A Site for Fallout Fans afraid of the old games!

>for fans of a game series
>won't play/discuss the progenitors of the series
>are afraid of critical analysis of games in a way that steps outside of saying how much you love stuff
>heavy moderating on a gaming forum
>but no interplay/BIS
>on a fallout website


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    jack visits anne frank.png
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It's hard to differentiate between a correction, a harshly worded comment, a strongly held opinion and a personal attack at times. I don't think NMAers are his target audience.

From prior experience moderating forums, these things usually go two ways: it dies out or it becomes a circlejerk. I can only wish him the best of luck with it.
The problem is.

Forumusers ... forumsusers never changes.

Also I feel as far as Fallout releated stuff goes this community is pretty much most of what he described in his video. It's not like opinions are banned here ...
Those sillybillies wanna segregate themselves further? Fine by me. I don't have any issue with the CONCEPT of what that guy's suggesting. It's just that he's making a new site for a community that already exists. I at first WANTED to sign up there just so I could redirect their more sane users here, but after seeing just how it's structured, I know for a fact that there won't be any. It has nothing to do with the video calling it "a place for Bethesda fans", and everything to do with the guy showing a site where, despite his "passionate" desire for an anti-internet-bullying site for people to freely discuss their ideas and thoughts, the site is designed to SHAPE those ideas before they're made. Just look at NMA's boards. It has a separate FO3 board for people to discuss the game, whether they're going to rip it to shreds or share that they really like it. The title doesn't say you LIKE the game, the title of the board SIMPLY says that it's where you go for "Fallout 3 related content", and that's IT. That sugarbombed nonsense directs you to places you MUST be a fan of this or MUST like that. Not encouraging internet-bullying? This guy has no idea what he's doing.

For the life of me, I can't imagine why anyone would make a site "for fans of Bethesda" when there's the Bethesda forums... It's not like there's a Black Isle forum for us to go to that therefore makes NMA redundant.

It's not like opinions are banned here ...
Pfft. Heh, geheheh, kehahahah...
Maybe the bethboys will all flock there and stop coming here to bitch about our opinion on Fo3. I'll say this can only be a good thing.
Nothing good can be gained from further degenerating minds by preventing them from flourishing. The social Darwinian in me would LOVE to see this as a good thing. But the rest of me can't help but acknowledge that it'll only hurt us in the long run.
Maybe the bethboys will all flock there and stop coming here to bitch about our opinion on Fo3. I'll say this can only be a good thing.

Short sighted view. In great numbers, comes great courage to explore the outer world. Before you know it, they will be knocking on your door.
Well, Bethboys are kind of a lost cause, they aren't just Fallout 3 fans, these are people that are completely opposed to the idea of playing the old games or having a discussion, trying to expand their understanding would be a complete waste of time, and if they keep their dumbassery to some other forum it will be better for us.
Or they'll bevome trapped in their hug chamber.
Just like at the Bethesda boards? Just like ho they've ALWAYS been trapped and they've NEVER invaded here before?

Like I said (but I wasn't the first... far from it), "those who do not learn the mistakes/lessons of history are doomed to repeat them."
I wonder if they'll start raiding this place, or do you guys reckon they'll just whinge about us from afar?
I just can't deal with people who would rather look down an ironsight than help Modoc flourish.
Can someone mention when he does actually screw up ?
I watched some minutes of the video and what he describes pretty much apply to any board not owned by a company...
I found it pretty insulting to people's intelligence that the guy put his site over by saying it's "a place where you can express yourself freely without fear of cyber bullying and hate comments", as if he could simply erradicate those things by changing the subject of the forum. And I think the "be positive" idea that he repeats so many times in the video (especially from 3:10 to about 3:30) is completely counterintuitive. Positivity is about the way you life your life, the way you internalize things, the way you'll let things affect you or not... liking or disliking a video game on an internet community, that has nothing to do with being positive or negative, but rather critical thought and analysis. Then acting like you can just make this perfect community where everybody is just happy and loves each other is not just untrue but missing the point of what makes a discussion in the first place. I'm not offended by his person but I can't see his message as being anything but ham-fisted and naive.