First time out of the vault

I havent beaten it, Im not even very far in but I have beem playing with no hud or radar or highlights..and I have been enjoying it.
Some bugs so far for me but nothing too earth shattering..havent really gotten too far into the story so cant speak for that yet. Game looks nice, wouldnt call it a COD clone even without the yellow filter. It still has its own atmosphere, its own thing going on.
Enviroment design is...alright but...overly simple? Overly Deus Ex.... IDK maybe I just have the nostalga glasses on but I feel DE1 and even Invisible war had better designed ways to attack missions..here it just seems either front door or vents..vents...EVERYWHERE. No back door or roof access yet..no swimming or any off the cuff ways ti attack missions...just vents for stealth and doors for rambo, some balconies but more for flavor missions or loot or access codes.
Granted I havent played the first two in over 10 years so I could be wrong there.
Voice acting is...bad..so far. No high hopes for it. Shooting is nice, setting up traps if you are going for a kill run is still fun..as is the stun gun for no kill runs.
All in all..so farvI would say it was worth my dough. Its not earth shattering, just as how I didnt find HR amazing. Good, but not RPG of the year good. I find MD pretty much the same.
If you are a sucker for that world like I am, and got the spare cash its a decent enough game.
Some bugs so far for me but nothing too earth shattering..havent really gotten too far into the story so cant speak for that yet. Game looks nice, wouldnt call it a COD clone even without the yellow filter. It still has its own atmosphere, its own thing going on.
Enviroment design is...alright but...overly simple? Overly Deus Ex.... IDK maybe I just have the nostalga glasses on but I feel DE1 and even Invisible war had better designed ways to attack missions..here it just seems either front door or vents..vents...EVERYWHERE. No back door or roof access yet..no swimming or any off the cuff ways ti attack missions...just vents for stealth and doors for rambo, some balconies but more for flavor missions or loot or access codes.
Granted I havent played the first two in over 10 years so I could be wrong there.
Voice acting is...bad..so far. No high hopes for it. Shooting is nice, setting up traps if you are going for a kill run is still fun..as is the stun gun for no kill runs.
All in all..so farvI would say it was worth my dough. Its not earth shattering, just as how I didnt find HR amazing. Good, but not RPG of the year good. I find MD pretty much the same.
If you are a sucker for that world like I am, and got the spare cash its a decent enough game.