trollworkout FO3/NV mods - CB Custom Beginning & more

Thank you!

That's a lot of lens flare. It's realistic enough to where I'm actually covering the half of the screen to block it with my real hand.

Can you make it so that there's no lens flare if you're wearing sunglasses?

Did you also make the weeds green?

The burn effect is pretty cool :)
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i can make lens flare 0 if youre wearing sunglasses + tint the screen

yes weeds are a bit greener :) is it bad? i don't think 200 years after the war weeds grow all black. trees should probably have a tiny bit of green too.
No lens flare with sunglasses would be awesome. If there's any tint, hopefully it would be almost unnoticeable because with my sunglasses (I'm wearing them in the pic there on the left) there is almost no tint all but it does block the sun very well.

In all honesty, the world is starting to get a little too green for me. I realize that after 200 years things will probably be not quite as brown.
I'm no expert on meteorology or natural science so I'm probably not the best person to ask though I *did* get "A"s in all my biology courses ;)

That being said, there is this one mod called "Fellout" and I absolutely hate it. Do you know it?
It makes everything too pretty for a post apocalyptic world. The only thing that mod does right is make it realistically dark at night.

I have a suggestion: how about it being the new 'more green' near bodies of water, such as rivers or lakes, and then back to its "normal" dry brown everywhere else?
If you agreed with that suggestion it would be more work for you though, especially because I'm certain that the further you got from bodies of water the fade to brown would have to be gradual...

One thing about the bodies of water though, all the ones that are not connected to a moving body of water probably would still be murky (green) due to moss and algae.
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Oh brother lol
But thanks!! :D

I think part of the reason I didn't like FNV was because I was expecting something along the lines of Original Fallout + Fallout 3 but they gave us FO2+FO3 engine.
FO2 was also more green and I don't exactly know why it didn't appeal to me (still doesn't) but I know that FNV was pretty much the FO v2.5.

Anyhow I think the point I'm trying to get across is that only certain parts of California were bombed but not *everywhere.*

In the DC Area, pretty much the whole area was blasted numerously into a radiated nothing. Now I'm no expert on radioactive effects on an environment but my best guess is that's the main reason the Capitol Wasteland is still brown and broken with that radioactive haze -- because so many *more* bombs were dropped on that area.

Anyhow... thanks for considering my inputs! :)
I m looking at a few things right now I might replace 10mm and 10mm SMG meshes with original FO1/2 ones I found online.
Off the wall thought:

It'd be cool if you could "offer free gear" to any NPC. You don't see any of their gear so couldn't "steal" it or trade (like in Barter screen), but could freely give gear to them.
It beats the "openteammatecontainer 1" cheat.

It'd be cool to have the orig guns from Fallout!
BTW... aren't "clothes" supposed to be the most expensive items in game, and guns are supposed to be cheap?
At least that what both Crow and Lucky Harith both state.

I guess it's because the economy in the Capital Wasteland is totally different than on the West Coast
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yeah i guess so but is BS if you ask me for two reasons. 1. there's no way a leather armor costs more than a no longer manufactured found assault rifle in working condition that can kill people and defend you from baddies 2. in the game files weapons cost more than armor. a power armor helmet is 500 while let's say a laser rifle is like 1000 .
That's something I've wondered about: People make clothes but not weapons?:confused:

Some weps, like the Hunting Rifles in particular look kind of home made.

Hmmm...hard to say which holds more value, clothes (armor) or weapons, but I look at it this way:

If someone had a choice to run around naked but with a gun, or run around with no gun but have clothes, which do you think most normal people would choose?

That shows which actually has more value ;)

But to expand, I think all low tech items are probably cheap. Personally I wouldn't pay more than 300 caps for a machine gun. I might pay a couple thousand for a quality laser rifle though.
Power Armor should be around 10,000 caps at minimum. The PPA mod kind of does this by breaking down PA into parts and making each part cost a couple thousand caps, or some single components costing around >500 caps.

Anyhow if weapons are more expensive, it makes sense to have clothing -- at least the quality items -- cost more as well.

And also consider this: That one ghoul in Underworld wants you to kill people and he's only willing to pay 100 each???:confused:

Instead of looking at 1 cap equaling $1.00, it's probably better to view 1 cap as $10 (or $20 actually).
Viewed that way, 100 caps for a deed done definitely holds some value.

If I was to restructure the cost of every item in the game, I base it off the 1 cap =$20.00 economy and then go by today's standards for cost of armor, weapons, and miscellaneous items.
Food on the other hand, especially pre-war food (due to the high tech vacuum sealing) would hold more value because it has more nutrition and less rads than squirrel soup or mole-rat meat.

