Remember the days when you could go out and rent a videogame for like $5 and play the whole thing and return it a few days or a week later?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
I am afraid those days are long in the past. The games industry always has been about money but it got worse since the same types you see in Hollywood and other big business who don't care about the product or service got to run the show.
There is probably going to be a time in which I completely stay away from AAA games as they have become to much focused on squeezing as much money as possible out of gamers. (pay now and you get a 50% discount on this weapons pack we are offering)
BTW what kind of technical problems are people having with this game? I already mentioned here in the forum about the bugs and issues I had during that ingame intro sequence. I am starting to hear about issues on the Steam forum that are very close to some of the issues you find in Bethesda's games like people falling through floors, walking through walls, or stuff floating in the air.