Betheseda's claims 111,000 lines of dialogue for FO4


It Wandered In From the Wastes

According to Bethesda, there is more dialogue in Fallout 4 than Skyrim and Fallout 3 combined and it has taken years.

It's a small update from Bethesda about Fallout 4, but it's interesting. It could also be considered an indicator that development is moving along smoothly. Big last second changes often mean changing dialogue and story, so if that's all done, then it's probably a good sign.
For just about everything we know about Fallout 4, head here.

I wonder how much of that is repeated lines if the character's name is in it (one of the ones Beth recorded) unless it says the line and splices in the name (if its one of the ones recorded) at the end of it.

Again, if this is meant to be a selling point, Beth should show it off. Let your buyers actually see/listen to a side-quest example... anything.

Witcher 3 has 70,000 lines; but pretty much every single line I've heard so far has been amazing on my playthrough with actual depth to the conversation, much like the novels.
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Now that I think about it a lot of the recorded lines are probably grunts from being hit and one liners. More of the recordings are probably of stupid "witty" dialogue of the NPC commenting on world objects.
Maybe they will just roll a Blooper reel on the credits and all the fucked up lines in the blooper reel together with the one used in game will count to 111.000 lines.
111,000 lines isn't actually a lot when you realize the scale of the game. That would include injury comments, accepting quest comments, failing quest comments, unable to do quest comments, etc.
I am more worried about this line "It could also be considered an indicator that development is moving along smoothly. Big last second changes often mean changing dialogue and story, so if that's all done, then it's probably a good sign." Come on... Is that line actually has been written by a professionnal and kept by the publisher/website owner etc... ? You just don't change the scenario at the end. Scenario is supposed to be done way before the rest. You don't implement stuff out of the blue...
The voiced characters are included in the 111.000 and considering that you can play as either male or female that reduces the number of unique lines
While I'm not saying it's not impressive - 111,000 is still quite a lot to record for a game regardless of contente - we have to consider the writing style of the BGS team appears to lend itself to shorter lines and more compact dialogue. We see that in Skyrim, a bit in Fallout 3 and a lot in Oblivion (though the quality of the writing in Oblivion is still far ahead of the other two). In other words, I wouldn't be surprised if most of those are very short sentences or repeated dialogue. In terms of total volume of dialogue and meaning it's probably less than a game like Fallout New Vegas or maybe even a Witcher game. Having a voiced protagonist also means we're getting less meaningful dialogue overall because part of those 111,000 are for the PC and less are for the other characters.

My biggest concerns about FO4 are the overarching story and characters. If you have thousands of different lines for everyone but few memorable characters, what's the point? Much like a visually rich environment that doesn't have any narrative depth, a lot of talking without substance holds little value.
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Yeah, considering that we haven't actually seen any of this 'amazing dialogue' in action (aside from the brief snippet of the intro from E3), we''re officially two months from release and we've seen only combat, combat, making things for combat, making things for houses, combat, combat.

I honestly don't know if they're planning to show off anything else or if they're just going to ride the hype straight to the bank.

It's kind of sick to know people will just throw their money at Bethesda pretty much sight unseen.

"I trust them because I loved Skyrim and Fallout 3, they wouldn't fuck this up."

Well, shit.

Last time I got burned by a game was Mercenaries 2 back when Pandemic got bought by EA.

Pretty much the same process here, lots of numbers being bandied about, quick trailers that didn't show much besides explosions.

Fuck, I get mad just thinking about it.
Considering the fact that they already lied in a gamestop interview. Claiming they would have over 200 perks.. Yeah WRONG. It's 70 perks with 4 ranks. *Cough* Skyrim* Cough*

I doubt this claim will be true.
Bethesda can lie all they want because as soon as you show the basic cognitive skills to notice their lies and/or complain about them, you're also showing that you are not their target audience.

And at least half of all these lines are those of the male/female variants of the player character, which I assume they didn't count in their previous games since they weren't voiced.

Also, Mercenaries 2 was supposed to be about something other than explosions?
Extrapolating from that, if at least half of those are just player dialogue and then cutting that number in half again due to repeated lines for a male or female character, its probably not much for them to be bragging about.

If say, a generous amount is player dialogue - let's say 30% out of 111,000 would be 33,300 lines of player dialogue. If the lines are essentially the same for male/female, then that would put unique lines at around 16,650. This is assuming there is a bunch of NPC's that do all the talking.

Also, according to this IGN article from 4-17-2015 the protagonist lines are around 13,000 each only from Courtenay Taylor and Brian T. Delaney. So my guesstimate is really way off if that's truly the case. So either a lot of NPC's being info dumps or random chatter.

In comparison:

FO:NV - 65,000
FO3 - 40,000
(For FO1 and FO2, I can not find concrete numbers, does anyone know?)
Torment - 75,000
Baldur's Gate 2 (including all expansions) - 67,000

Of course numbers don't mean much unless the lines themselves are worth reading/hearing and the voice acting is decent if there is any, which I enjoyed in the early days of RPG's and newer revivals such as the Witcher series.

As a side note. When FO3 rolled out way back in 2008, I was one of those that pre-ordered to give "FPS FO" a shot since I had enjoyed Bethesda's previous work (Morrowind, but thought Oblivion was so-so), only to be let down by really hammy NPC voice acting, nonsensical story, and lack of other important mechanics (not necessarily lack of top perspective). Definitely a total let down as someone that enjoyed FO1/2. I think that was actually one of the first games that made me wary of Pre-Ordering in general, so at least that's a positive.
Quantity's not so impressive when quality lacks.

This, for all I care it could be 200 000 lines of spoken dialog. What does it matter really when the stuff you hear is so cring worthy and badly writen that you start to develop an aneurysm in your head.

Not to mention that doesn't have to mean that there will be more writing/dialog compared to Fallout 3. For example, alone the fact that your answers are now voiced too means that there will be a lot more voiced dialog compared to Fallout 3, but not necessarily more lines! And probably 30 or 40 000 of those lines will be the recordings of your sons name so you can call him Fuckface and such.