Especially with the constant risk of rad poisoning. That hits people who aren't even out in dangerous areas.
"If you don't have your health, you don't have anything."
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thing is i made both guns and armors expensive. main reason i wanted to make guns more expensive is to make it much much harder to get op fast in the game and forcing you to have to slowly upgrade over time similar to how original fallouts used to work. most military gear is about 10 x more expensive. most homemade gear including workbench crafting weapons and stuff have same worth. is only the rare things that are worth a lot.

i will make hunting rifle less expensive if you think is homemade and i'll make the scoped version a bit more expensive.

some guns like most melee and basic guns like for example .32 revolver are same price as FO3 (unchanged)

i still have to look into prices but game should be tons more fun now.
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i liked in FO1/2 when a pistol was like 2000 caps but a mutfruit like 1 cap and a pipe rifle like 600 caps

that's what i want to emulate. i remember having to save up for that next item cause i was broke as hell starting up and had literarily nothing.

in fo3 i could easily buy anything by collecting all the raider armors and enemies armors and selling everything for caps making sooo much . i could literarily get anything i wanted by selling all my junk.

i m just trying to create a much more challenging environment where you really need to be pick and choose what's the best path for your character rather than have it all.
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i liked in FO1/2 when a pistol was like 2000 caps but a mutfruit like 1 cap and a pipe rifle like 600 caps

that's what i want to emulate. i remember having to save up for that next item cause i was broke as hell starting up and had literarily nothing.

in fo3 i could easily buy anything by collecting all the raider armors and enemies armors and selling everything for caps making sooo much . i could literarily get anything i wanted by selling all my junk.

I agree with you, mostly:

Renewable "free" items like mutfruits are likely to be cheap. Raider armor is basically made of garbage and I wouldn't pay more than 3 caps for it!

Economic Failures of the FO3 devs:
-Raider armor provides more DR than it should and costs too much -- in addition to being made of trash, a lot of the armor doesn't cover a lot of skin, and for pieces like the Painspike Armor, it's only if the raider gets lucky enough that the bullet happens to hit the radiator plate covering the chest is where we'd see acceptable DR.
-Loose caps are far too commonly found. In desks and boxes everywhere. In safes *with* pre-war money??? Why would anyone keep bottlecaps??

Pre war clothing (not the dirty versions) would have some value -- it's nice, comfortable, and has the ability to keep you warm in winder, or for spring and summer wear, keep you cool and comfortable in warm weather. I wouldn't pay more than 5 caps though ;)

For a .32 pistol I'd pay a max of 10 caps. Or maybe 20 but that's pushing it.

I'd pay up to 80 caps max for an assault rifle.

Anyhow I think you see my point: the cost of the (some) items isn't really the problem. The real problem is that caps are far too common.

I'd try devaluing Raider gear and low tech items, such as nailboards (2 caps if at 100% health), baseball bats (no more than 3 caps), etc.

That's the main culprit.

Another ...kind of sore point: I always though it bizarre that you could literally go around picking up trash and then sell it! I'd honestly classify all junk items with a zero cap cost because it makes sense.

The only junk items I'd give some cap value to is stuff that can be used in making other items UNLESS it is a really common item like tin cans or paint guns: those would still be worth zero caps.

Of course, poor Wolfgang is going to be carrying around a bunch of useless inventory, BUT, it's ok: in vanilla he's the one who's got the best Repair ability.
If I was a mod-maker, I'd set it so Crazy Wolfgang be the only person in the game who'd buy junk items from you for caps, and all others would just offer zero caps for junk items ;)

Hand grenades it turn out, only cost about $30 each! :o
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yeah raider armor is junk and should provide nothing but hate from civilized wasteland
raider faction unique weapons that i am working on will all be junk weapons for now Junk Hammer, Junk Knife and they provide just below stats of similar weapons and 0.5x limb damage since they are dull and crappy and junk

frag and pulse grenades have the same price as fo3 if i am not mistaken but plasma is a bit more pricy based on NV

thing is frag may be cheap now but to get those materials in a world were no special factories exist anymore should be much more pricy

i remember the story of a guy who tried to build a Toaster from scratch by himself and found out it was impossible. Yes a $10 dollar toaster takes so much work is practically impossible to be built in Fallout. So imagine now you got an assault rifle. That rifle is priceless since nothing like it exists or will ever exist until people start mining again, designing, learning math, learning geometry, learning all the old tech, start milling and smelting and so forth. Even now you don't pay $60 for an assault rifle. Think about how much you'd pay for one when only a limited supply are available and none of them will ever be produced again. You'd probably kill to get one. Which is pretty much what raiders do.

