First time out of the vault

Why do you all despise Fallout 4? I mean, I've played Fallout 1, 2, and Tactics MULTIPLE times, and I'm nothing if not an RPG fan, but seriously, can I just get a decent conversation out of a cool Fallout 4 experience, or something that maybe reminded you of the "old days" of Fallout? I get it, you don't like that Bethesda stole the opportunity for Van Buren to ever become a thing, but they did the're own thing with it, and without Bethesda, Interplay would have faced bankruptcy and probably couldn't have created another Fallout game anyway. Seriously though.. I remember when you were all screaming, kicking, and crying for another Fallout game, and you were probably the most ignorant community the internet had ever known back then, and 3 games now have come and gone. Fallout 3 took the game to the east coast, and while there are many inconsistencies in the lore due to the game being thrown around like a football by developers, it never should have taken away from the overall experience as much as you people make it out to be. Fallout New Vegas took what people liked about Bethesda's new iteration and brought it back to the west for a chance to take the series back to the Role Playing roots. Now, Fallout 4 is out, with a whole new world to explore, characters to meet, and 3 new factions that you hadn't even heard about before Fallout 3 with the Replicated Man questline. My question to you people is, what is so fucking bad about Bethesda's new iteration. And no, I don't want to hear "Ohhh but it messes with the lore" or "Ohhh the shooting actually feels fun uuuhhhhh". No, I want you to give me a real reason of what's keeping you from picking up the disc and playing some Fallout 4. I don't care if I get a ban for this. I don't care if I get death threats and people encouraging me to kill myself in my email like the last time I posted here on my old account. I just want to know, so that I can explain to people why you guys are so misunderstood, to the next person who comes limping out of the ancient hellhole that is this forum.