Ah. I've never heard of it before. I'll look into it.
I wouldn't condone my country for using chemical warfare either you know. Like I said before, I don't believe anyone was in the right when it came to this war, but Saddam was probably the biggest offender involved, at least when it came to the Iraq War. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, even though we can't get all the bad guys, at least on that day we got 1 of them.
I don't think a lot of people here celebrate Saddam Hussein as a swell fellow, but eh... there are several problems with seeing this as a victory for the Kurds
First of all, because a tremendous ammount of them were killed, with zero reprecussions - at least zero
direct reprecussions. This is something we keep seeing around the world, Rwanda is one of the best examples - Cambodia is another one.
The thing is... and this is sometimes difficult to truly grasp - these countries are sovereign. This means they can do whatever they want, inside their own borders. Iraq, Rwanda, Cambodia. There really is no rule that says "If a government slaughters its own people, it should be invaded by military force, and it's leader hanged." - there ARE encouragements to impose sanctions, though.
So, the reason nobody invaded to stop the Rwandan genocide isn't necesarily that we are a bunch of cold assholes - but that Rwanda is - technically - allowed to do whatever they want, for then to accept the consequences of sanctions.
In truly serious cases, UN-peacekeeping forces can be sent in, but eh... they tend to have laughably limited abilities to do ANYthing of value (Ask Yugoslavians and Georgians - oh, and 500 000 dead Rwandans

) (Even more insulting is "observers", who - quite litterally - stand and watch as people are massacred, again - see Yugoslavia)
(As a footnote I find it particularily interesting that the world allowed the Cambodian genocide to happen, except for the "bogeyman" Vietnam, which eventually invaded, deposed the Khmer Rouge regime - and on top of that, took the full brunt of a war with China, which was an ally of Cambodia at the time. In other words - little known fact - Vietnam and China has been at war, had a bunch of soldiers die in the jungles, and then accept peace after the Cambodian regime was fully dismantled)
In the end, you have a point if that getting rid of Saddam is a good thing for a lot of people, but it is only a side-effect of a different issue, and one that quite frankly came 15 years too late :I