From E3 untill now, Can you honestly tell me what we know of Fallout 4 objectively?


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
Honestly, as objective truth with as zero of speculation. Beyond combat trailers.

What do we know of Fallout 4? We only know that we some how came from the pre-war.

We have no idea of the factions. No, Raider and super mutants running around with generic labels as such don't constitute as a faction. Just random people to unleash bullets unto.

We have no idea of how the institution or commonwealth is going to work. Nothing to describe them. When Fallout New Vegas was approaching release, We knew Caesars Legion, NCR, And Mr.House. We knew what they were fighting over.

Great Khans, Followers of the Apocalypse, Kings. Boomers.

Don't believe me?

We have none of that For Fallout 4. We are blind and honestly, how can anyone lie to themselves that this game has any hope of taking any formula and making a better game. We already saw the sort of cringe worthy dialogue that we got from piper in Bethesda's new video. Bethesda never learned from Fallout: New Vegas or anything of that nature. Bioware Even talked about their factions in the game before Dragon Age inquisition came into fruition. With Red Templars and Ventori. It's sad, We have little to no information about how the story of this game will seem like, How the hell a main plot can exist with no preamble or background that presents a conflict that continues when the person actually leaves the fault.

Yeah, And people think Fallout 4 will honestly be GOTY.
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Not knowing the story is not ipso facto bad. Personaly i would rather to find out which factions are in the game and what they represent first hand. New Vegas told us who's bad who's good beforehand. Though i'm keeping my expectations low since Bethesda always does poor job with factions in their games.
I really like the surprise element this time, gets me excited more and more since it's so mysterious. Also we know for sure the brotherhood of steel will be there.

Also there's The Witcher 3 and MGS 5 to contest for GOTY anyway, even when Fallout 4 ends up being a fantastic game
That we know little of the storyline other than the premise might not be so bad, but I really agree with you on the point regarding the factions, the locations, the world in general and so on.
This is stuff that Bethesda should have been teasing us since the start of October or the end of September, enticing us with little details like "this faction will be..." or "at this place you will find..."/"Said landmark is now..."

Hell during Fallout 3's pre release period they kept slamming us with damn Megaton and how it was so great while all it in the end was only a badly designed starter's location with no internal logic and only a few quests.

So far now we can only speculate what locations will be like based on the first trailer and the concept art.
I guess there will be the USS Constitution which is now fitted with what appear to be rocket engines and crewed by Ghoul Pirates... ugh
This is stuff that Bethesda should have been teasing us since the start of October or the end of September, enticing us with little details like "this faction will be..." or "at this place you will find..."/"Said landmark is now..."

They did that with Fallout 3 didn't they? They had those little videos that had the "Vault-Tec instruction video" style which then cut to ingame stuff.

They should of did more of that here.
Not knowing the story is not ipso facto bad. Personaly i would rather to find out which factions are in the game and what they represent first hand. New Vegas told us who's bad who's good beforehand. Though i'm keeping my expectations low since Bethesda always does poor job with factions in their games.

Outside of Caesars Legion? No, there are not many outright "bad" factions. With most of them you can freely interact and they are for the most part just groups with their own agendas and not out there to fuck everyone up.

What we know of Behts F4 so far? Outside of combat, almost nothing. They even told more about Fallout 3 at that point ... and we already knew back than that their story was about shining knights in power armor vs evil enclave. Which was ultimately how the game more or less played out ... Chance is high that F4 will contain the same cringe worthy situation with some evil group creating slave androids (maybe) and the other group is fighting for their freedom or what ever. All for lulz I guess. I would be seriously surprised if they came up with an actuall explanation why someone went trough all the trouble of creating realistic replicants/androids of humans in a post-apoc world. I mean outside of, cuz we have the fancy tech to do so! And we enslave them cuz they not 'umans!

Binary visions. Clear black vs. white scenarios. Karma changes on the fly etc. Anything else that's a bit more complex might irritate their main target audience to much.


