Bethesda 2016 E3 showcase

In case you can't be bothered to watch the stream: Quake Champions, 2 new workshop DLCs for Fallout (Contraptions workshop and Vault-Tec workshop), one real DLC for Fallout (Nuka World), Skyrim Remastered and, a Prey reboot have all been announced thus far.
Ha, they announced Nuka World as a Nuka-cola theme park, I guess they're really trying to nail the whole theme park world with no consequence thing.
EDIT I'm quite disappointed in the DLC offering for Fallout 4. Fallout 3 and New Vegas both had 4 large story DLCs as well as some optional fluff, is this the new Bethesda? 2 actual DLCs and 4 joke ones? I'd be supremely pissed if I got the season pass, especially if you didn't like the *literally* useless settlement building.
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We are bringing Skyrim with some mods for the PS4, 60 dollars, please.
Build your own Vault doesn't make much sense but it seems more interesting than Settlement building, still won't buy any of the DLC tho. Specially that Amusement Park one.... now they are just making fun of Fallout fans.

Dishonored 2 looks sweet tho.
Looks like the conference is over and boy was it rather average.

In case you can't be bothered to watch the stream: Quake Champions, 2 new workshop DLCs for Fallout (Contraptions workshop and Vault-Tec workshop), one real DLC for Fallout (Nuka World), Skyrim Remastered and, a Prey reboot have all been announced thus far.
Ha, they announced Nuka World as a Nuka-cola theme park, I guess they're really trying to nail the whole theme park world with no consequence thing.
There was also some Dishonored 2 (seems Stephen Russell will be channeling Garrett from Thief) by Arkane that seems promising but Beth's Fallout content was horrid.

Seems that any player character in the post-apocalyptic world can build their very own Vault, why didn't anyone let the Vault Dweller know about this? And NUKA WORLD?! :yuck:
There was also some Dishonored 2 (seems Stephen Russell will be channeling Garrett from Thief) by Arkane that seems promising but Beth's Fallout content was horrid.
I just wrote the stuff that was announced, Dishonored 2 (and Stephen Russel's Garrett) have been known for a while. I'm excited for more or less everything that isn't made by BGS, though Prey looks like it might just be a Dishonored clone.
Skyrim with a voiced protagonist and dialogue wheel. It just works!

Prestonus Garvius can be the Redguard that gives you fetch quests while Mama Murphy does skooma and tells you your future - that you are going to do a bunch of looting fetch quests and collect garbage.

Is this their way of getting Skyrim mods on the consoles? Or did they just sit down and go "Yea our writers are bad so let's just do Skyrim again." Skyrim came out in 2011. It's not even old.
So they really are making Skyrim Remastered? HAHAHAHA Bethesda's literally digging their own grave right in front of us! Oh man, they really haven't learned anything from FO4!
Skyrim remastered makes sense if when consider all those console owners who are going to shell out another $60 so they can play a modded Skyrim, the Zeniimax marketing team is on point. I can almost guarantee the next TES will be announced E3 2017 making them millions on Skyrim before the base moves to TES VI.
I just wrote the stuff that was announced, Dishonored 2 (and Stephen Russel's Garrett) have been known for a while. I'm excited for more or less everything that isn't made by BGS, though Prey looks like it might just be a Dishonored clone.
I see. Well, this was the first time I've heard Stephen Russell's Corvo speak and seen actual gameplay so that's why I brought up Dishonored 2. And yeah, seems that id and Arkane were the only decent things about Bethesda's showcase.

But the Bethesdrones never change. I'm even being attacked in a comment section, all because I commented that Fallout's content from Bethesda seems sub-par and lore-breaking.
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Wow. Automatron, Wasteland Workshop, Far Harbor, Contraptions, Vault-Tec and Nuka World are all the DLC Fallout 4 will have. I would have been disappointed with that if I bought the season pass at the original price, let alone the increased price.
But now you will have a full Theme Park! Imagine all the fun you can have shooting enemies while riding a boat on the Love Tunnel <3
The Mouse Trap DLC, The Vault DLC, and the Nuka World DLC. I literally started laughing my ass off as soon as I saw that mouse trap shit. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, absolute trash.

I do like that they're allowing people to try the first Doom level or whatever though. I might have to check that out.
Just finished sitting through a muted stream, as far as I could take it anyways.

Short form, Fallout DLCs only:

Contraptions - F-ing useless without substance to necessitate it. Essentially Minecraft Pack #2.

BYOV - ...Really? So, the things we always knew that cost millions, likely billions, of dollars, and millions of man hours to create can now be created within the space of a few days, by one person. And then you can act as an extension of the Enclave by playing around with the people you sucker into coming to that Vault. What an insult to the IP.

Nuka World - A themepark turned trading post. If any part of this deals with the Crimson Caravan, Gun Runners, or anything that was born from the West Coast, it'll fuck it over. $20 says no new factions either.
So basically, what I got from the Fallout crap is the Settlement DLC that's useless, it's basically giving out gimmicks that will die out in the humor in just several minutes because of the demand of resources (which then makes the player go junk collecting yet again), A Vault Tec mod that basically puts Fallout Shelter into Fallout 4, but that just makes things boring, honestly. There's no progress to it. Nukaworld looks like a simple HUB like Diamond City, nothing new there, but my guess is that's where most of the meat in this shit is at.

The only one that seemed to actually be interesting hilariously is the Fallout Shelter app, which now actually lets you fucking do something instead of management of a vault, which got boring pretty fucking fast and killed the game in terms of numbers of people playing it, which is why Todd basically was stating the whole "Millions downloaded the app, therefore gud!" bullshit. The combat thing is meh, it should've been a turn-based thing going on like Fallout 1-2.