Vault-Tec Employee
It doesn't look 200 years old, looks better than what it looked like in 2161.
Bethesda, Bethesda never changes.
What I don't understand is why are there 4th of July decorations if the war happened in October.
What I don't understand is why are there 4th of July decorations if the war happened in October.
Cuz murrica!
I think it looks cartoony and plastic, of course this is just my opinion and I know some will disagree with me.
Except New Vegas didn't bring up the old west at all. The Old West stuff was more thematic than anything, nobody was talking about the war or the cowboys unless they were Pre War ghouls or Brotherhood Scribes. The Kings similarly didn't just mention Elvis at all, every character was always focused on the present time and situation, the battle of hoover dam, the lawlessness of Freeside, their history with the NCR and so forth.
Bethesda are the only ones who make the Fallout Wastelands so shallow and plastic, with characters barely even caring about their present or futures and mostly focusing on events rom a past they didn't live in.