At least the little snipets we saw so far, the conversations with the vault guy, the robot in the begining and the 4-button-conversation-layout suggests that there won't be any kind of depth to the dialog. Maybe even less than Fallout 3 ... but we have to wait and see.
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Hell during Fallout 3's pre release period they kept slamming us with damn Megaton and how it was so great while all it in the end was only a badly designed starter's location with no internal logic and only a few quests.

Guess again why they don't talk about this stuff right now.
That we know little of the storyline other than the premise might not be so bad, but I really agree with you on the point regarding the factions, the locations, the world in general and so on.
This is stuff that Bethesda should have been teasing us since the start of October or the end of September, enticing us with little details like "this faction will be..." or "at this place you will find..."/"Said landmark is now..."

Hell during Fallout 3's pre release period they kept slamming us with damn Megaton and how it was so great while all it in the end was only a badly designed starter's location with no internal logic and only a few quests.

So far now we can only speculate what locations will be like based on the first trailer and the concept art.
I guess there will be the USS Constitution which is now fitted with what appear to be rocket engines and crewed by Ghoul Pirates... ugh

"Knowing little of the story might be so bad."

It is, Considering people are paying 60 dollars out of the pocket for the product. I'm not, Since i don't wallow around in shit products. Regardless, If you pay money for it. You're entitled to know what you are buying. You don't need to spoil the game for people to consider purchasing it. You need incentive and creativity. Something Bethesda are incapable of doing in their trailers.

But that probably will be something bethesda will never be hold accountable for, despite the fact they are at the root of some of today's DLC anti-consumer practice. They made horse armor and while people are bitching about how bad Star Wars battlefront game is, for having Season Pass. COUGH ANGRY JOE COUGH, Bethesda are doing the same thing.

Fuck Bethesda, And the throne they have been rightfully placed upon. I look forward to Legacy of The Void. Where i actually get trailers where i can fathom some sort of story from. Not just being a jack ass in the middle of the wasteland like a fucking mongoloid.
Marketing is not about providing people facts. Marketing is about giving impressions that will hopefully convince people to buy whatever it is. Bethesda didn't need to do anything to convince people to shell out for Fallout 4 preorders, so they didn't. I mean, this was a game people were so thirsty for that it had multiple announcement hoaxes.

If you're the sort of person who wants facts before they decide to buy something, congratulations you're a sensible person and thus have no business preordering video games. The best time to find out about a game, anyway, is after it's released after all.
Not knowing the story is not ipso facto bad. Personaly i would rather to find out which factions are in the game and what they represent first hand. New Vegas told us who's bad who's good beforehand. Though i'm keeping my expectations low since Bethesda always does poor job with factions in their games.

Outside of Caesars Legion? No, there are not many outright "bad" factions. With most of them you can freely interact and they are for the most part just groups with their own agendas and not out there to fuck everyone up.

What we know of Behts F4 so far? Outside of combat, almost nothing. They even told more about Fallout 3 at that point ... and we already knew back than that their story was about shining knights in power armor vs evil enclave. Which was ultimately how the game more or less played out ... Chance is high that F4 will contain the same cringe worthy situation with some evil group creating slave androids (maybe) and the other group is fighting for their freedom or what ever. All for lulz I guess. I would be seriously surprised if they came up with an actuall explanation why someone went trough all the trouble of creating realistic replicants/androids of humans in a post-apoc world. I mean outside of, cuz we have the fancy tech to do so! And we enslave them cuz they not 'umans!

Binary visions. Clear black vs. white scenarios. Karma changes on the fly etc. Anything else that's a bit more complex might irritate their main target audience to much.

At least the little snipets we saw so far, the conversations with the vault guy, the robot in the begining and the 4-button-conversation-layout suggests that there won't be any kind of depth to the dialog. Maybe even less than Fallout 3 ... but we have to wait and see.

For the record: Caesar's Legion is ridiculous even more so than Enclave and it's a tough record to beat. However what i mean is finding out what Caesar's Legion is up to during our first visit to Nipton would be much better experince if we didn't know what The Legion is capable of first hand.

