Most Bethesda Fanboys go more for the "You can't have an opinion of Fallout 4 unless it's bathing it with praise" Line of thinking than anything.
It's surprising how anti criticism they are. Even worse then we are of anti-praise (unless it's well deserved)!
Of every gaming fandom I've encountered, Bethesda's is the most sycophantic by a mile. Maybe because they do the same game over and over and thus give their core fanbase what they want over and over, I suppose.
Only that in memory that compares is Blizzard's fanbase, and WoW and Diablo 3 have shattered that one to pieces. Yet no matter how many overly simplified, shoddily designed, atrociously optimized, poorly written and bug-infested products Bethesda shells out, for their fans its always GOTY, must buy, must defend at all costs fare.
I mean, I am warming up to the game a bit as I play it. The writing and quest design improves (slightly but still) once you reach Diamond City, the place itself and its surroundings is pretty nice and the most Fallout-ish content Beth has produced IMO, and you start encountering the companions that have some amount of depth; nothing on the level of Bioware or Obsidian, but at least they seem to somewhat try with Cait, Piper and Nick. I am not afraid to give the game credit where it is due, and if keeps picking up it might be a severely flawed yet fun enough game to me.
But all this blind love for a product that has such obvious flaws is just utterly puzzling. Like, I could get it with Witcher 3, whose flaws (IMO) reveal themselves later on. But FO4 hits you in the face with all its worst parts as soon as you begin the game.