What's your ancestry?


Keeper of the trout
This is probably even more interesting with the Americans (as in, the whole continent)

Me - born in Norway
Mothers side: Norwegian, with possible branches to Sweden and central or eastern Europe
Dads side: Peruvian, with Spanish grandma and Peruvian granddad (great grandma fled from the Carribean, her roots would most likely be western Africa, she was mulatto herself, mixed with very amerindian Peruvian)

I've never been to Peru, since my Spanish-speaking side of the family long since moved to Spain, which I feel is a second home (albeit a more chaotic, big-scale, corruption-party home)
I have more distant relatives in Peru of course, but I don't know any of them, and frankly, Peru scares me :D
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Finnish. Have some Sami and Kven heritage from dads side. Maybe also from mothers side, not sure, going far back it's possible there could be some Sami there too.

zegh, didn't know about your Peruvian heritage. You've got something in common with Walpknut then, a South American heritage. Quite rare I think to be a half-South American in Scandinavia. Not sure but I think so. And yea I recently looked at a graph about violent crime, the entire South America seemed to be one big 'kill zone', even worse then Middle East etc. Which is sad.
Belgian(Flemish)/Dutch/NorthernFrench as far as can be traced back. Doesn't mean much though, since the French ruled us, the Dutch ruled us, the Spanish ruled us, the Germans ruled us, the Nords raided us, etc...
Got a fair bit of blue blood and (burned) witches in my bloodline.

I'm under the impression that ancestry & heraldry seems to be held in fairly high regards in the US, but on the euro mainland, we're all related to knights, kings, witches and whatnot. Not quite as glamorous to us as an american that can trace his lineage back to the original settlers.

You're also a bag of water that was pissed out of a lot of different beings over time. :)
German. Got a rather unique surname, I think all people in Germany with that name are related. The name goes back at least to 1331 when it was first mentioned as the name of a craftsman and his shop. Probably a clog maker, as that was a traditional trade in that family until the 20th century, in addition to farming.
There is apparently a coat of arms attached to my name, but it seems to be not historical but added by another branch of our family.
Sometime in the late 19th/early 20th century a few from that family also emigrated to the USA, and there might still be distant relatives of ours left, maybe even someone with the name. I do know that our name is attached to at least one lawsuit and it's on a WW1 memorial somewhere in Illinois, as one of the emigrants' descendants fought on the american side.
So that's my father's side of the family, rooted in the Münsterland. I don't know much about my mother's side, they come from Northern Germany, around Bremen. Dunno how far back they go, though.
I'm going to report you, Dopamine Cleric >:'I

MutantScalper, I keep getting corrected whenever I assume Peru/South America would be dangerous to visit, like "Oh, come on, it's not so bad!" People don't understand, to a Norwegian even Denmark is a bit scary - and on top of that, they throw in a little tidbit about my relatives in Peru living in the slum of Lima, and wearing fire arms for selv defense on a daily basis. Hurray!

Hass, my Norwegian surname is probably of Jewish origin, and it's one of these things that nobody has bothered to mention or comment on, untill I brought it up. My brother's eyes opened "We're JEWS!?" like i told him he had HIV or something :'D
No, we're not Jews... :V
Hass, my Norwegian surname is probably of Jewish origin, and it's one of these things that nobody has bothered to mention or comment on, untill I brought it up. My brother's eyes opened "We're JEWS!?" like i told him he had HIV or something :'D
No, we're not Jews... :V
My surname is low german (maybe even influenced by dutch), it probably means either "beech path" or "buck path". Not quite sure, it's hard to figure out and I'm too cheap to pay a professional to do it for me :D
Not jewish, though. Got the aryan certificates to prove it. My uncle found them in some old documents.
I was born right here in America. Mississippi to be exact.

My mother's ancestry is from Ireland. My great great grandparents moved here from there in order to escape persecution from the Catholics since they were Protestant, and my great grandpa grew up here.

My father's ancestry oddly enough comes from British and French intermingling. Ancestors on his side are a mix of British and French until around 1910 when I suppose my great great grandparents on his side moved to America.

My surname is Polish. It's Polk, but nearly 100 years ago down the family tree it was Pollock. I wonder why it changed? Maybe to fit in with America more? Oddly enough none of my ancestry even seems to come from Poland.
My side. Just Brit and Scot. At least on my dad's side. On my mom's probably some West African or something I don't even know.
I was born in southern California. I'm mostly German and Spanish, but being the melting pot America is I'm sure there's all kinds of other ethnicity's in there, Irish, Native, golden retriever, parakeet.
Spanish (my last name is directly from Spain), South American Native like most Colombians, and my hair and some facial features imply a level of asian ancestry but on a small dosage (like a lot of people from the area where I was born).
My mother is South Korean. My Dad is American whose family from England, I don't when. His Mother's parents came Germany.
Spain, which I feel is a second home (albeit a more chaotic, big-scale, corruption-party home)
Awww it's not that... Okay, it's way worse. Atleast we have no Trump here, just incompetent thieves and the whole Catalonia business...
I'm half Mexican, half Spanish. No sweet tan though :(.