I didn't know BoS was in F:NV and when i stumble across two dead Paladins and found out Hidden Bunker...It was A good suprise.

To be fair at least BOS didn't retconned into White Knights, that one was a splinter group and it was explained well enough why this BoS was more benevolent. Though it's utterly fair that not liking this and considering it as a cheap "feel-good" plot(for it was). However right now i wonder what's going on between BoS and the institute. Though if BoS turns out to be nice guys who save Androids and such i'll vomit.

Thing is Bethesda did a good job with Skyrim's civil war since there were clearly no bad/good groups. Thalmor are invaders who perform a genocide or two however so are Imperials and Nords. Also they may have pumped that "Savior of man/killer of dragons bad ass Aryan hero" cliché with Skyrim, the game wasn't like that at all: i mean cool and honorable Companions were Werewolves(i still remember how people cried and b****ed about it) we're force to torture a old man, cannibalize a priest and become the right hand of a Daedroth at the end. Though no one can argue that there were any c&c for any of this.

So Bethesda may suprise me again, god knows my expectations were as low as it could get after Oblivion.
Would be nice to have more than what we've gotten confirmed at least. We don't need to know exactly how the game will pan out, and which groups will have a roll, but it would be nice to know what the starting point is. What sort of state the groups are in once you exit the vault.

There's just not that much yet. There probably won't be, by the looks of it. There's less than a month to go for release.
It is, Considering people are paying 60 dollars out of the pocket for the product. I'm not, Since i don't wallow around in shit products. Regardless, If you pay money for it. You're entitled to know what you are buying.

I agree on that. I did not mean to imply that we just needed a basis start up scenario "You are a Vault Dweller, waking up two hundred years after the war and am now looking into why you survived for so long and what happened to your significant other and baby".
More a setup like in Fallout New Vegas "You are a Courier who was shot down during your last delivery run, now that you have recovered you want to track down the man who shot you down to get some answers, leading you to New Vegas and Hoover, two key locations that play an important role in the conflict between the Wasteland's two (later three) superpowers".
Still not to much spoiled but we know enough to get a general idea what the world and the campaign is going to be like, and what parts will be fun to discover and what might be less interesting.

So far we know nothing about Fallout 4, what will make it interesting to explore its ingame world and talk to the NPCs that inhabit it.
Heck, so far we know we can actually walk away from conversations which I really have my doubts about.
Thing is Bethesda did a good job with Skyrim's civil war since there were clearly no bad/good groups. Thalmor are invaders who perform a genocide or two however so are Imperials and Nords. Also they may have pumped that "Savior of man/killer of dragons bad ass Aryan hero" cliché with Skyrim, the game wasn't like that at all: i mean cool and honorable Companions were Werewolves(i still remember how people cried and b****ed about it) we're force to torture a old man, cannibalize a priest and become the right hand of a Daedroth at the end. Though no one can argue that there were any c&c for any of this.

Unfortunately you're wrong. If you think about it, there is absolutely no reason to support the Stormcloaks. Aside from the fact that you could hold a grudge against the Imperials trying to decapitate you. Stormcloaks are belligerent, xenophobic, racist and ignorant, while the Empire is doing the only sensible thing they could, keeping the unity of the Empire. Yes, they are forced to let the Thalmor do their little witch hunt, but if the Empire and Skyrim split, there is no hope for either to survive another war, for which Thalmor is already preparing. The whole Nord uprising is exactly what the Thalmor wants, weakening humans.
So no, there is very little gray area in this plot, it's just not completely back-white, but still pretty obvious when you rub two brain cells together thinking about it.
And the Companions were not exactly honorable, they are just a little more than common sell-swords. They fight for money and the fun of it, there's little honor in it. The only honorable thing about them is that they don't kill innocent people.
The info given so far is enough for a LOT of people to be interested in the game already.

