Hero for Hire
It Wandered In From the Wastes

First impressions:
•Everything seems to run smoother. Opening and closing menus is faster, no delay. It also seems like the game runs smoother overall, no stutter.
•Pipboy [F] Buttons are fixed -- thanks
•Pipboy opens, closes fast! Still getting used to it
•Killed some Super Mutants who were using hunting rifles and rebar clubs. Looted them but left some with the clubs. Came back a day later and they didn't have clubs but the bodies did have something called a "flamer pistol."
•I encounter mole rats underground all the time, which makes sense. And since I love eating mole rat meat, now it's easier to find em
•The burn effects are pretty neat. Especially that BBQ style smoking while burning and afterwards. Like it
There is a little funky stretching on the burn texture at times but overall it is a very cool effect. Maybe a little less pink (light colors) on the texture would make it less noticeable? Anyhow I hope this feature stays in.
•Some places have neat, small changes and so far they are pretty cool, like the flag at Megaton.
•No zoom-in when talking to NPCs. Still getting used to it. I think the reason the devs have you zoom-in to the face of an NPC is because they don't want us to notice that when we open a discussion, the world "freezes around us." Anyhow, I'll run it for a while and if anything really weird happens I'll post it.
•Made a Deathclaw Gauntlet.
•Lately have been regularly making landmines. Need to test making a grenade. Will take Explosives Expert 2 at level up & test out making plasma mines & grenades.
BTW, bobby pins are now REALLY valuable because they aren't common like scrap metal.
•Everything seems to run smoother. Opening and closing menus is faster, no delay. It also seems like the game runs smoother overall, no stutter.
•Pipboy [F] Buttons are fixed -- thanks

•Pipboy opens, closes fast! Still getting used to it

•Killed some Super Mutants who were using hunting rifles and rebar clubs. Looted them but left some with the clubs. Came back a day later and they didn't have clubs but the bodies did have something called a "flamer pistol."
•I encounter mole rats underground all the time, which makes sense. And since I love eating mole rat meat, now it's easier to find em

•The burn effects are pretty neat. Especially that BBQ style smoking while burning and afterwards. Like it

There is a little funky stretching on the burn texture at times but overall it is a very cool effect. Maybe a little less pink (light colors) on the texture would make it less noticeable? Anyhow I hope this feature stays in.
•Some places have neat, small changes and so far they are pretty cool, like the flag at Megaton.
•No zoom-in when talking to NPCs. Still getting used to it. I think the reason the devs have you zoom-in to the face of an NPC is because they don't want us to notice that when we open a discussion, the world "freezes around us." Anyhow, I'll run it for a while and if anything really weird happens I'll post it.
•Made a Deathclaw Gauntlet.
•Lately have been regularly making landmines. Need to test making a grenade. Will take Explosives Expert 2 at level up & test out making plasma mines & grenades.
BTW, bobby pins are now REALLY valuable because they aren't common like scrap metal.