That is a made up quotation that emerged from the Daily Squib news sites satire section.
I thought that was obvious since it say's "fake quote - made up quotation or falsely attributed" on the picture.
That's why I edited my post. Still, the point isn't what ever if Kissinger made that quote or not. It's the policy as a whole, which has been outlined since Reagan, and is one way or another still applied to the middle east - "
War is the continuation of
politics by other means." where as at least Germany has more this idea of Ultima Ratio. If ever.
Again, Kissinger, Reagan, Bush Senior. They players come and go, but the game stays the same.
What evidence do you have that 100,000 civilians were killed in the 1st Gulf War?
I was refering to all of the kills since the 1st Gulf War till now. Should have been more clear about that. It's the policy as whole I question. Does it matter if it was 5 000, 10 000 or 100 000? It's simply not justifable for me. Where would you draw the line. Is it ok to sacrifice the lives of 5 000 people for 10 cent cheaper oil, or would you think that someone becomes a sociopath only at 50 000.
Still we are just slaping numbers around. The bottom line is the question, was all that happend since the early 1990s worth it in the end. And I think every sane person has to ask themself that. If even Mc Namara can admit HIS mistakes, like Vietnam - See fog of War, why shouldn't others? To admit mistakes and wrong choices, doesn't mean you're weak or something.
So are we supposed to sit back and let them kill us because it might create another terrorist?
Yeah, actually if you put it this way, this would be one way to deal with terrorism. Do you put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it? I am not saying there would be an efficient way to deal with it, or that this would be always the correct way. But to counter terrorism with strictly military operations, is somewhat of a problem. You can not apply traditional military strategies to issues that have ties into political and economical issues. You can only target nations, military installations, equipment and people. Not ideas or beliefs. You can not drop bombs on a concept or ideology like religion/fanatism. Hence why pretty much most of what we did for the last 15-20 years was largely ineffective and made matters actually worse. Becuse there is no clear frontline to follow here. And now a lot of it comes back to bite us - See Brussel, Paris and well the twin towers of 9.11. To believe our actions would not have long lasting consequences would be pretty naive and dangerous.
I always wonder why Germany is usually not a target for terrorism, at least not of this kind. Maybe because they don't fuck so much religion? And we don't bomb the shit out of others. We sure have our fare share of issues, but something like Paris? Or 9.11? Not really. Germay was forced to sit tight for the last 60 years when it come to foreign policy, military operations and all that. And it shows.
We have sadly a very short memory when it comes to those things though. I mean who would have ever thought, that the people the US has been best buddies with as long it was about fighting the Soviets, would eventually attack them in the future, right? Since when have religious fanatics ever been known for doing something irrational!. And all because they take it as affront that US/coalition troops are permanently deployed in places which are considered sacred by some muslims.
Again, this is important, I am not saying that a nation should fall in to some kind of apathy. However, when it comes to something as delicate like foreign policy and terrorism, one has to ask questions. Like, is what we do even efficient? Are we improving the situation for the future? How can we avoid terrorism before it even starts. Bombing the shit out of Afghanistan or Iraq, was if anything, just short term solutions to a much larger and highly complex issue. I don't have a solution, and I would say probably no one has, not one that could be applied tomorrow and everyone will be happy. But I feel that all those conflicts we saw since the 1990s, have just made matters worse, and actually started a lot of this terrorism, we see today.