Who do you mean with
they? I am pretty sure that most people in Baghdad and Iraq understood very well who and what Saddam was, but that's not the point. Don't understimate the pride people have in their nation, and what it means when foreign forces - from their point of view - strike at them with pretty much no way of defence. They usually don't forget drone strikes, military actions and anything else that's violating sovereignty. And why should they. Which self respected nation would? There can be no question that the allies also freed Germany in 1945, who experienced the terror of Gestapo, SS and the Nazis as well at that point. But even with knowing this, the German population saw the Allied troops as occupants.
If I consider all of the actions from the last 30 years, and all those killing of which most happend in the middle east. I think future generations will have a hell lot of issues from all of this. People can hold grudges for generations. We don't get most of it here, as it's simply not interesting, but I can't even imagine what it must mean for all the people in said nations. Iraq, Syriah, Lybia, Iran etc. And no one knows how things will be in 50 or 100 years from now. Who will have the most power then? What if there is a civil war the US in 2090, while the middle east started to unite as a coalition? They might be a new power house. And people will remember who killed their grandfathers with drone strikes ... and eventually treat Europe and the US in the same fashion, as we treat them now.
I mean for fucks sake, even today some people still hold a grudge on the Germans for WW2.
war is defined as:a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.
Given that the Iraq war and Afghanistan were were states of armed conflict between different countries, it was a war.
Nice play of semantics dude, don't be so damn obtuse. You damn well know what I was talking about.
A cynical might call those killings in Iraq a war, sure. But for fucks sake, more US soldiers got killed by friendly fire then from Saddams troops.
If anything, it was a punitive action. And a spectable for the American military to flex their muscles.
It was necessary.
Around 135,000 people died in the bombing if American troops invaded Japan then 500,000 to a million could have died.
That's what I always thought as well, but I tend to believe now that it was more because of the Russians and it could be seen as the herald of the cold war.