The protagonist has a military background (both female and male), and that they managed to survive somehow 200 years (possible theories: he's an android/cryogenic technology/stasis technology?). Looking at the conversation between the SS and Codsworth even the protag doesn't know how he survived, so some amnesia for sure.

The game is going to have fully voiced dialogue with a kinda radial system.

It will feature extensive settlement building (with even base defense elements) and really cool weapon/power armor modding.

We know that you get the power armor pretty early on but will be limited by a CORE system.

The SPECIAL system will finally be not shit and skills were thankfully folded into the perk system.

The big focus on exploration is still there (go where you want etc)

Factions we know for sure: The Institute, we know that their technology is pretty advanced from F3 plus Doctor Li will show up on their side)
The Brotherhood of Steel, pretty clear they're at war with one of the factions (very likely the Institute) and the player will be able to side with them.
The Railroad, since there are androids running around and shit.

We know that one of the big cities will be Diamond City and will be important Megaton-style.

The classic fallout enemies will be there, plus synths, bloodbugs and probably new shit too.

And more importantly you have an adorable doggie to help you out, plus many more romance-able companions like Preston and Piper.

So yeah we actually know enough about this game to justify buying it, people that enjoyed F3 and NV will be interested in it and even people who are completely new to this Bethesda's game series!
The info given so far is enough for a LOT of people to be interested in the game already.

The protagonist has a military background (both female and male), and that they managed to survive somehow 200 years (possible theories: he's an android/cryogenic technology/stasis technology?). Looking at the conversation between the SS and Codsworth even the protag doesn't know how he survived, so some amnesia for sure.

The game is going to have fully voiced dialogue with a kinda radial system.

It will feature extensive settlement building (with even base defense elements) and really cool weapon/power armor modding.

We know that you get the power armor pretty early on but will be limited by a CORE system.

The SPECIAL system will finally be not shit and skills were thankfully folded into the perk system.

The big focus on exploration is still there (go where you want etc)

Factions we know for sure: The Institute, we know that their technology is pretty advanced from F3 plus Doctor Li will show up on their side)
The Brotherhood of Steel, pretty clear they're at war with one of the factions (very likely the Institute) and the player will be able to side with them.
The Railroad, since there are androids running around and shit.

We know that one of the big cities will be Diamond City and will be important Megaton-style.

The classic fallout enemies will be there, plus synths, bloodbugs and probably new shit too.

And more importantly you have an adorable doggie to help you out, plus many more romance-able companions like Preston and Piper.

So yeah we actually know enough about this game to justify buying it, people that enjoyed F3 and NV will be interested in it and even people who are completely new to this Bethesda's game series!

Except, Unlike what we have in Fallout New Vegas, We actually do have factions with motives and understanding. We know they wanted the Hoover Dam, We knew they were enemies 100% sure.

Brotherhood of Steel and Institution have not been shown in detail or discussed really at all. No idea what the goals are and how they even relate to the protagonist.

We have no idea who or what the goal of Fallout 4 is once we are in the wasteland. Just run around and explore? What would are inscentive be? In New Vegas we went after benny. Even in fallout 3, It was our father. Fallout 2, Save our Village, and Fallout 1, Get a water chip. What would be the point? Point is, No hooks, No cohesive plot other than we escaped from the vault that we slumbered for 200 years.

I feel you are watching one too many Marty fallout videos, And getting caught up in the hype to actually realize, We have no concept of well founded and concert theme's of the game or what kind of Choice and Consequences would be presented.
Plus, we've not actually been shown any actual choice or consequence, even in a minor form.

New Vegas explored choice immediately in the first town, it wove it into the tutorial.

You got an immediate sense of how the game was going to work within minutes of starting the game.

And yet, it's not even spoiling the rest of the game to find out what happens there.

Because Obsidian had confidence in their writing and design, they showed it off.

Bethesda on the other hand, has shown off nothing aside from a few demonstrations of system mechanics.

I get that they don't want to spoil the story.

But there are ways to showcase the writing of a game without spoiling the story.

And so far, we've not seen anything that impresses us.