I enjoyed were certainly Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Soul Calibur VI.

I didn't really play much this year tbh. I did start the first nier however and that's been really fun, even if I go back to it once in a while.
Games I played the most in 2018 were:
  • Rimworld
  • Crusader Kings 2
I don't have enough money to buy games, so I didn't play ant game that actually came out this year. But from what I heard, Pathfinder: Kingmaker seems like it would be the game of the year for me.
Seems right up my alley... I have been waiting for a isometric cRPG that tries to closely follow P&P rules since the last Shadowrunner game. And being fantasy is a plus, since I haven't seen a good fantasy cRPG is quite a while (and no, I don't consider The Witcher 3 a cRPG, more like an action-adventure with RPG elements).
Total War: Rome (still a damned classic)

RDR 2 (I’m not ashamed of this choice; I love it)
I technically finished Wasteland this year along with Wasteland 2. They were pretty damn good. Tyranny was good as shit in some aspects but underwhelming in others if you ask me. Spider-Man was pretty fun too. Also beat Witcher 2 and 3 this year, I preferred 2 to 3 (and 1 above them all). I definitely agree with Risewild, Witcher 3 is not a cRPG. Of the three it's the most detached from RPG even. I like it, but I don't even know about calling it a action RPG, more like action adventure that has RPG-lite elements with a lot of choices.

I've been playing Planescape Torment but haven't beaten it yet, but it's one of my favorites already. I guess it can be my 2019 choice when I finally beat it.

Multiplayer wise it's been mostly Dead by Daylight. Game was at its best right before 2.4.0 dropped if you ask me but the engine update and uninteresting new killer made it regress a bit.
Fallout: New Vegas

I tried it for the first time towards the beginning of this year and it's currently my second most played game on Steam
Fallout: New Vegas
It doesn't have to be a game that came out this year, just a game that you enjoyed the most during 2018
how a game gonna be GOY 2018 if it ain't a game from 2018. boy get some snense.

anyways my GOY is definitely hitman 2. despite all of the online only garbage and the fact that only the first 3 levels are on the disc and you gotta download a 15GB update with your shit ass internet for 2 1/2 hours just so you can actually progress and unlock shit, ultimately the experience i've had playing game is nothing short of orgasmic. Hitman as a series are the 007 games they never made. the ones where you're actually a spy doing cool spy shit and being a sneaky boi instead of FPS man. the amount of itches the games scratched for me is ridiculous.

depending on where you are on the map, who you're currently targeting, and how you go about killing them the game can play virtually any way you want it to. Hitman levels are perfect examples of sandbox game design done right. and hitman 2 continues that tradition. what more could i ask for?
Because he probably wanted to include more discussion because we don't always have time and money to choose between all the games that released in 2018.
I've only played three completely new releases (one of them is Totally Accurate Battlegrounds which was a funny game), a remake (not remaster), and a game that came out of beta this year so technically it came out this year. I got older games I've missed out on that I got catching up to do on.
Because he probably wanted to include more discussion because we don't always have time and money to choose between all the games that released in 2018.
I've only played three completely new releases (one of them is Totally Accurate Battlegrounds which was a funny game), a remake (not remaster), and a game that came out of beta this year so technically it came out this year. I got older games I've missed out on that I got catching up to do on.
I still haven’t finished Yakuza Kiwami. I got it a while ago, just been so busy gearing up for NH and all that; don’t feel bad if you haven’t played any new games, is what I’m saying.
Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise. Wanted to love Red Dead 2, but the whole "game" part of that game sucks fucking donkey balls.
Most likely Red Dead Redemption 2 will be my GOTY 2018 even though I have a few problems with it I enjoied the hell out of it.
Fallout: Nevada is game of the year. I don't give a shit if it's a mod it was still better than anything else I have played this year. I honestly would say that it was better than fallout 1 and 2. Can't wait for Fallout: Sonora.
Fallout: New California mod for New Vegas.

I know many people didn't like this mod here, but I think It's a worthy prequel to FNV, despite some weirdness in the main story the worldbuilding and lore are awesome.
Games released during this year? Noone, The only few i would like to try i haven't had the cash for such as Kingdom Come Deliverance, Detroit becomes human and RDR2.

Games wasted too much good time on? What Remains of Edith Finch was awesome and so was little nightmares but they were so short..
Araya was nice when it came to sound/setting but animations and VA was quite bad and it was also quite short.
So maybe rise of the tomb raider? I did waste many hours on that and it was arguably better than the first one of the reboot.