First time out of the vault

only theme failout 3 have is pop
I honestly can't tell if you are autist with taste of a teenager or genius troll. When I saw your fallout 3 review for are first time I thought you were trolling but then I saw you arguing with people and I saw your blog and I was like "Wait!! is this guy for real??"
Either way you are one of a kind.
btw, that is your favorite tv show?
So what are everyone's favorite and least favorite elements of Fallout 3?
* The intro in Vault 101
* Seeing the Wasteland for the first time
* Moira Brown
* John Henry's broadcasts
* Tranquility Lane
* The Ant-Agonizer and Mechanist
* The Republic of Dave
* The terror of the DC Underground
* Wiping out Paradise Falls
* The Music
* Sarah Lyons
* The assault on Adams Air Force Base
* Liberty Prime and his death
* The Homefront mission
Least Favorite
* Little Lamplight
* The weakass original ending
* Colonel Autumn's accent
* Stupid Super Mutants
I honestly can't tell if you are autist with taste of a teenager or genius troll. When I saw your fallout 3 review for are first time I thought you were trolling but then I saw you arguing with people and I saw your blog and I was like "Wait!! is this guy for real??"
Either way you are one of a kind.
btw, that is your favorite tv show?