I still held on to the idea that at least some AAA titles are still meant for gamers like me but I am starting to realize that I am pretty much deluding myself.
I already no longer pre order game after learning the mistakes that can come with that, but now I do not even fervently watch games any more like I once used to do. (you did not want to be around me during the time Fallout New Vegas or each DLC was announced, I searched the internet for any new detail or screenshot that I could find, and I just kept talking about how much I wanted to play Dead Money for example)
The only game I currently want to have is Metroid Prime Federation Force, but only because I am a Metroid fan as I understand that that title is enjoyable at best but not the same as a real Metroid game.
I think I am going to open a thread at the end of the year in which we can all discuss our expectations of gaming releases and how they eventually turned out. I would like to find out how many enjoyed the games they waited for, were pleasantly surprised by titles they had previously ignored, and how disappointed they were about some titles they had put a lot of interest prior to their release.