What I am trying to do is increase the feel of a harsh environment with all these people really struggling to get by . They scavenge and make barely what they can to survive. I added a bit of green grass to make it seem like nature is slowly coming back. I made weapons expensive because they are rare pre-war tech that everyone needs . Things no longer produced. Things like rifles are probably more like magic stick for most wastelanders. Nobody is that versed in prewar tech anymore.
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Ok so fixed:
-deathclaw gauntlet not being built.

Still looking into:
-deathclaws/geckos jumping
-Weeds are too green & water is too clean
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Deathclaws don't jump if MMM is installed but geckos do sometimes.

Is there some kind of extra details added in 1.7?
Version 1.5 ran smooth as glass on this PC at 40 fps outdoors and 60 fps inside but on 1.7 I'm only getting 12 fps outdoors and 25 inside.

Besides that, there are a few things that, I have to be honest, I do not like about this version:

-The F1,2,3 keys worked in v1.5 but they do not in this version and that is a major pain because I use those keys **all** the time but now they don't work.
-Though the Pipboy 2000 looks nice, the buttons being all the way in the upper left are *far* if I actually have to use a mouse to get to them. I much prefer using the F1,2,3, keys to go directly to the Pipboy screen I need. And on the Pipboy3000, at least the buttons are at the bottom of the screen, near where all the other pipboy screen buttons for.
-The water looks awful.
-The shade of green on the weeds for some reason has a "black outline" when viewed from a distance so it all looks thick and fake.
-The mod's core function, alternate starts as not the Vault Dweller, are all good (the reason I downloaded to begin with!) as are adding items from past Fallout games, but changes to the look of the game are regrettable: it's starting to change from Fallout 3 into...not Fallout 3.

On a positive note, the new weapons and throwing are really cool!

I'm kind of undecided about how I feel about the new pricing: on one hand all I have to do is kill a raider with a sawed off shotgun & I have an instant 500 caps at the next vendor I meet, and on the other, one grenade costs 600 ;)
That being said, I do agree with you on the economics of a post apocalyptic society.

Now that Raiders don't carry big guns anymore they are definitely easier to kill now (at level 11) and all I'm using is the Rock-it Launcher :ok:
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I now why the weeds have an outline . I made a mistake.

I will revert back to original weeds + original water.
I am going to make F1,F2 and F3 buttons work again.


What do you think I should do about prices? One one hand is not same as FO3 as you gotta carry more caps around and caps have limited availability as vendors will still carry very little caps on them but on the other hand but on the other hand it does make the post apocalyptic world much more believableable. Also caps are just bottle caps and although they are used as currency it should not be worth much hence upping the cost of everything kinda makes more sense. Now finding nuka colas and drinking them should make you very little caps and most cap rewards will be much smaller.

The disparity between pre-war tech price vs currently manufactured tech price should make the buying dynamic more challenging. YOu kinda have to start with scrap or junk weapons (I will add more) or thrown stuff or melee then slowly move into ranged or post-war tech.

You wanna try it out a bit see if it works as I intended it?

What do you think?
You are the man! Thank you so much for taking my opinion into consideration about the look of the wasteland. I cannot state enough how much I appreciate that.
Fallout 3 remains Fallout 3 :) And for people who *need* a different's out there. "Not" Fallout 3 mods are in abundance.

I reaaally appreciate that you'll fix those buttons. If and when you visit Japan, not only will I buy you a full night's worth of beers, I'll take you to your choice of my three favorite yakitori restaurants!

I do wana try out the way you intended. Of course! But I don' t think just weapons and armor should be high priced, food and chems would too, right?

Is there was an easy way (for you, cause your time is important!) to make it so **Caps** are less common?
Then prices of goods are "naturally" inflated.

If not, then making *all* goods around 8x (or more, depending on your taste) more expensive would probably compensate for the Fallout 3 dev's mistake of throwing random "found" caps into desks, safes, and boxes, etc.

All goods though: I still honestly believe that "junk" items wouldn't be worth more than 1 cap max. I mean...these scavengers KNOW that it's crap, right?

Except for undamaged garden gnomes maybe :P Haha, just a joke.
Unless you actually have a garden that is ;)
I got rid of the grass but you will still have it. Simply go into your data folder into C:\Program Files\Bethesda\Follout3\Data\Textures\Landscape and delete the folder called Grass. That will revert to vanilla grass.
Thank you very much for the tip!

Been trying out the thrown weapons. Spear is strong and has a really good range.
The thrown baseballs are an interesting addition.

Is higher damage in this version or the next?