IS Fallout New Vegas better than 4?

I'd be interested in reading an article or essay arguing that F4 is better than NV, or watching a properly-scripted video where someone makes their case; but I'm not going to watch a 26-minute video of some guy awkwardly talking off the cuff about it. It's boring presentation.
"Worst game out of the three".
"The first two doesn't count".

Aaaaand there's where I'm going to stop watching. Fuck that guy. Someone who can bear to listen to a pink potato for 26 minutes; kindly provide a summary of the inane shit he spews.
Contradiction for 26 minutes

"3 was better but I don't remember it."

"Bethesda made 3 better"

"Fallout 3, 4 better than the Elder Scrolls"

"ES Boring, NV is worse"

"Obsidion doesn't have the ground work to make a fallout game."

"NV is small"

"3 Felt like Oblivion"

"Fallout 4 Way more detailed, quests were impact-full"

"overwhelmed by quests in NV"

"Last quest I did was in FO3, the tree."

"Oblivion takes... What's the word I'm lookin' for. A nominee, (laughs) Anominated"

"NV is a glorified DLC"
We are entitled to like it

"If you play a Fallout game, it should be for what you do the most, the game-play. The loots, the shooting, the lore."

Fallout 4 tells the story "In a very well done way."

"Most stories are not original, it's 2016"

"It's 2016, get over yourself."

"Fallout 3's story was better than Skyrims"

"Skyrim is my favorite Elder Scrolls game."

"Elder Scrolls fans don't realize, quantity over quality."

"I like anything that gives me a challenge."

"Fallout has always been a good game, Fallout 4 just takes that formula and ups it.

"Because Fallout 4 has more depth it's better."

"Mostly desert, in a desert."

"In Fallout 4 there was just so many times I didn't want to do quests."

"The fundamental flaw in Fallout 4 is the over-abundance of quests"

"9/10 too many quests. Fallout 4"

"Fallout New Vegas 8/10"

"Fallout New Vegas is just so fun to play and fun to explore."

"Fallout New Vegas is a good game to just chill and explore, it's so good."

"Fallout 4 and Skyrim are the best made games"

"You might not like the story, or the quests, or the world, but to me, that is the best designed game." Talking about 2 games.

"Didn't finish Oblivion."

"Didn't finish Morrowind, want better graphics."

"Loved Morrowind."

"Don't like Cyrodiil"

"Went to Oblivion and it was awesome."

"Skyrim is their most impressive game."

"Oblivion was amazing."

"Skyrim is dull, that's why I don't like fantasy based stuff"

When you go into New Vegas, "Just know it's not the best for everybody."

"Don't call Fallout 4 a shooter because it's not true."

"Fallout is not adventure."

"RPG, It don't matter if it's all based on your mind." Makes sign language for insane.

"There is no official definition of what an RPG is."

"Fallout and Fallout 2 are glorified Tetris games."
I think I understand what he means when he says that the first two games don't count. But it really shows how shitty the Fallout adoption by Bethesd is and what they made of the game, when some people feel that Fallout 1 and 2 are TOTALLY different games compared to Fallout 3, or if you want 4 and New Vegas ...
The originals are spin offs? This guy has to be trolling...

The guy's brain seems to be working extra hard for him to be able to basically spew 2 minutes of nonsense vague terms that continuosly repeat each other.... Dude has the right to like Fo4 over New Vegas, but he should probably not make videos after drinking anti freeze...
>over 26 mother-cunting-minutes long
Even his fucking video length is fat as fuck.
There are people I actually like who I wouldn't waste almost half an hour watching, let alone Jabba the Glut over here.
Contradiction for 26 minutes
Even there I managed to make it through a third of your list before I decided to call it quits.
This is worse than a Bethesda fanboy.

Jim Sterling is that you?
No no no, Jim Sterling is a bloated troglodyte.
He's also Sonic, in a relationship with Sonic, and the father of Sonic.

"Worst game out of the three".
"The first two doesn't count".

Aaaaand there's where I'm going to stop watching. Fuck that guy. Someone who can bear to listen to a pink potato for 26 minutes; kindly provide a summary of the inane shit he spews.
I dont have the patience to watch the entire video but here are a few excellent points brought up:
"Fallout 4 has a better story because of the plot twists"
"If you like New Vegas more thats fine but know that you dont understand Fallout as much as I do"
.... or something along those lines

EDIT: pic attached: found the exact quote


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