Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I think the problem is that he is a review critic. If you are a review critic you're not supposed to be giving a game like Fallout 4 a 9.5/10 at launch in that disgusting messy dumbed down state while simultaneously giving a game like Witcher 3 8.5/10. I know it's just his personal opinion, but by any standard Fallout 4 was never a 9.5/10 on release. Even TotalBiscuit complained about this. He essentially couldn't believe all the 9's and 10s Fallout 4 was getting given how dumbed down the dialogue and role-playing was or how buggy it was.He's not exactly known for a lack of bias. He once reviewed a game his friend and former associate made and he held it up to more quality than it actually was (I thought it seemed okay, but I've never had high standards). He is the kind that will later admit he is wrong though. That's sort of my point.
Ask me about three years ago, I would've given Fallout 3 an 11/10. If someone strolled into NMA and said Fallout 4 was a perfect RPG, then one month down the line admitted it wasn't, everyone here shouldn't just be saying "finally, you stopped being an idiot, what do you expect, fucking applause?", but that's exactly what I expect most everyone to say.
I've personally decided to just start liking Fallout 4 for what it is and enjoy it. And it's actually not a bad game now that they've fixed a lot of the bugs (it was definitely a BAD game before that), and despite being a terrible role-playing game and kind of an abandonment of what Fallout is really about. But a 9.5/10 it is not, especially not in the state it was in at release.
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